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Bèze, Théodore de
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Bèze, Théodore de
Beza, Theodor
Theodorus Beza
Beza, Theodorus, 1519-1605
Besze, Théodore, 1519-1605
Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605
Beza, Theodor, 1519-1605
Passavantius, Benedictus, 1519-1605
Bèze, Théodore de
Beze, Teodoro di
De Bèze, Théodore, 1519-1605
Bèze Théodore de 1519-1605
Bèze Théodore de 1519-1605
BEZE, Théodore : de
BÈZE, Théodore : de
Beze, Theodore : de <1519-1605>
BEZE Théodore : de père
Bèze, Théodore de <1519-1605.>
Bèze, Théodore : de
Beze, Théodore de
BÈZE Théodore : de
Bèze Théodore de
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A Booke of Christian questions and answeres
A booke of Christian questions and answers
A briefe and pithie summe of the Christian faith
A briefe and piththie some of the christian faith
A briefe and piththie some of the christian faith
A briefe and piththie sum of the christian faith
A briefe and piththie sum of the christian faith
A briefe and piththie summe of the christian faith
A briefe and piththie summe of the christian faith, made in forme of a confession, with a confutation of all such superstitious errours, as are contrary therevnto
A briefe and pithy summe of the Christian fayth
A briefe declaration of the chiefe points of Christian religion
A briefe declaration of the chiefe poyntes of Christian religion
A confession of faith, made by common consent of diuers reformed churches beyond the seas
A confession of fayth
A discourse of the true and visible markes of the Catholique Church By T.B
A discourse of the true and visible markes of the Catholique Church. Written in Latine by Theodor Beza. And newely translated into English
A discourse vvritten by M. Theodore de Beza, containing the life and death of M. Iohn Caluin
A discourse wrytten by M. Theodore de Beza, conteyning in briefe the historie of the life and death of Maister Iohn Caluin
A discourse, of the true and visible markes of the Catholique Churche vvritten by M. Theod. Beza. Vezelius
A fruitfull treatise of baptisme and the Lords Supper
A golden chaine, or the description of theologie
A golden chaine: or The description of theologie
A learned treatise of the plague
A little catechisme, that is to say, a short instruction touching christian religion, set forth by Theodorus Beza Minister of the Church of God in Geneua
A little catechisme, that is to saye, a short instruction touching Christian religion
A mervaylous discourse vpon the lyfe, deedes, and behaviours of Katherine de Medicis
A shorte learned and pithie treatize of the plague
A song of deliverance for the lasting remembrance of Gods wonderful works never to be forgotten
A tragedie of Abrahams sacrifice, written in french by Theodore Beza, and translated into Inglish, by A.G. Finished at Povvles Belchamp in Essex, the xj. of August. 1575
A treatise of Gods effectual calling: written first in the Latine tongue, by the reuerend and faithfull seruant of Christ, Maister Robert Rollock, preacher of Gods word in Edenburgh. And now faithfully translated for the benefite of the vnlearned, into the English tongue, by Henry Holland, preacher in London
A true and plaine report of the furious outrages of Fraunce
Abraham sacrifiant
Ad serenissimam Elizabetham Angliae Reginam Theodor. Beza
An admonition to the Parliament
An essay concerning church government
An euident display of Popish practises, or patched Pelagianisme
An oration made by Master Theodore de Beze, minister of the word of God, accompanyed with. xi. other ministers and. xx. deputies of the refourmed churches of the realme of Fraunce, in the presence of the king, ... Whereunto is added a brief declaration exhibited by the sayde Beze, to the Quene Mother, the nere morowe after the makyng of the sayd oration, touchyng certain poyntes conteyned in the same
