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Browne, Thomas
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Browne, Thomas
Browne, Thomas, 1605-1682
Thomas Browne English polymath
Browne, Thomas, Sir, 1605-1682
Browne Thomas Sir, 1605-1682
Browne Thomas of Lincoln's Inn
Browne Thomas Gentleman
Browne Thomas of Partney
BROWNE, Thomas
Browne, Thomas <1605-1682>
Browne Thomas
Browne Thomas 1605-1682
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A discourse of subterraneal treasure
A discourse on the fishes eaten by our Saviour with His disciples after his resurrection from the dead
A letter to a friend, upon occasion of the death of his intimate friend
A ritch storehouse or treasurie for nobilitye and gentlemen, which in Latine is called Nobilitas literata, written by a famous and excellent man, Iohn Sturmius, and translated into English by T.B. Gent. Seene and allowed according to the order appointed
A true and full coppy of that which was most imperfectly and surreptitiously printed before under the name of Religio medici
A true and full coppy of that which was most imperfectly and surreptitiously printed before vnder the name of Religio medici
A true relation of the prosperous successe, and proceedings of the Parliaments forces in the counties of Somerset and Devon, against the malignants army in those parts
And The garden of Cyrus
And two seventeenth-century critics
Animæ brutorum sunt corporeæ, non tamen agunt mechanicè
British Cicero: With Historical Illustrations: to which is Prefixed, an Introduction to the ..
Browne's religio medici and Digby's observations
Certain miscellany tracts
Endoxa, seu, Quæstionum quarundam miscellanearum examen probabile
Hydriotaphia, Urn Burial: With an Account of Some Urns Found at Brampton in ...
Hydriotaphia, urn-burial, or, A discours of the sepulchral urns lately found in Norfolk
Hydriotaphia, urne-buriall, or, a discourse of the sepulchrall urnes lately found in Norfolk
Jardín de Ciro
La religion du medecin, c'est à dire: Description necessaire par Thomas Brown ... touchant son opinion accordante avec le pur service divin d'Angleterre
Living testimonies concerning the death of the righteous. Or The blessed end of Joseph Featherstone and Sarah his daughter
Mercurius centralis: or, A discourse of subterraneal cockle, muscle, and oyster-shels, found in the digging of a well at Sir William Doylie's in Norfolk
Miscellaneous Works of Sir Thomas Browne: With Some Account of the Author ...
Nature's cabinet unlock'd
Pseudodoxia epidemica, or, Enquires into very many received tenents and commonly presumed truths
Pseudodoxia epidemica, or, Enquiries into very many received tenents and commonly presumed truths
Pseudodoxia epidemica: or, Enquiries into very many received tenents, and commonly presumed truths. By Thomas Brovvne Dr. of Physick
Religio Medici e Hydriotaphia
Religio Medici: Together with a Letter to a Friend on the Death of His Intimate Friend and ...
Religio bibliopolæ
Religio medici
Religio medici
Religio medici
Religio medici
Religio medici and other writings
Religio medici cum annotationibus
Religio medici: A Letter to a Friend, Christian Morals, Urn-burial, and Other Papers
Saggio sopra gli errori popolareschi ovvero Esame di molte opinioni ricevute come vere, che sono false o dubbiose. Opera scritta in inglese da Tommaso Brovvn, cavaliere e dottore in medicina; tradotta in francese da un anonimo, e trasportata in italiano da Selvaggio Canturani. Tomo primo
Sir Thomas Browne's Works: Including His Life and Correspondence
Sir Thomas Browne's works
The accurate-accomptant:, or, London-merchant
The infallible, most accurate, and most concise method of merchants accompts
The vale-royall of England, or, The county palatine of Chester illustrated
The works of the learned Sr. Thomas Brown, Kt. .
Union dictionary containing all that is truly useful in the dictionaires of Johnson, Sheridan and Walicer Tird ed
Urne buriall. and The garden of Cyrus
Vox veritatis, or, A brief abstract of the case betvveen George Carew Esq., administrator of the goods and chattells of Sir William Cousten & Sir Paul Pyndar Kinghts deceased vvith their vvills annexed
Works of sir Thomas Browne. 1.: Religio medici ; A letter to a friend ; Hydriotaphia ; The garden of Cyrus ; Brampton Urns ; Christian morals
Works of sir Thomas Browne. 2.: Pseudodoxia
Works of sir Thomas Browne. 3.: Miscellany tracts ; Repertorium ; Latin writings with translations ; Miscellaneous writings
Works of sir Thomas Browne. 4.: Letters