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Vives, Juan Luis <1492-1540>
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Vives, Juan Luis <1492-1540>
Vives, Joan Lluís, 1492-1540
Vives, Juan Luis, humanist, 1492/3-1540
Luis Vives
Vivès, Juan Luis, 1492-1540
Vives, Juan Luis
Vives, Ioannes Lodovicus
Vives Juan Luis 1492-1540
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A verie fruitfull and pleasant booke, called the instruction of a christian woman. Made first in Latin, by the right famous cleark M. Levves Viues, and translated out of Latine into Englishe, by Richard Hyrde
A verie fruitfull and pleasant booke. called the instruction of a Christian woman. Made first in Latin, by the right famous Clearke M. Levves Vives, and translated out of Latin into English, by Richard Hyrde
A very fruteful and pleasant boke called the Instruction of a christen woman, made firste in latyne, by the right famous clerke mayster Lewes Viues, and tourned out of latyne into Englishe by Rychard Hyrde
A very fruteful and pleasant boke callyd the Instruction of a Christen woman, made fyrste in latyne, by the right famous clerk mayster Lewes Viues, and tourned oute of latyne into Englisshe by Richard Hyrde
A very fruteful and pleasant booke called the instruction of a Christen woman
A very frutefull and pleasant boke called the Instructio of a Christen woman
A very frutefull and pleasant boke called the instructio of a Christen woman, made fyrst in Laten, and dedicated vnto the quenes good grace, by the right famous clerke mayster Lewes Vives, and turned out of Laten into Englysshe by Rycharde Hyrd. whiche boke who so redeth diligently shal haue knowlege of many thynges, wherin he shal take great pleasure, and specially women shall take great commodyte and frute towarde thencreace of vertue and good maners
A very frutful and pleasant boke called the Instruction of a christen woman, made fyrst in latyne, by the right famous clerke mayster Lewes Viues, and tourned out of latyne into Englishe by Rycharde Hyrde
Aedes legum
An introduccion to wysedome
An introduction to vvysedome, made by Ludouicus Viues, and translated in to Englyshe by Rycharde Morysine
An introduction to wysedome
An introduction to wysedome, made by Ludouicus Uives. Wherein is plentiful matter for al estates to gouerne the selues by, to their synguler profytte and commodytye. Translated into Englyshe, by Richard Moryson
Campo di fior or else The flourie field of foure languages of M. Claudius Desainliens, aliâs Holiband: for the furtherance of the learners of the Latine, French, English, but chieflie of the Italian tongue
Colloquia, sive exercitationes Latinae linguae
Epistolarum D. Erasmi Roterodami libri XXXI ; et, P. Melancthoni libri IV
Familiaria. Colloquia
Introduction to vvisedome. Banket of sapience. Preceptes of Agapetus
Introduction to wisedome
Introduction to wisedome ; Banket of sapience ; Preceptes of Agapetus
Ioannis Lodovici Vivis Valentini, Ad veram sapientiam introductio, libellus doctus & elegans, in gratiam puerorum philocaln ab aliis eius opusculis separatus, Eiusdem Satellitium animi, sive symbola, principum institutioni potissimum destinata
Ioannis Lodovici Vivis Valentini, ad sapientiam introductio
Iohannis Ludovici Vivis Valentini, olim rhetoricæ professoris in Collegio Corporis Christi apud Oxonienses. Libri XII. De disciplinis. Hi de corruptis artibus doctissimi viri notis, illi de tradendis disciplinis cuiusdam studiosi Oxoniensis annotationibus illustrati. Cum indice copioso
J.L. Vives De veritate fidei Christianae
Linguae Latinae exercitatio
Linguae Latinae exercitatio Ioanne Lodovico Vive, Valentino auctore. Disce puer, linguae quae sunt abstrusa Latinae, hic liber, aut nullus, quae dabit apta tibi
Linguae Latinae exercitatio, Joan. Lod. Vive. authore
Linguæ Latinae exercitatio
Linguæ Latinæ exercitatio
Linguæ Latinæ exercitatio, Joan. Lod. Vive autore
Linguæ Latinæ exercitatio, Joan. Lod. Vive. authore
Lippi Brandolini de ratione scribendi libri tres
Of a Christen woman, made fyrst in Laten, and dedicated vnto the quenes good grace, by the right famous clerke mayster Lewes Vives, and turned out of Laten into Englysshe by Richard Hyrd. whiche boke who so redeth diligently shal haue knowlege of many thynges, wherein hew shal take great pleasure, and specially women shall take great commodyte and frute towarde thencreace of vertue and good maners.
Saint Augustine, Of the citie of God
St. Augustine, Of the citie of God
The office and duetie of an husband, made by the excellet philosopher Lodouicus Viues, and translated into English by Thomas Paynell
Valentini praefatio in leges Ciceronis
Virgils Eclogues translated into English: by W.L. Gent