Ane answer made the fourth day of Septembre a thousand fyue hundreth syxtie one, by maister Theodore de Besza minister of the holie Euangile, in the presence of the quene mother, the king and quene of Nauarre, the princes of the blood royall, and of the priuie counseil, vnto that whiche the cardinall of Lorraine had replied against that whiche was propounded in the first iourney of their talking together, by the said de Besza in the name of the reformed churches. Together with an other short answer made by the said de Besza the 26 day of the said moneth vnto certein articles of replie set forth by the said cardinall
Ane meruellous discours upon the lyfe, deides, and behauiours of Katherine de Medicis, Quene mother
Ane meruellous discours vpon the lyfe, deides, and behauiours of Katherine de Medicis
Ane oration made by Master Theodore de Beze, minister of the word of God, accompanyed with. xi. other ministers and. xx. deputies of the refourmed churches of the realme of Fraunce, in the presence of the king, ... Tuesday the ix. day of September, 1561, in the noonnery of Poyssy. Truely gathered and set forth in suct sort as it was spoken by the said de Beze. Whereunto is added a brief declaration exhibited by the said Beze, to the Quene the mother, the next morowe after the making of the said oration, touching certain poyntes conteyned in the same
Armilla aurea
Armilla aurea, id est, Theologiae descriptio
Beza, Brutus, Hotman
Biblia Sacra, sive, Testamentum Vet
Biblia sacra sive libri canonici
Biblia sacra, sive, Testamentum Vet
Biblia sacra, sive, Testamentum Vetus
Biblia sacra, sive, Testamentvm Vetvs
Chrestiennes méditations
Christian meditations vpon eight Psalmes of the prophet Dauid. Made and newly set forth by Theodore Beza. Translated out of French, for the common benefite, into the vulgare tongue by I.S
Christian meditations vpon eight Psalms of the prophet Dauid, made and newly set forth by Theodore Beza. Translated out of French, into the vulgare tongue, and since reviewed by I.S.S
Comedie du pape malade et tirant à la fin: où Ses regrets et complaintes sont au vis exprimées ..
Confessio Christianae fidei
Confessio Christianae fidei, et eiusdem collatio cum papisticis hæresibus. Per Theodorum Bezam Vezelium. Adiecta est altera breuis eiusdem Bezæ fidei confessio
Correspondance de Théodore de Bèze
Correspondance de Théodore de Bèze
De furoribus Gallicis, horrenda & indigna Amirallij Castillionei, nobilium atq illustrium virorum cæde, scelerata ac inaudita piorum strage passim edita per complures Galliæ ciuitates, sine vllo discrimine generis, sexus, ætatis & conditionis hominum: vera & simplex narratio. Ernesto Varamundo Frisio auctore
De pestis contagio et fuga dissertatio
Defensio tractationis de diuersis ministrorum euangelij gradibus, ab Hadriano Sarauia editæ
Dialogi ab Eusebio Philadelpho
Du droit des magistrats
Du droit des magistrats sur leurs subjets
Gruppi, scelte
Iesu Christi D. N. Nouum Testamentum
Iesu Christi D. N. Novum Testamentum
Iesu Christi D.N. Nouum Testamentum
Iesu Christi D.N. Nouum Testamentum, Theodoro Beza interprete
Iesu Christi D.N. Nouum Testamentum, Theodoro Beza interprete
Iesu Christi d.n. Testamentum Novum
Iesv Christi D.N. Nouum Testamentum
Iob expounded by Theodore Beza, partly in manner of a commentary, partly in manner of a paraphrase. Faithfully translated out of Latine into English
Iobus, Theodori Bezæ partim commentarijs partim paraphrasi illustratus. Cui etiam additus est Ecclesiastes, Solomonis concio de summo bono, ab eodem Th. B. paraphrasticè explicata
Jesu Christi D. N. Nouum Testamentum
Jesu Christi Domini Nostri Novum Testamentum, sive, Novum Foedus
Jesu Christi domini nostri novum testamentum, sive, Novum foedus
Jesu Christo domini nostri novum testamentum, sive, Novum Fœdus, cujus græco contextui respondent interpretationes duæ
La Bible, qui est toute la Sainte Escriture du Vieil et du Nouveau Testament
Le reveille-matin des Francois, et de leurs voisins. Composé par Eusebe Philadelphe cosmopolite, en forme de dialogues
