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Boyle, Robert <1627-1691>
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Boyle, Robert <1627-1691>
Boyle, Robertus, 1627-1691
Boyle, Robert
Boyle, Robert, natuur- en scheikundige, 1627-1691
Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691
Robert Boyle English natural philosopher, chemist, physicist, and inventor
بويل، روبرت، 1627-1691
Boyle Robert 1627-1691
BOYLE, Robert 1627-1691
BOYLE, Robert
Boyle, Robert
Boyle Robert
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A brief account of Mr. Valentine Greatraks, and divers of the strange cures by him lately performed
A catalogue of the philosophical books and tracts
A confutation of atheism from the origin and frame of the world
A confutation of atheism from the structure and origin of human bodies
A continuation of new experiments physico-mechanical, touching the spring and weight of the air and their effects
A defence of the doctrine touching the spring and weight of the air
A defence of the doctrine touching the spring and weight of the air
A disquisition about the final causes of natural things
A free discourse against customary swearing ; and, A dissuasive from cursing
A free enquiry into the vulgarly receiv'd notion of nature
Additions au traité de l'eau de mer douce
Addrodiad cywir, o'r pethau pennaf, ar a wnaeth, ac a ddwedodd yspryd aflan, ym Mascon yn Burgundy
Advertisements about the experiments and notes relating to chymical qualities
An advertisement of Mr. Boyle, about the loss of many of his writings
An essay of the great effects of even languid and unheeded motion
An experimental discourse
An experimental discourse of some unheeded causes of the insalubrity and salubrity of the air
Animadversions upon Mr. Hobbes's Problemata de vacuo
Apparatus ad historiam naturalem sanguinis humani
Aqua salsa dulcoratas, sive, Accurata novi hujus arteficii quatenus tum maris tum portuum incolis, utilis descriptio
Boyle on atheism
Canwyll y Cymru, sef, gwaith Mr. Rees Prichard, gynt ficcer Llanddyfri
Certain physiological essays
Certain physiological essays and other tracts
Chimico scettico
Chimico scettico Il complesso itinerario dall'alchimia alla chimica moderna. Introduzione, traduzione e cura di Mariange la Chiapparelli Sbrani
Chymista scepticus vel dubia et paradoxa chymico-physica, circa spagyricorum principia, vulg? dicta hypostatica, prout proponi & propugnarisolent a turba alchymistarum. Cui pars praemittitur alterius cujusdam dissertationis ad idem argumentum spectans. A Roberto Boyle, nobili Anglo
Chymista scepticus, vel, Dubia et paradoxa chymico-physica circa spagyricorum principia
Cogitationes de S. Scripturae stylo: ab honoratissimo Roberto Boyle
Curiosities in chymistry
De amore seraphico seu De quibusdam ad Dei amorem stimulis Roberti Boyle ... epistola ad amicum conscripta
De hypothesis mechanicæ excellentia et fundamentis considerationes
De ipsa natura, sive, Libera in receptam naturæ notionem disquisitio ad amicum
De specificorum remediorum cvm corpvscvlari philosophia concordia
Debita deo ab humano intellectu summa veneratio ob sapientiam præsertim ac potentiam
Defensio doctrinae de elatere et gravitate aeris, propositae Dno Rob. Boyle, in novis ipsius physico-mechanicis experimentis adversus obiectiones Francisci Lini
Defensio doctrinæ de elatere & gravitate aëris, propositæ à Dno Rob. Boyle, in novis ipsius physico-mechanicis experimentis, adversus objectiones Francisci Lini. Vbi etiam objectoris funicularis hypothesis examinatur, eaque occasione nova quædam experimenta adduntur ab autore supra dictorum experimentorum
Discourse of things above reason
Essay about the origine & virtues of gems
Essays of the strange subtilty great efficacy determinate nature of effluviums
Essays of the strange subtilty, determinate nature, great efficacy of effluviums
Exercitatio de origine & viribus gemmarum
Exercitationes de atmosphæris corporum consistentium
Experimenta & observationes physicæ
Experimenta et considerationes de coloribus
Experimenta et notæ circa producibilitatem chymicorum principiorum quae sunt totidem partes appendicis ad scepticum chymicum authore honoratissimo Roberto Boyle nobili Anglo, Societatis Regiæ socio
