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Achenbach, Paul R.
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Achenbach, Paul R.
Achenbach Paul R
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A study of Z-Crete as underground pipe insulation
A study of a baseboard convector heating system in a test bungalow
A study of gilsulate as underground pipe insulation
A study of standard test procedures for soiling acoustic tile
A study of the causes of failure of the burners and upper air tubes in the Army tent stove
A study of the characteristics of refrigerant-pressure-actuated water regulating valves for refrigerant condensers
A study of vacuum gages for use in evacuating refrigerating systems
Air delivery and arrestance tests of a "Puritron" air cleaner, model F-20
Air delivery and arrestance tests of a "Sunflo" air purifier, model SF-2
An analysis of electrical energy usage in Air Force houses equipped with air-To-air heat pumps
Analysis of electric energy usage in Air Force houses equipped with air-to-air heat pumps
Boiling tests of insulation for underground heat distribution systems
Building research at the National Bureau of Standards
Building research at the National Bureau of Standards, 1968-1974
Capacity tests of a Mathes heat pump model 38HAR-LEB-HP
Capacity tests of a Mathes heat pump model 38HAR-VEB-HP
Capacity tests of four 3
Capacity tests of two Westinghouse heat pumps models 23 rhp and 33 rhp
Conversion of the Thermo-King gasoline engine driven one-ton warehouse refrigerating unit to electric drive
Defrosting characteristics of the Thermo-King one-ton Warehouse Refrigerating Unit, Model MQ51
Earth temperature and thermal diffusivity at selected stations in the United States
Effect of boiling of the insulation in underground heat distribution systems
Effect of changes in engine speed on the capacity of the 1
Effect of changes of engine speed on the capacity of the 1
Effect of edge insulation upon temperature and condensation on concrete-slab floors
Effect of engine and fan speeds on the capacity of the 1
Effect of soot on the rating of an oil-fired heating boiler
Experimental radiant heating and cooling system ; Reflection Point, Cincinnati, Ohio
Field studies of year-round air conditioning systems
Gaylord Clearair Ventilator
Glass fiber ducts in Coleman blender units
Industrial Radiant Heater Corporation electric map heater
Infiltration measurements in ten electrically heated houses
Investigation of fungus-resistance tests for show pan materials
Investigations of air-to-air heat pumps for military housing
Modification of standard Army gasoline lantern
Performance characteristics of a "Ulok", model 87 BT, disposable, viscous type, synthetic fiber air filter
Performance characteristics of four models of "Dri-Pak" deep-bed air filters
Performance characteristics of some viscous-impingement and throw-away types of air filters
Performance of a coal-fired boiler converted to oil
Performance of a gas-fired wall heater installed in a basementless house
Performance of a gas-fired wall heater with and without an auxiliary air distribution system
Performance of hot-water panel heating systems in high-rise apartments of the Chicago Housing Authority
Performance of square-edged orifices and orifice-target combinations as air mixers
Performance of the Coleman inverted gasoline lantern, T-53-5
Performance of the Farr Rotonamic air cleaner
Performance test of "Kleen-Air" glass fiber automatic renewable filter media
Performance test of Farr type 83 media with the "Roll Kleen" automatic renewable media air filter
Performance test of Hi-Flo aerosolve 3P-85 and Hi-Cap 45 HC1500 filters
Performance test of a "Conomatic" air filter model 3-C90, with automatic renewable media B-1-A
Performance test of a "Dust-Gard" throw-away type air filter
Performance test of a "Dustfoe" deep-bed disposable air filter, model G-1000
Performance test of a "Dustfoe" deep-bedisposable air filter, model B-2000
Performance test of a "Dustfoe" disposable air filter
Performance test of a Minneapolis-Honeywell electronic air cleaner, model FC1A2
Performance test of a Westinghouse "Precipitron" electrostatic air cleaner
Performance test of a Westinghouse Electrostatic air cleaner, Precipitron VB-012
Performance test of a folding Aerosolve model 3H-85 air filter
Performance test of a high-velocity electrostatic air cleaner, model HV-1
Performance test of an Electro-Air electrostatic air cleaner, model 20-1
Performance test of an Electro-Cell electrostatic air cleaner, model 2-24
Performance test of an Owens-Corning "Dust-Stop" Type C" air filter
Performance test of an automatic renewable filter media
Performance test of the "Glassaire" glass fiber automatic renewable filter media
Performance test of the "Kleen-Air" glass fiber automatic renewable filter media
Performance test of the Filtrex glass fiber automatic renewable filter media, type 63 DGC
Performance test of the Filtrex type GFC-3 automatic renewable air filter media
Performance test of the Roll-O-Tron electronic air cleaner, model #3-50HV
Performance test of two "Hi-Flow Aerosolve" extended-area, dry media, air filters models 43P-45 and 43P-95
Performance tests of Farr replaceable cartridge filters types HP 100 and HP 200
Performance tests of a "Roll-O-Matic" automatic renewable media air filter
Performance tests of a Farr "Microloc" replaceable media air filter
Performance tests of a Farr replaceable media air filter, model HP-2
Performance tests of a Fram throw-away type air filter
Performance tests of a cleanable viscous-impingement air filter, model no. 914 M-V type Ezkleen
Performance tests of a replaceable cartridge air filter Cambridge "Aerosolve" 3A-85
Performance tests of an automatic renewable media air filter Roll-Kleen, model 3-70
Performance tests of an automatic renewable media air filter with two filter media, Conomatic, model 3-C90
Performance tests of an expansible fibrous media air filter, Flanders Expansible, no. 15
Performance tests of four cleanable impingement air filters type 902, 912, 9102, 9802
Performance tests of four cleanable impingement air filters types 44 (two thicknesses), FS 304 and FS 504
Performance tests of two cleanable impingement air filters Vortox types VN1 and VN2
Performance tests of two cleanable impingement air filters type P-5
Performance tests of two cleanable impingement air filters types ALH-1 and ALI-2
Performance tests of two cleanable impingement type air filters Airsan types AF1-30 and AF2-30
Performance tests of two one-inch throw-away type "Dust-Stop" air filters
Performance tests of two throw-away type "Dust-Stop" air filters
Performance tests of two throw-away type "Dustgard" air filters
Proposed draft of federal specification AA-R-211d refrigerators, electric, self-contained, domestic type
Recommended specification for test procedures to determine suitability of ducts for use in residential warm air heating and air-conditioning systems
Refrigeration and field equipment
Simulated use tests of substitute duct materials
Site analysis and field instrumentation for an apartment application of a total energy plant
Snowmelting systems for hangar doors
Supplementary investigation of test procedures for heating and air conditioning ducts
Supplementary tests on the effects of heating and cooling a gilsulate envelope
Temperature distribution in a test bungalow with various heating devices
Temperatures in a test bungalow with some radiant and jacketed space heaters
Tests of refrigeration and miscellaneous equipment
Tests of the ventilating system for the Univac
The heating performance of air-to-air heat pumps in military housing
Underground pipe insulation
Ventilation studies at Lochraven Hospital
Water vapor transmission through joints and breaker strips of insulated panels for refrigerated warehouse, panel no. 1