Le reveille-matin des francois, et de levrs voisins
Les Pseaumes de David
Les Pseaumes de David
Life of John Calvin
Maister Beza's Houshold prayers
Maister Bezaes houshold prayers
Master Bezaes houshold prayers
Master Bezaes sermons vpon the three chapters of the canticle of canticles
Novum Testamentum Domini nostri Iesu Christi
Novum Testamentum Domini nostri Jesu Christi
Novvm Testamentum Domini nostri Iesu Christi
Novvm Testamentum domini nostri Jesu Christi
Propositions and principles of diuinitie
Propositions and principles of divinitie
Psalmorum Dauidis et aliorum prophetarum, libri quinque
Psalmorum Davidis et aliorum prophetarum
Quaestionum et responsionum Christianarum libellus
Quaestionum et responsionum Christianarum pars altera
Response a la confession du feu duc Iean de Northumbelade, n'agueres decapité en Angleterre
Some of the Christian faith, made in forme of a confession,
Testamenti Veteris Biblia Sacra, sive, Libri canonici priscæ Iudæorum Ecclesiæ à Deo traditi, Latini recèns ex Hebræo facti, brevibúsque scholiis illustrati ab Immanuele Tremellio & Francisco Junio. Accesserunt libri qui vulgo dicuntur apocryphi, Latinè redditi, & notis quibusdam aucti à Francisco Junio. Multo omnes quam antè emendatiùs editi & aucti locis innumeris: quibus etiam adjunximus Novi Testamenti libros ex sermone Syro ab eodem Tremellio, & ex Græco à Theodoro Beza in Latinum versos, notísque itidem illustratos. Secunda cura Francisci Junii
Testamenti Veteris Biblia sacra, sive, Libri canonici, priscae Judaeorum ecclesiae a Deo traditi
Testamenti Veteris Biblia sacra, sive, Libri canonici, priscæ Iudæorum ecclesiæ à Deo traditi
Testamenti veteris Biblia sacra sive libri canonici
Testamenti veteris Biblia sacra sive libri canonici priscæ Iudæorum Ecclesiae a Deo traditi, Latini recens ex Hebræo facti, brevibusq́ scholiis illustrati ab Immanuele Tremellio & Francisco Junio. Accesserunt libri qui vulgo dicuntur apocryphi, Latinè redditi & notis quibusdam aucti a Francisco Junio. Multo omnes quam ante emendatiùs editi, numeris locisq́ue citatis omnibus capitum distinctioni quam hæc editio sequitur, exactiùs respondentibus: quibus etiam adjunximus Novi Testamenti libros ex sermone Syriaco ab eodem Tremellio, & ex Græco a Theodoro Beza in Latinum conversos
Testamenti veteris Biblia sacra sive libri canonici, priscæ Iudæorum Ecclesiae a Deo traditi
The Bible
The Bible
The Bible
The Bible
The Bible
The Bible
The Bible
The Bible and holy scriptures conteined in the Olde and Nevve Testament
The Bible, that is, The Holy Scriptures conteined in the Old and New Testament
The Bible, that is, The Holy Scriptures conteined in the Old and New Testament
The Bible, that is, the Holy Scriptures contained in the Old & New Testament
The Bible, that is, the Holy Scriptures contained in the Old and New Testament
The Bible, that is, the Holy Scriptures contained in the Old and New Testament
The Bible, that is, the Holy Scriptures conteined in the Old and New Testament
The Bible: that is, The Holy Scriptures contained in the Old and New Testament
The Holy Bible
The Holy Bible
The Italian convert, newes from Italy of a second Moses or The life of Galeacius Caracciolus the noble Marquesse of Vico
The Italian convert, newes from Italy, of a second Moses, or, The life of Galeacius Caracciolus the noble marquess of Vico
The Nevv Testament of our Lord Iesus Christ
The Nevv Testament of our Lord Iesus Christ
The Nevv Testament of our Lord Iesus Christ, translated out of Greeke by Theod. Beza. Whereunto are adioyned briefe summaries of doctrine vpon the Euangelistes and Actes of the Apostles, together with the methode of the Epistles of the Apostles, by the said Theod. Beza: and also short expositions on the phrazes and hard places, taken out of the large annotations of the foresaid authour, and Ioach. Camerarius, by P. Loseler. Villerius. Englished by L. Tomson. VVhereunto is adioyned a concordance or table made after the order of the alphabet, conteining the principall both wordes and matters, which are comprehended in the Newe Testament
