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Consiglio d'Europa
Altre forme del nome
Consiglio d'Europa
Conseil de l'Europe
Rada Europy
Council of Europe
Consiglio d'Europa
Conseil de l'Europe Une organisation gouvernementale instituée par le traité de Londres
Consejo de Europa
Conseil de l'Europe
Council of Europe
Consiglio d'Europa. Comitato dei ministri
*Consiglio d'*Europa
*Consiglio d'Europa
Consiglio d'Europa : Biblioteca
Consiglio d'Europa : Comitato dei ministri
Seleziona tutte
Additional protocol to the European agreement on the exchange of tissue-typing reagents
Additional protocol to the European convention on extradition
Additional protocol to the European convention on information on foreign law
Additional protocol to the European convention on mutual assistance in criminal matters
Afrique et les universités européennes
Agreement on the temporary importation, free of duty, of medical, surgical and laboratory equipment for use on free loan in hospitals and other medical institutions for purposes of diagnosis or treatment
Agreement on the transfer of corpses
Agreement relating to application of the European convention on international commercial arbitration
Aménagement du territoire de la grande Europe en coopération avec les pays d’Europe centrale et orientale
Apprendre, enseigner, evaluer
Assemblee consultative
Bibliography relating to the european convention on human rights
Biblioteca Vedovato
Bilan de la convention européenne des droits de l'homme
Colloque de droit europeen (King's College-Londres). Reparation du prejudice moral, (sotto la presidenza di) R.H.Graveson
Common European framework of reference for languages
Common european framework of reference for language
Conseil de la cooperation culturelle et fonds culturel
Construire le progrès sociétal pour le bien-être de tous avec les citoyens et les communautés: guide méthodologique
Convention on the liability of hotel-keepers concerning the property of their guests
Convention on the unification of certain points of substantive law on patents for invention
Convenzione europea dei diritti dell'uomo
Convenzione europea di assistenza giudiziaria in materia penale
Convenzione europea di estradizione
Creation des enterprises publiques internationales a caractere industriel ou commercial (Memorandum preliminaire)
Declino della popolazione in Europa
Deuxieme conference des ministres europens de la justice reunie les 5-7 octobre 1962 a Rome sous les auspices du Conseil de l'Europe
Dokumente und materialen zum Europarat
Etats des signatures et des ratifications des Conventions et Accords..
Europa informazioni
European agreement on mutual assistance in the matter of special medical treatments and climatic facilities
European agreement on the exchange of tissue typing reagents
European agreement on the instruction and education of nurses
European agreement on the transmission of applications for legal aid
European conference of local authorities
European convention for the protection of animals during international transport
European convention for the protection of animals for slaughter
European convention for the protection of animals kept for farming purposes
European convention on civil liability for damage caused by motor vehicles
European convention on establishment
European convention on establishment of companies
European convention on extradition
European convention on human rights
European convention on mutual assistance in criminal matters
European convention on products liability in regard to personal injury and death
European convention on social security and supplementary agreement for the application of the european convention on social security
European convention on the aboliton of legalisation of documents executed by diplomatc agents or consular officers
European convention on the calculation of time-limits
European convention on the international effects of deprivation of the right to drive a motor vehicle
European convention on the international validity of criminal judgments
European convention on the legal status of children born out of wedlock
European convention on the legal status of migrant workers
European convention on the non applicability of statutory limitation to crimes against humanity and war crimes
European convention on the obtaining abroad of information and evidence in administrative matters
European convention on the place of payment of money liabilities
European convention on the punishment of road traffic offences
European convention on the suppression of terrorism
European convention on the transfer of proceedings in criminal matters
European prison rules
European stand on the Cyprus problem
Europäische Sozial-Charta
Explanatory report on the Convention on mutual administrative assistance in tax matters
Explanatory report on the Convention relating to stops on bearer securities in international circulation
Explanatory report on the European Convention on information on foreign law
Explanatory report on the European Convention on the abolition of legalisation of documents executed by diplomatic agents or consular officers
Explanatory report on the European convention on extradition
Explanatory report on the European convention on mutual assistance in criminal matters
Explanatory report on the European convention on the international validity of criminal judgments
Explanatory report on the European convention on the protection of the archaeological heritage
Explanatory report on the European convention on the punishment of road traffic offences
Explanatory report on the European convention on the repatriation of minors
Explanatory report on the European convention on the supervision of conditionally sentenced and conditionally released offenders
Explanatory report on the European convention providing a uniform law on arbitration
Guide pratique de la reconnaissance et de l'exécution des décisions judiciaires étrangères dans les matières civiles et commerciales
Importance of competences in the language(s) of schooling for equity and quality in education and for educational success
Liste des plantes rares, menacees et endemiques en Europe
Manuale del Consiglio d'Europa
New buildings in old settings
Ordinamento del Consiglio d'Europa
Palazzo Vecchio
Population Decline in Europe
Portfolio européen des langues
Premier rapport periodique etabli par le Comite' permanent de la Convention Europeenne d'etablissement (individus)
Quadro comune europeo di riferimento delle lingue: apprendimento insegnamento valutazione
Raccomandazione N. R (83) 10 relativa alla protezione di dati a carattere personale utilizzati a fini di ricercascientifica e di statistiche
Raccomandazione N. R (84) 22 sull'uso dei satelliti per la televisione e la radiodiffusione sonora
Recent demographic developments in Europe : 1997
Recommendations to member States
Repenser le progrès et assurer un avenir pour tous: les leçons de la crise
Règles pénitentiaires européennes
Seduta comune dei membri del Consiglio d'Europa e dei membri del Parlamento Europeo ...
Servizi per il tempo libero giovanile
Statuto del Consiglio dell'Europa
Troisieme conference des ministres europeens de la Justice reunie du 26 au 28 mai 1964 a Dublin..
Uomo in una società europea
Vente a temperament et a credit d'objets mobiliers corporels dans les Etats membres du Conseil de l'Europe
Vers une Europe des responsabilités sociales partagées: défis et stratégies
Yearbook of the European convention on human rights = Annuaire de la Convention europeenne des droits de l'homme. 1986
Yearbook of the european convention on human rights