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Staunford, William, Sir <1509-1558>
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Staunford, William, Sir <1509-1558>
Staunford, William, Sir, 1509-1558
Staunford, William 1509-1558
William Staunford
Staunford William Sir, 1509-1558
STAUNFORD, William Sir 1509-1558
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A vade mecum, or, table, containing the substance of such statutes; wherein any one, or more justices of the peace are inabled to act, as well in the sessions, as out of the sessions of peace
An exposicion of the kinges prerogatiue collected out of the great abridgement of Iustice Fitzherbert and other olde writers of the lawes of Englande
An exposicion of the kinges prerogatiue collected out of the great abridgement of Iustice Fitzherbert and other olde writers of the lawes of Englande by the right woorshipfull sir William Staunford Knight, lately one of the iustices of the Queenes maiesties court of comon pleas: whereunto is annexed the proces to the same prerogatiue appertaining. 1567
An exposicion of the kinges prerogatiue collected out of the great abridgement of Iustice Fitzherbert and other olde writers of the lawes of Englande, by the right woorshipfull sir William Staunford Knight, lately one of the iustices of the Queenes maiesties court of comon pleas: whereunto is annexed the proces to the same prerogatiue appertaining. 1568
An exposition of the Kinges prerogatiue collected out of the great Abridgement of Iustice Fitzherbert, and other olde writers of the lawes of England, by the right worshipful sir William Stannforde Knighte, lately one of the iustices of the Queenes Maiesties courte of common pleas. Whereunto is annexed the proces to the same prerogatiue appertaynynge. 1573
An exposition of the Kinges prerogatiue, collected out of the great Abridgement of Iustice Fitzherbert, and other olde writers of the lawes of England, by the right worshipfull Sir William Staunford Knight, lately one of the iustices of the Queenes Maiesties court of common pleas Where vnto is annexed the proces to the same prærogatiue appertayning. 1577
An exposition of the Kinges prærogatiue collected out of the great Abridgement of Iustice Fitzherbert, and other old writers of the lawes of Englad , by the right worshipfull Sir William Staunford Knight, lately one of the iustices of the Queenes Maiesties court of comon pleas: whereunto is annexed the proces to the same prærogatiue appertayning. Cum priuilegio
An exposition of the Kings prerogatiue, collected out of the great Abridgement of Iustice Fitzherbert, and other old writers of the lawes of England
An exposition of the Kings prerogatiue, collected out of the great Abridgement of Iustice Fitzherbert, and other old writers of the lawes of England, by the right worshipfull Sir William Stanford Knight, lately one of the iustices of the Queenes Maiesties court of common plees. VVhereunto is annexed the proces to the same prerogatiue appertaining
Les plees del coron
Les plees del corone
Plees del coron
Tractatus de legibus et consuetudinibus regni Anglie, tempore Regis Henrici secundi compositus, Iusticie gubernacula tenente illustri viro Ranulpho de Glanuilla iuris regni & antiquarum consuetudinu eo tempore peritissimo. Et illas solum leges continet et consuetudines secundum quas placitatur in Curia Regis ad scaccarium et coram Iusticiis vbicunque fuerint. Huic adiectæ sunt a quodam legum studioso adnotationes aliquot marginales non inutiles