The Nevve Testament of our Lord Iesus Christ, translated out of Greeke by Theod. Beza
The Nevve Testament of ovr Lord Iesvs Christ
The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
The New Testament of our Lord Iesus Christ
The New Testament of our Lord Iesus Christ
The New Testament of our Lord Iesus Christ
The New Testament of our Lord Iesus Christ
The New Testament of our Lord Iesus rist
The New Testament of our Lord Jesus Christ
The Newe Testament of Ovr Lorde Iesvs Christ
The Newe Testament of Ovr Lorde Iesvs Christ
The Newe Testament of our Lord Iesus Christ
The Newe Testament of our Lord Iesus Christ
The Newe Testament of our Lord Iesus Christ
The Newe Testament of ovr Lord Iesus Christ
The Psalmes of Dauid
The divine right of episcopacy demonstrated from Calvin and Beza
The history of the life of Katharine de Medicis, Queen Mother and regent of France, or, The exact pattern of the present French king's policy
The iudgement of a most reuerend and learned man from beyond the seas
The other parte of Christian questions and answeares
The popes canons
The psalter of Psalmes of Dauid. With the morning and euening praier
The second oration of Master Theodore de Beze, minister of the holy gospel, made and pronounced at Poussy, in the open assemblye of prelates of Fraunce, in the presence of the Quene, mother, and princes of the bloud ryal. The. xxvi. day of September. Anno. 1561
The treasure of trueth
The treasure of truth
Theodori Bezae ad Ioan. Guil. Stuckium, ac. Theologiae in ecclesia Tigurina Professorem epistola
Theodori Bezæ theologi & poetæ clariss. Epitaphia selecta, cum anglica versione .
Tleven ende doot vanden seer eerweerdigen M. Jan Calvin beschreven deur Theodorus Beza, begrijpende int corte tverhael van tgene dat hy heeft ghedaen in zijn leven; mitsgaders Tleven ende sterven vanden eerweerdigen ende seer geleerden Henrijck Bullinger..., beschreven deur Loduwijc Lavater; nieu ende getrouwelijck verduytst, door M.E. .
Tractatio de polygamia
Tractatio de repudiis et diuortiis
Tractatio de repudiis et diuortiis: in qua pleraeque de causis matrimonialibus (quas vocant) incidentes controuersiae ex verbo Dei deciduntur. Additur iuris ciuilis Romanorum, & veterum his de rebus canonum examen, ad eiusdem verbi Dei, & aequitatis normam. Ex Th. Bezae Vezelii praelectionibus in priorem ad Corinthios epistolam
Tractatio de repudiis et divortiis
Tractatus de vocatione efficaci, quae inter locos theologiæ communissimos recensetur, deq locis specialioribus, qui sub vocatione comprehenduntur
Tractatus pius et moderatus de vera excommunicatione, & christiano Presbyterio, iampridem pacis conciliandæ causa, cl. v. Th. Erasti D. Medicicentum manuscriptis thesibus oppositus, & nunc primum, cogente necessitate, editus. Theodoro Beza Vezelio auctore
Tractatus us et moderatus de vera excommunicatione, & christiano Presbyterio, iampridem pacis conciliandæ causa, cl. v. Th. Erasti D. Medicicentum manuscriptis thesibus oppositus, & nunc primum, cogente necessitate, editus
Two very lerned sermons of M. Beza, togither with a short sum of the sacrament of the Lordes Supper: Wherevnto is added a treatise of the substance of the Lords Supper, wherin is breflie and soundlie discussed the pincipall points in controuersie, concerning that question. By T.W
Veteris interpretis cum Beza aliisq; recentioribus collatio in Quatuor Evangeliis & Apostolorum Actis
Vindiciæ contra tyrannos, a defence of liberty against tyrants, or, Of the lawful power of the prince over the people, and of the people over the prince
X. solid and serious queries: concerning the power of church discipline pleaded by some of the clergy to be in them iure divino, and by the will and appointment of Jesus Christ
XXXII propositions or articles subscribed by severall reformed churches
# 1-9 @
1688 revolution in Siam. The memoir of father de Bèze