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Donne, John
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Donne, John
جون دون
John Donne English poet
Donne, John, 1572-1631
Donne, John, 1573-1631
Донн, Д. 1572-1631 Джон
دن، جون، 1572-1631
Donne, John
Donne, J. 1572-1631 John
Donne John 1572-1631
Donne John
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A collection of critical essays
A collection of letters
A collection of letters
A sermon of commemoration of the Lady Dauers
A sermon vpon the XV. verse of the XX. chapter of the booke of Iudges
A sermon vpon the XV. verse of the XX. chapter of the booke of Ivdges
A sermon vpon the XX. verse of the V. chapter of the booke of Ivdges
A sermon vpon the eighth verse of the first chapter of the Acts of the Apostles
A sermon vpon the viii. verse of the I. chapter of the Acts of the Apostles
A sermon, preached to the Kings Mtie. at Whitehall, 24 Febr. 1625. By Iohn Donne Deane of Saint Pauls, London. And now by his Maiestes commandment published
An anatomie of the world
An anatomy of the vvorld
Anatomia del mondo
Complete english poems
Complete poetry and selected prose
Complete poetry and selected prose
Conclaue Ignati: siue Eius in nuperis inferni comitiis in thronisatio
Conclaue Ignati: siue Eius in nuperis inferni comitiis inthronisatio
Deaths duell, or, A consolation to the soule, against the dying life, and liuing death of the body
Deaths duell, or, A consolation to the soule, against the dying life, and living death of the body
Deuotions vpon emergent occasions, and seuerall steps in my sicknes
Devotions upon emergent occasions, and severall steps in my sicknesse
Devotions vpon emergent occasions and seuerall steps in my sicknes
Devotions vpon emergent occasions and severall steps in my sicknesse
Divine poems
Donne's prebend sermons
Donne, Songs and sonets
Duello della morte
Elegies and the songs and sonnets
Elegies and the songs and sonnets of John Donne
Epithalamions, Anniversaries and Epicedes
Epithalamions, anniversaries and epicedes of John Donne
Essayes in divinity; by the late Dr Donne, Dean of St Paul's. Being several disquisitions, interwoven with meditations and prayers: before he entred into holy orders. Now made publick by his son J. D. Dr of the civil law
Fifty sermons
Fiue sermons vpon speciall occasions
Foure sermons vpon speciall occasions. (Viz.) 1. A sermon preached at Pauls Crosse. 2. To the Honorable, the Virginia Company. 3. At the consecration of Lincolnes Inne Chappell. 4. The first sermon preached to K. Charles at St. Iames, 1625. By Iohn: Donne. Deane of Saint Pauls, London
Ignatius his conclaue
Ignatius his conclave
Ignatius his conclave; or, His inthronisation in a late election in hell
Introduction and commentary
Iuuenilia or Certaine paradoxes and problemes, written by I. Donne
Iuuenilia: or, Certaine paradoxes and problemes
John Donne
John Donne's poetry
John Donne's sermons on the Psalms and Gospels
LXXX sermons preached by that learned and reverend divine, Iohn Donne, Dr in Divinity, late Deane of the cathedrall church of S. Pauls London
Letters to severall persons of honour
Life and Letters of John Donne, Dean of St. Paul's
Liriche d'amore e sonetti sacri
Liriche sacre e profane
Liriche sacre e profane ; Anatomia del mondo ; Duello della morte
Love Poems of John Donne
Love Poems of John Donne: Selected and Ed. by Charles Eliot Norton
Major works
Paradoxes and Problems
Paradoxes, problemes, essayes, characters
Paradoxes, problemes, essayes, characters, written by Dr Donne Dean of Pauls: to which is added a book of epigrams: written in Latin by the same author; translated into English by J: Maine, D.D. As also Ignatius his Conclave, a satyr, translated out of the originall copy written in Latin by the same author; found lately amongst his own papers
Poems &c
Poems of John Donne
Poems, by J.D. VVith elegies on the authors death
Poesie amorose
Poesie amorose, poesie teologiche
Poesie sacre e profane
Poesie scelte
Poesie teologiche
Poetical works
Rime sacre
Rime sacre
Satires, epigrams and verse letters
Satires, epigrams and verse letters of John Donne
Selected Poems
Selected poems death's duel
Selected poems death's duell
Selected poetry and prose
Sermons of John Donne
Six sermons upon severall occasions
Songs and Sonets
Songs and sonets of John Donne
Songs and sonnets of John Donne
Text of the poems with appendix
The Harmony of the muses, or, The gentlemans and ladies choisest recreation
The ancient history of the Septuagint
The first anniuersarie
The first sermon preached to King Charles, at Saint Iames
The life of Mr. George Herbert
The second anniversarie. Of the progres of the soule
Three sermons vpon speciall occasions
Three sermons vpon speciall occasions. Preached by Iohn Donne Deane of St. Pauls London
To Sir William Davenant
Two sermons preached before King Charles, upon the xxvi verse of the first chapter of Genesis. By Dr. Donne Dean of Pauls
Works of John Donne: With a Memoir of His Life
XXVI sermons
XXVI sermons preached by that learned and reverend divine John Donne
XXVI sermons preached by that learned and reverend divine John Donne, doctor in divinity, late dean of the Cathedral Church of St. Pauls, London