Experimenta nova atque observata in glacialem noctilucam facta
Experimenta, observationes &c. circa mechanicum variarum particularium qualitatum originem sive productionem
Experimental notes of the mechanical origine or production of fixtness
Experimentorum novorum physico-mechanicorum continuatio secunda
Experiments and Considerations Touching Colours
Experiments and considerations about the porosity of bodies
Experiments and notes about the mechanical origine and production of volatility
Experiments and notes about the mechanical origine or production of corrosiveness and corrosibility
Experiments and notes about the mechanical origine or production of electricity
Experiments and notes about the mechanical production of magnetism
Experiments and notes about the prodvcibleness of chymicall principles
Experiments and observations about the mechanical production of odours
Experiments and observations about the mechanical production of tasts
Experiments, notes, &c. about the mechanical origine or production of divers particular qualities
Farther additions to a small treatise called Salt-water sweetned
Farther additions to a small treatise called Salt-water sweetned
General heads for the natural history of a country great or small
Good and solid reasons why a Protestant should not turn papist, or, Protestant prejudices against the Roman Catholick religion
Hasser de agua salada dulce
Hydrostatical paradoxes
Laws of Gases: Memoirs
Medicina hydrostatica, or, Hydrostaticks applyed to the materia medica
Medicinal experiments, or, A collection of choice and safe remedies for the most part simple and easily prepared
Medicinal experiments, or, A collection of choice remedies for the most part simple, and easily prepared
Medicinal experiments: or, A collection of choice and safe remedies
Medicinal experiments: or, A collection of choice remedies
Memoirs for the natural history of humane blood
Metaphor in Hopkins
New experiments and observations touching cold, or, An experimental history of cold, begun
New experiments physico-mechanical touching the spring of the air and its effects
New experiments physico-mechanical, touching the air
New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air, and its effects
New experiments, and observations, made upon the icy noctiluca
Noctiluca aeria, sive, Nova quædam phænomena in substantiæ factitæ sive artificialis, sponte lucidæ, productione, observata
Notæ, etc. de atmo-sphæris corporum consistentium
Nova experimenta physico-mechanica
Nova experimenta physico-mechanica de vi aeris elastica
Nova experimenta physico-mechanica de vi aëris elastica et ejusdem effectibus. Accessit Defensio adversus objectiones Franc. Lini. Auth. Roberto Boyle, Armig
Occasional reflections upon several subiects, whereto is premis'd a discourse about such kind of thoughts
Occasional reflections upon several subjects
Of a degradation of gold
Of the cause of attraction by suction
Of the high veneration man's intellect owes to God, peculiarly for his wisedom and power
Of the imperfection of the chymist's doctrine of qualities
Of the mechanical causes of chymical precipitation
Of the mechanical origine of heat and cold
Of the reconcileableness of specifick medicines to the corpuscular philosophy
Opera varia, quorum posthac exstat catalogus. Cum indicibus necessariis & multis figuris aeneis
Opere di Robert Boyle
Origo formarum et qualitatum
Paradoxa hydrostatica
Paradoxa hydrostatica nouis experimentis (maximam partem physicis ac facilibus) evicta. Authore nobilissimo Roberto Boyle e societate Regia. Nuper ex Anglico sermone in Latinum versa
Reasons why a Protestant should not turn papist, or, Protestant prejudices against the Roman Catholick religion
Reflections upon the hypothesis of alcali and acidum
Roberti Boyle nobilis Angli, Cogitationes de S. Scripturæ stylo
Roberti Boyle, nobilissimi Angli, et Societatis regiae dignissimi socii, Opera omnia, nunc primùm in unum corpus redacta, ac tres in tomos distributa: accuratè recognita, & à mendis repurgata: quorum catalogum versa pagina exhibet. Cum indicibus necessariis, multisque figuris aeneis
Salt-water sweetened, or, A true account of the great advantages of this new invention both by sea and by land
Salt-water sweetned; or, A true account of the great advantages of this new invention both by sea & land
