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Villegas, Alonso de, 1534-ca. 1615
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Villegas Selvago, Alonso de, 1534-
Villegas, Alonso de, sac., 1534-1615
Villegas, Alonso de 1534-1615
Villegas Selvago, Alonso de, 1534-asi 1615
Villegas, Alonso de, 1534-ca. 1615
Villegas Selvago, Alonso : de, 1534-1615
Villegas Selvago, Alonso de (1534-ca 1615)
Villegas, Alonso de, b. 1534
Villegas, Alonso de, 1534-
Villegas Alonso de b. 1534
VILLEGAS SELVAGO, Alonso : de <1534-1615>
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An appendix of the saints lately canonized, and beatifyed by Paule the fift, and Gregorie the Fifteenth
Flos sanctorum
La vita di Giesu Christo ... Leggendario de' santi
The liues of saints. Written in Spanish by the learned and reuerend father, Alfonso Villegas, diuine, of the order of Saint Dominick. Translated out of Italian into English, and diligentlie compared with the Spanish. Whereunto are added the liues of sundrie other saints of the vniuersall church. Extracted out of F. Ribadeniera , Surius, and out of other approued authors
The liues of saints. Written in spanishe by the R.F. Alfonso Villegas Dominican & faithfully translated into Englishe wherunto are added the liues of sundrie other saints out of F. Ribadeneira. Surius and other approued authors: with the liues of S. Patrick S. Brigid and S. Columba patrons of Ireland
The liues of saints. Written in the Spanish by the R.F. Alfonso Villegas Dominickan. Translated out of Italian into English, and diligentlie compared with the Spanish. Whereunto are added the liues of sundrie other saints of the vniuersall church. Extracted out of F. Ribadeneira, Surius, and other approued authors
The liues of saints· Written in Spanish by the learned and reuerend father, Alfonso Villegas, diuine, of the Order of Saint Dominick. Translated out of Italian into English, and diligentlie compared with the Spanish. Whereunto are added the liues of sundry other saints of the vniuersall Church. Extracted out of F. Ribadeniera, Surius, and out of other approued authors
The lives of saints. Gathered out of the R. Father Alfonsus Villegas of the Order of S. Dominicke, Fa. Peter Ribadineyra, and other most authenticall authors. Whereunto are annexed the liues of many other particular, & famous saints of diuers nations