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Guevara, Antonio de <ca. 1480-1545>
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Guevara, Antonio de <ca. 1480-1545>
Antonio de Guevara, vesc. di Mondoñedo, 1480-1545
Guevara, Antonio de, fl. 1480-1545, O.F.M.
Guevara, Antonio de, ca. 1480-1545
Guevara, Antonio de, m. 1545?
Guevara, Antonio de, asi 1480-1544
Guevara, Antonio de, Bp., d. 1545?
Guevara, Antonio de, 1481-1545
Guevara, Antonio de, vesc. di Mondoñedo, 1480-1545
Guevara, Antonio de
Antonio de Guevara
Guevara, Antonio de, -1545?
Guevara, Antonio de 1480-1545
Guevara Antonio de 1545?
Guevara Antonio de Bp., d. 1545?
Guevara, Antonio : de
GUEVARA, Antonio : de
GUEVARA Antonio : De
Guevara, Antonio : de <m. 1545>
Guevara Antonio : de m. 1545
Guevara, Antonio de
Seleziona tutte
A booke of the inuention of the art of nauigation
A chronicle, conteyning the liues of tenne emperours of Rome
A dispraise of the life of a courtier, and a commendacion of the life of the labouryng man
A looking glasse for the court. Composed in the Castilian tongue by the Lorde Anthony of Gueuarra Bishop of Mondouent, and chronicler to the Emperour Charles. And out of Castilian drawne into Frenche by Anthony Alaygre. And out of the French tongue into Englishe by Sir Fraunces Briant Knight one of the priuy Chamber, in the raygne of K. Henry the eyght
Archontorologion, or The diall of princes
Arte de Merear
Arte de marear
Bibbia. Antico Testamento. Abacuc
Ceasornicul domnilor
Década de Césares
Epfstolas familiares
Epistolae familiares
Epistolas familiares
Golden epistles
Harangve descripte av Livre doré de Marc Avrele emperevr d'un paysant des rivages du Danvbe. . Rhymed version by G. Fourmennois
Lettere dell' signore don Antonio di Gueuara, vescouo di Mondogneto, predicator, cronista, & consigliero della maestà Cesarea. Libri quattro nuouamente tradotto dal signore Alfonso Vlloa ... con le tauole delli capitoli, et delle cose più notabili di ciascun libro aggiunte
Libro aureo de Marco Aurelio
Libro del emperador Marco Aurelio
Libro di Marco Aurelio con l'horologio de' prencipi. Destinto in 4 volumi. Composto per il molto reuerendo signor d. Antonio di Gueuara ... Con la giunta del quarto libro, già tradotto di lingua spagnuola in italiana, da la copia originale di esso auttore, si come era nella quarta impressione
Libro primero de las epistolas familiares
Libro primo delle lettere dell'ill. s. don Antonio di Gueuara vescouo di Mondogneto, ... tradotte dal s. Dominico di Catzelu
Menosprecio de Corte y Alabanza de Aldea
Menosprecio de corte y albanza de aldea
Misprijsinghe der miserie des hofs ende der hoocheyt, met lof van kleynen ende leeghen state. By Anthonis van Guevara. Translated from the Spanish into Dutch
Mount Caluarie, the second part: compyled by the reuerend father Don Anthonio de Gueuara ... In this booke the author treateth of the seuen words which Christ our redeemer spake hanging vpon the Crosse. Translated out of Spanish into English
Obras completas
Oratorio de religiosos, y exercicio de virtuosos
Prosa escogida de Fray Antonio de Guevara
Relox de principes
Relox de prÃncipes
Relox principes
Spanish letters, historical, satyrical and moral of the famous Don Antonio de Guevara, Bishop of Mondonedo .
Spanish letters: historical, satyrical, and moral; of the famous Don Antonio de Guevara
Spanish letters: historical, satyrical, and moral; of the famous Don Antonio de Guevara
The dial of princes
The dial of princes
The dial of princes compiled by the reuerend father in God, Don Antony of Gueuara, Byshop of Guadix ... Englished out of the French by Thomas North, sonne of Sir Edward North .
The dial of princes, compiled by the reuerend father in God, Don Antony of Gueuara, Byshop of Guadix, preacher, and chronicler to Charles the fifte, late of that name Emperour. Englished out of the Frenche by T. North, sonne of Sir Edvvard North knight, L. North of Kyrtheling
The diall of princes. Compiled by the reuerende father in God, Don Anthony of Gueuara, Bysshop of Guadix. Preacher and cronicler, to Charles the fyft Emperour of Rome. Englysshed oute of the Frenche, by Thomas North, seconde sonne of the Lorde North. Ryght necessary and pleasaunt, to all gentylmen and others whiche are louers of vertue. Anno. 1557
The familiar epistles of Sir Anthony of Gueuara, preacher, chronicler, and counceller to the Emperour Charles the fifth. Translated out of the Spanish toung, by Edward Hellowes, Groome of the Leashe, and now newly imprinted, corrected, enlarged with other epistles of the same author. VVherein are contained very notable letters .
The familiar epistles of Sir Antony of Gueuara, preacher, chronicler, and counsellour, to the Emperour Charles the fifth. Translated out of the Spanish toung, by Edward Hellows, Groome of the Leash. VVherein are contained very notable letters .
The familiar epistles of sir Anthonie of Gueuara, preacher, chronicler, and counseller to the Emperour Charles the fift. Translated out of the Spanish tongue, by Edward Hellowes, Groome of the Leash, and now newly imprinted, corrected and enlarged with other epistles of the same authour. Wherein are conteined verie notable letters .
The familiar epistles of sir Antonie of Gueuara, preacher, chronicler, and counseller to the Emperor Charles the fift: translated out of the Spanish tongue, by Edward Hellowes, Groome of the Leash, and now newly imprinted, corrected and enlarged vvith other epistles of the same authour. Wherein are contained verie notable letters .
The golden boke of Marcus Aurelius Emperour and eloquent oratour
The golden boke of Marcus Aurelius Emperour and eloquent oratour
The golden boke of Marcus Aurelius emperour and eloquente oratour
The golden boke of Marcus Aurelius, emperour and eloquent orator
The golden boke, of Marcus Aurelius Emperoure and eloquent oratour
The golden booke of Marcus Aurelius emperour, and eloquent oratour
The government of a wife, or, Wholsom and pleasant advice for married men
The mount of Caluarie. Compiled by the reuerend father in God, Lord Anthonie de Gueuara ... VVherein are handled all the mysteries of the Mount of Caluarie .
The mount of Caluarie. Compyled by the reuerend father in God, Lord Anthonie de Gueuara ... Wherin is handled all the mysteries of the Mount of Caluarie .
The mysteries of Mount Calvary
Vita, gesti, costumi, discorsi, et lettere di Marco Aurelio imperatore. Sapientissimo filosofo, & oratore eloquentissimo. Con la giunta di molte cose, che nello spagnuolo non erano, & delle cose spagnuole, che mancauano nella traduttione italiana
Vita, gesti, costumi, discorsi, lettere di Marco Aurelio ... con la gionta di molte cose, che nello spagnuolo non erano, e delle cose spagnuole, che mancauano nella tradottione italiana