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Greene, Robert
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Greene, Robert <1558?-1592>
Greene, Robert
Грин, Р. англ. писатель 1558-1592 Роберт
Robert Greene English author
Greene, Robert, c. 1558-1592
Greene, Robert, asi 1558-1592
Green, Robert
Greene, Robert, 1558?-1592
Greene Robert 1558?-1592
GREENE, Robert
Greene, Robert <1558-1592>
Greene Robert
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A disputation, betweene a hee conny-catcher, and a shee conny-catcher
A maidens dreame
A most pleasant comedie of Mucedorus the kings sonne of Valencia, and Amadine the kings daughter of Aragon
A most pleasant comedy of Mucedorus the kings son of Valentia, and Amadine the kings daughter of Aragon
A most pleasant comedy of Mucedorus the kings sonne of Valentia, and Amadine the kings daughter of Aragon
A notable discouery of coosenage
A notable discouery of coosnage
A quip for an vpstart courtier: or, A quaint dispute betvveen veluet breeches and cloth-breeches
A quip for an vpstart courtier: or, A quaint dispute betvveen veluet breeches and clothbreeches
A quip for an vpstart courtier: or, A quaint dispute betweene veluet breeches and cloth breeches
A quip for an vpstart courtier: or, A quaint dispute betweene velvet-breeches and cloth-breeches
An Elegant and Learned Discourse of the Light of Nature
An Oration or funerall sermon vttered at Roome, at the buriall of the holy Father Gregorie the 13. who departed in Iesus Christ the 11. of Aprill, 1585
Aphorisms of Orazio Rinaldi, Robert Greene and Lucas Gracian Dantisco
Ciceronis amor. = Tullies loue
Dramatic and Poetical Works of Robert Greene & George Peele: With Memoirs of the Authors and ..
Due romanzi
Euphues his censure to Philautus
Euphues shadow, the battaile of the sences
Flora's fortune
Fortunes tennis-ball, or, The most excellent history of Dorastus and Fawnia
Fortunes tennis-ball, or, The most excellent history of Dorastus and Fawnia
Friar Bacon and Fiar Bungay
Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay
Greene in conceipt
Greenes Arcadia, or Menaphon: Camillaes alarum to slumber Euphues in his melancholy cell at Silexedra
Greenes Carde of fancie
Greenes Orpharion
Greenes farevvell to follie
Greenes farewell to folly
Greenes ghost haunting conie-catchers
Greenes ghost haunting cony-catchers
Greenes groatsvvor of witte: bought with a million of repentance
Greenes groatsworth of wit, bought with a million of repentance
Greenes mourning garment
Greenes neuer too late
Greenes neuer too late. Or, A powder of experience: sent to all youthfull gentlemen
Greenes newes both from heauen and hell
Greenes vision
Greenes, groats-vvorth of witte, bought with a million of repentance
Greens Arcadia, or, The triumph of love and honour over the tyranny of lust and insulting fortune
Greens groatsvvorth of vvit, bought vvith a million of repentance
Greens groatsvvorth of vvitte: bought with a million of repentance
Greens, groats-vvorth of vvit, bought with a million of repentaunce
John of Bordeaux, or The second part of Friar Bacon
Lady Alimony, or, The alimony lady
Menaphon: Camillaes alarum to slumbering Eupheus in his melancholy cell at Silexedra. Wherein are deciphered, the variable effects of fortune, the wonders of loue, the triumphs of inconstant time. Displaying in sundry conceited passions (figured in
Morando the tritameron of loue
Nieus uyt Engelandt oft Een vermaekelick proces tusschen Fluweele-broeck ende Laken-broeck. By Robert Greene. Translated from the English into Dutch
Pandosto, the triumph of time
Pans pipe
Penelopes vveb
Perimedes the blacke-smith
Planetomachia: or the first parte of the generall opposition of the seuen planets
Plays and poems
Plays and poems of Robert Green. 1.: Alphonsus ; A looking glass ; Orlando furioso ; Appendix to Orlando furioso
Plays and poems of Robert Green. 2.: Frier Bacon and frier Bongay ; James the fourth ; The pinner of Wakefield ; A maidens dreame ; Poems from the novels ; Appendix
Pyramus and Thisbe
Quip for an Upstart Courtier, Or A Quaint Dispute Between Velvet Breeches ..
Quip for an upstart courtier, 1592
Scottish history of James the Fourth
Shorter Novels
The Royal Exchange
The Scottish historie of Iames the fourth, slaine at Flodden
The Spanish masquerado
The blacke bookes messenger
The comicall historie of Alphonsus, King of Aragon
The defence of conny-catching or A confutation of those two iniurious pamphlets published by R.G. against the practitioners of many nimble-witted and mysticall sciences
The delightful history of Dorastus and Fawnia
The fissher-mans tale
The groundworke of conny-catching, the manner of their pedlers-French, and the meanes to vnderstand the same
The historie of Arbasto King of Denmarke
The historie of Orlando Furioso, one of the tvvelue peeres of France
The historie of Orlando Furioso, one of the twelue pieres of France
The history of Arbasto King of Denmarke
The history of Dorastus and Fawnia
The honorable historie of frier Bacon, and frier Bongay
The honorable history of Frier Bacon and Frier Bungay
The myrrour of modestie
The pleasant and delightful history of Dorastus, Prince of Sicily, and Fawnia, only daughter and heir to Pandosto, King of Bohemia .
The pleasant historie of Dorastus and Fawnia
The pleasant history of Dorastus and Favvnia
The pleasant history of Dorastus and Fawnia
The repentance of Robert Greene Maister of Artes. Wherein by himselfe is laid open his loose life, with the manner of his death
The second and last part of conny-catching
The second part of conny-catching
The third and last part of conny-catching
Theeues falling out, true-men come by their goods: or, The bel-man wanted a clapper
Theeues falling out, true-men come by their goods: or, The belman wanted a clapper
Theeves falling out, true men come by their goods: or, The belman wanted a clapper