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Howell, James, 1594?-1666
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James Howell Anglo-Welsh historian and writer
Howell, James, ca.1594-1666
Howell, James, 1594?-1666
Howell, James
Howel, James, c. 1594-1666
Howell James
HOWELL, James 1594?-1666
HOWELL. James 1594?-1666
Howell, James
Howell James 1594?-1666
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A French and English dictionary
A French-English dictionary
A French-English dictionary
A German diet, or, The ballance of Europe
A Hermeticall banquet, drest by a spagiricall cook
A Venice looking-glasse, or, A letter vvritten very lately from London to Rome, by a Venetian clarissimo to Cardinal Barberino, protector of the English nation, touching these present distempers
A brief account of the royal matches or matrimonial alliances vvhich the kings of England have made from time to time since the year 800 to this present 1662
A brief admonition of some of the inconveniences of all the three most famous governments known to the world
A cordial for the cavaliers
A discours of Dunkirk, with some reflexes upon the late surrender therof, &c. and other additions
A discours of the empire
A discours of the empire, and of the election of a king of the Romans, the greatest business of Christendom now in agitation
A discourse of the empire of Germany and of the election and crowning the emperours and kings of the Romans, as also of the Colledge of Electors, their particular interests and concernments
A discourse, or parly, continued betwixt Partricius and Peregrine (upon their landing in France)
A fourth volume of familiar letters
A letter to the Earle of Pembrooke
A letter to the Earle of Pembrooke concerning the times, and the sad condition both of Prince and people
A new English grammar
A new volume of letters
A perfect description of the people and countrey of Scotland
A survay of the signorie of Venice, of her admired policy, and method of government, &c
A trance, or, Newes from Hell
A winter dreame
A winter dreame
Ah, ha, tumulus, thalamus
An admonitio to my Lord Protector and his Councill, of their present danger
An admonition to my Lord Protector and his Council, of their present danger
An exact historie of the late revolutions in Naples
An exact historie of the late revolutions in Naples; and of their monstrous successes
An exact history of the late revolutions in Naples
An inquisition after blood
Angliae suspiria, & lachrymae
Archaioskopia, or, A view of antiquity
Bella Scot-Anglica
Cottoni posthuma
Dendrologie, ou La forest de Dodonne
Divers historicall discourses of the late popular insurrections in Great Britain and Ireland
Down-right dealing, or The despised Protestant speaking plain English
Englands teares, for the present vvars
Epistolae Ho-Elianae
Epistolæ Ho-Elianæ. = Familiar letters domestic and forren
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History of the late revolutions in the Kingdom of Naples
Instructions and directions for forren travell
Instructions for forreine travell
Lexicon tetraglotton
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Londinopolis, an historicall discourse or perlustration of the city of London, the imperial chamber, and chief emporium of Great Britain
Lustra Ludovici, or, The life of the late victorious King of France, Lewis the XIII (and of his Cardinall de Richelieu)
Mare clausum
Mercurius hibernicus, or, A discourse of the late insurrection in Ireland
Mr. Howel's poems upon divers emergent occasions
Organon salutis
Parables, reflecting upon the times
Parthenopoeia, or, The history of the most noble and renowned kingdom of Naples
Poems on several choice and various subjects
Poems upon divers emergent occasions
Pre-eminance and pedigree of Parlement
Proedria vasilikē
Proedria vasilikē
Som sober inspections made into the cariage and consults of the late-long Parlement
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Some of Mr. Hovvell's minor works, reflecting upon the times
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St Paul's late progres upon earth
The Vertues of coffee
The civil wars of Spain in the beginning of the reign of Charls the 5t, Emperor of Germanie and King of that nation
The instruments of a king: or, A short discourse of the svvord. The scepter. The crowne. .
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The nuptialls of Peleus and Thetis
The nvptialls of Pelevs and Thetis consisting of a mask and a comedy, or, The the great royall ball
The pre-eminence and pedigree of Parlement
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The pre-eminence and pedigree of Parliament
The preheminence and pedigree of Parlement
The process, and pleadings in the court of Spain upon the death of Anthonie Ascham resident for the Parliament of England, and of John Baptista Riva his interpreter
The second part of Massaniello
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The true informer; who in the following discours or colloquy, discovereth unto the world the chiefe causes of the sad distempers in Great Brittany, and Ireland
The trve informer
The trve informer, who in the follovving discovrs or colloqvy, discovereth unto the world the chiefe causes of the sad distempers in Great Brittany, and Ireland
The trve informer, who in the follovving discovrs or colloqvy, discovereth unto the world the chiefe causes of the sad distempers in Great Brittany, and Ireland
The vision
The vision, or, A dialog between the soul and the bodie
The vote, or A poeme royall
The wonderful and most deplorable history of the latter times of the Jews
The wonderful, and most deplorable history of the later times of the Jews
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Thērologia, The parly of beasts, or, Morphandra, queen of the inchanted iland
Twelve several treatises, of the late revolutions in these three kingdomes
Two discourses lately revievv'd and enrich'd by the author
Two horrid murthers; one, committed upon the person of Henry the Fourth of France. The other upon his son in law, Charles the First of England