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Robinson, Richard
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Robinson, Richard
Robinson Richard
Robinson Richard citizen of London
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A dyall of dayly contemplacion, or deuine exercise of the mind
A fift proceeding in the harmony of King Dauids harpe
A fourth proceeding in the harmony of King Dauids harp
A golden mirrour conteining certaine pithie and figuratiue visions prognosticating good fortune to England and all true English subiectes, with an ouerthrowe to the enemies : whereto be adioyned certaine pretie poemes written on the names of sundrie bot
A learned and true assertion of the original, life, actes, and death of the most noble, valiant, and renoumed Prince Arthure, King of great Brittaine
A moral methode of ciuile policie
A proceeding in the harmonie of King Dauids harpe
A record of ancient histories, entituled in Latin: Gesta Romanorum
A record of auncient histories, = intituled in Latin: Gesta Romanorum. Discouering upon sundry examples, for the aduancement of vertue, and abandoning of vice. No lesse pleasant in reading than profitable in practice. Now newly perused and corrected vvith some additions by Ri. Robinson of London
A record of auncient histories, entituled in Latin: Gesta Romanorum
A record of auncient histories, intituled in Latin: Gesta Romanorum
A second proceeding in the harmony of King Dauids harpe
A third proceeding in the harmonie of King Dauids harp
A third proceeding in the harmonie of King Davids harp
A true discourse historicall, of the succeeding gouernours in the Netherlands, and the ciuill warres there begun in the yeere 1565
An homely or sermon of good and euill angels: preached by the Reuerend D, Vrbanus Rhegius, pastor and superintendent of Christes Church, at Zella in Saxony. Anno. 1537. Translated into English by Ri: Robinson, and then first printed 1583. Secondly printed 1590
An homely or sermon of good and euill angels: preached by the Reuerend D. Urbanus Rhegius, pastor and superintendant of Christes Church, at Zella in Saxony. Anno. 1537. First translated into English by Ric. Ro. citizen of London. 1583. Seene, perused, and allowed
An homelye or sermon of good and euill angels: preached by the Reuerend D. Vrbanus Rhegius, pastor and superintendent of Christes Church at Zelle in Saxony. Anno. 1537. Newly translated into English by Ric. Ro. citizen of London. 1583. Seene, perused, and allowed
Certain selected histories for christian recreations vvith their seuerall moralizations. Brought into Englishe verse, and are to be song with seuerall notes: composed by Richard Robinson citizen of London
Dear friends: it is now about sixe yeares since I was most unfortunately taken by a Turkes man of warre, on the coasts of Barbary captive into Argiere; since which time I have written oft to London to Master Southwood of the upperground, to Richard Barnard of Dukes place, Richard Coole of the Bank-side, to Master Linger an haberdasher in crooked Lane, .
Essays in greek philosophy
Godly prayers
Part of the harmony of King Dauids harp
Plato's earlier dialectic
The Solace of Sion, and Ioy of Jerusalem. Or consolation of Gods church in the latter age
The auncient order, societie, and unitie laudable, of Prince Authure, and his knightly armory of the Round Table
The confession of Michael Renichon of Templeu, parson of Bossier, in the county of Namours
The solace of Sion, and ioy of Ierusalem. Or consolation of Gods church in the latter age
The vineyarde
The vineyarde of vertue
The vineyarde of vertue collected, composed, and digested into a tripartite order