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Brewster, David
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Brewster, David
Brewster, David, Sir, 1781-1868
Brewster, David
David Brewster British astronomer and mathematician
Brewster, David, 1781-1868
Brewster, David (Scottish photographer, 1781-1868)
Brewster David
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Account of a remarkable peculiarity in the structure of glauberite, which has one axis of double refraction for violet, and two axes for red light. By David Brewster
Account of a remarkable structure in apophyllite, with observations on the optical peculiarities of that mineral. By David Brewster
Anatomical and optical structure of the crystalline lenses of animals
Certain peculiarities in the double refraction and absorption of light exhbited in the oxlate of chromium and potash
Circular crystals
Colours of mixed plates
Colours of natural bodies
Compensations of polarized light, with the description of a polarimeter for measuring degrees of polarization
Decomposition and dispersion of_ light within solid and fluid bodies
Description of a monochromatic lamp for microscopical purposes, with remarks on the absorption of the prismatic rays by coloured media. By David Brewster
Description of hopeite, a new mineral from Altenberg near Aix-La-Chapelle. By David Brewster
Edinburgh Journal of Science
Knowledge of distance given by binocular vision
Letters on Natural Magic, Addressed to Sir Walter Scott, Bart.
Life of Sir Isaac Newton
Memoirs of the life, writings, and discoveries of sir Isaac Newton
More Worlds Than One: The Creed of the Philosopher and the Hope of the Christian
New analysis of solar light, indicating three primary colours, forming coincident spectra of equal lenght
New species of coloures fringes, produced by reflexion between the lenses of achromatic object-glasse
Observations on the lines of the solar spectrum, and on those produced by earth's atmosphere, and by the action of nitrous acid gas
On a new species of double refraction, accompanying a remarkable structure in the mineral called analcime. By David Brewster
On certain new phenomena of colour in Labrador felspar, with observations on the nature and cause of its changeable tints. By David Brewster
On reflected light. By David Brewster
On the action of the second surfaces of transparent plates upon light. By David Brewster
On the affections of light transmitted through crystallized bodies. By David Brewster, in a letter to Sir Humphry Davy
On the connexion between the phenomena of the absorption of light, and the colours of thin plates
On the distribution of the colouring matter, and on certain peculiarities in the structure and optical properties of the brazilian topaz. By David Brewster
On the double refraction produced by pressure in the molecules of bodies. By David Brewster
On the law of the partial polarization of light by reflexion. By David Brewster
On the laws of the polarization of light by refraction. By David Brewster
On the laws which regulate the distribution of the polarising force in plates, tubes, and cylinders of glass, that have received the polarising structure. By David Brewster
On the polarisation of light by oblique transmission through all bodies, whether crystallized or uncrystallized. By David Brewster, in a letter addressed to Taylor Combe
On the refractive power of the two new fluids in minerals; with additional observations on the nature and properties of these substances. By David Brewster
Optical phenomena and crystallisation of tourmaline, titanium, and quartz, within mica, amethyst, and topaz
Phenomena of the plates of soli_d and fluid substances exposed to polarized light
Production of crystalline structure in crystallised powders, by compression and traction
Raccolta di articoli di ottica
Remarkable property of the diamond
Results of the thermometrical observations made at Leith Fort, every hour of the day and night during the whole of the years 1824 and 1825. By David Brewster
Treatise on Optics
Treatise on Optics
Treatise on optics