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Thomas, à Kempis, 1380-1471
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Thomas, à Kempis, 1379/80-1471
Tomáš Kempenský, 1379-1471
Фома Кемпийский 1380-1471
Thomas a Kempis Nederlands theoloog (1380-1471)
Kempis, Thomas à (Netherlandish writer, 1379/1380-1471)
Thomas 1380-1471 a Kempis
كمبيسي، توما، 1380-1471
Haemmerlein, Thomas, 1380-1471
Thomas à Kempis (1379-1471)
Malleolus, Thomas, 1380-1471
توما، الكمبيسى، 1380-1471
Фома Кемпийский, ок.1379-1471
Thomas, à Kempis
Thomas von Kempen 1379-1471
Kempis, Thomas à, 1380-1471
Tomás de Kempis, ca. 1380-1471, C.R.S.A.
Tomàs, de Kempis, ca. 1380-1471
Thomas, à Kempis, 1380-1471
תומאס, א-קמפיס, 1380-1471
Thomas a Kempis, ca 1380-1471
Thomas a Kempis 1380-1471
Thomas à Kempis, 1380-1471
Thomas : a Kempis
Thomas à Kempis 1380-1471
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A boke newely translated out of Laten in to Englysshe, called the folowynge of Cryste
Christians solemn vow in baptism
De Christo imitando
De imitando Christo, Om Christi Effterfølgelse, oc huorledis wi skulle forsage all Verdens forfengelighed, , oversat af Jonas Jacobsen Venusinus
De imitatione Christi libri quatuor Th. à Kempis recensiti ad fidem autographi anni M.CCCC.XLI cum Vita ejusdem Thomæ, per Heribertvm Rosweydvm
Dilyniad Christ
Dit is een scoen boexken gedeelt in drie deelen ende is gheheten (Qui sequitur me) nu nieuwe gheprint .
Early Tudor translators
Fiori e gemme nell'imitazione di Cristo
Follouuing of Christ
Here after foloweth the fourth boke, of the folowyng of Chryste
Imitatio Christi Qui sequitur me non ambulat in tenebris dicit dominus die mij volghet en wandert niet in duysternissen seyt die heer door
Meditations and prayers of the life, passion, resurrection and ascension of our Saviovr Iesus Christ. Written in Latine by Thomas of Kempis canon regular of the order of S. Augustine, true authour of The following of Christ. And Englished by Thomas Carre confessour to the canonesses regular of S. Augustins order of N. Dame de Sion
Of the following of Christ
Of the imitation of Christ
Opuscula aurea, vereque lucidissima, venerabilis Thomæ de Kempis, canonici regularis. In quibus suauissimi flores, vberrimique virtutum fructus, ad cœnobiticam praesertim vitam mirum in modum conducentes, cumulatissimè excipiuntur. Quibus D. Vincentij Prædicatorum ordinis, De spirituali vita pientissimum opus nuper accessit
Orticello delle rose
Sermones, epistolae et devoti tractatus Thomas a Kempis
Soliloquium animae
Soliloquium animae Thomas a Kempis
Soliloquium animæ
Soliloquium animæ
Soliloquium animæ, the sole-talk of the soule, or, A spirituall and heavenly dialogue betwixt the soule of man, and God
Soliloquium animæ, the sole-talke of the soule, or, A spirituall and heauenlie dialogue betwixt the soule of man and God
Soliloquium animæ, the sole-talke of the soule, or, A spirituall and heauenly dialogue betwixt the soule of man, and God
Soliloquium animæ, the sole-talke of the soule, or, spirituall and heauenly dialogue betwixt the soule of man and God
Th. a Kempis ... De imitatione Christi libri quatuor. Recensiti ad fidem autographi anni MCCCCXLI, cum Vita ejusdem Thomae, per Heribertum Rosweydum
The Chirstians pattern, or A divine treatise of the imitation of Christ
The Christian pattern paraphras'd, or, The book of the Imitation of Christ
The Christian pattern paraphras'd, or, The book of the Imitation of Christ
The Christian's pattern, or, A treatise of the imitation of Jesus Christ
The Christians pattern, or, A divine treatise of the imitation of Christ
The Christians pattern, or, The imitation of Christ
The Christians solemn vow in baptism
The followinc of Christ
The following of Christ
The following of Christ
The imitation of Christ
The imitation of Christ
The imitation or following of Christ, and the contemning of worldly vanities
Thomae a Kempis De imitatione Christi libri 4
Thomas à Kempis navolginge Christi ... voormaels vertaelt, en doorgaens met verssen verciert by de heer Cornelis Boey
Thomas of Kempis canon regular of S. Augustines Order his Sermons of the incarnation and passion of Christ
Thomas of Kempis his Soliloquies
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