Salt-water sweetned; or, a true account of the great advantages of this new invention both by sea and by land
Sceptical chimyst
Sceptical chymist
Short memoirs for the natural experimental history of mineral waters
Some considerations about the reconcileableness of reason and religion
Some considerations touching the style of the H. Scriptures
Some considerations touching the style of the Holy Scriptures
Some considerations touching the usefulnesse of experimental naturall philosophy
Some considerations touching the vsefulnesse of experimental naturall philosophy
Some considerations touching the vsefvlnesse of experimental natural philosophy
Some letters
Some letters containing an account of what seemed most remarkable in travelling through Switzerland, Italy, some parts of Germany, &c., in the years 1685 and 1686
Some letters containing, an account of what seemed most remarkable in Switzerland, Itay, &c
Some motives and incentives to the love of God
Some observations made upon the Russia seed
Some observations made upon the herb cassiny imported from Carolina
Some physico-theological considerations about the possibility of the resurrection
Some receipts of medicines
Specimen unum atque alterum e quibus constet, quantoperè experimenta chymica philosophiæ corpuscularis illustrationi inservient
Summa veneratio Deo ab humano intellectu debita, ob sapientiam praesertim ac potentiam. Authore Roberto Boyle
Tentamen porologicum, sive, Ad porositatem corporum tum solidorum, detegendam
Tentamina quaedam physiologica diversis temporibus & occasionibus conscripta a Roberto Boyle, ... cum ejusdem Historia fluiditatis et firmitatis, ex Anglico in Latinum sermonem translata
Tentamina quaedam physiologica diversis temporibus & occasionibus conscripta à Roberto Boyle ..., cum ejusdem Historia fluiditatis et firmitatis ex anglico in latinum sermonen translata
Tentamina quædam physiologica
Tentamina quædam physiologica diversis temporibus & occasionibus conscripta
Tentamina quædam physiologica diversis temporibus & occasionibus conscripta à Roberto Boyle nobili Anglo, cum ejusdem historia fluiditatis et firmitatis. Ex Anglico in Latinum sermonem translata
The Christian virtuoso
The Christian virtuoso shewing that by being addicted to experimental philosophy, a man is rather assisted than indisposed to be a good Christian | by T.H.R.B., Fellow of the Royal Society ; to which are subjoyn'd, I. a discourse about the distinction th
The aerial noctiluca, or, Some new phœnomena, and a process of a factitious self-shining substance
The ceptical chymist, or, Chymico-physical doubts & paradoxes
The certainty of divine revelation
The characters of divine revelation
The divine authority of the scriptures
The excellency of the Christian revelation, as it removes the guilty fears of sinners, and their ignorance of God
The excellency of the Christian revelation, as it teaches us to know our selves, and our duty
The excellency of theology compar'd with natural philosophy
The general history of the air
The lively oracles given to us, or, The Christians birth-right and duty, in the custody and use of the Holy Scripture
The martyrdom of Theodora and of Didymus
The origine of formes and qualities
The origine of formes and qualities, (according to the corpuscular philosophy) illustrated by considerations and experiments
The possibility, expediency, and necessity of divine revelation
The reconcileableness of God's prescience of the sins of men
The sceptical chymist, or, Chymico-physical doubts & paradoxes
The supplement to a small treatise called Salt-water sweetned
The works of the Honourable Robert Boyle, Esq. epitomiz'd
The works of the Honourable Robert Boyle, Esq., epitomiz'd
Three tracts
Tiomna Nuadh ar dTighearna agus ar Slanuigheora Iósa Criosd
Tractatus de qualitatibus rerum cosmicis
Tractatus scripti à Roberto Boyle nobili Anglo, è Societate Regiâ. Ubi 1. Mira aeris (etiam citra calorem) rarefactio detecta
Tractatus. In quibus continentur, I. Suspiciones de latentibus quibusdam qualitatibus aeris
Tracts consisting of observations about the saltness of the sea
Tracts written by the Honourable Robert Boyle
Tracts: containing I. Suspicions about some hidden qualities of the air