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Benton, Thomas Hart, 1782-1858
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Benton, Thomas Hart
Benton, Thomas Hart, 1782-1858
Benton, Thomas 1782-1858
Benton Thomas Hart 1782-1858 Jacksonian (MO)
Benton Thomas Hart 1782-1858 Democrat (MO)
Benton Thomas Hart 1782-1858 Jackson Republican (MO)
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Answers of Augustus Storrs, of Missouri, to certain queries upon the origin, present state, and future prospect of trade and intercourse between Missouri and the internal provinces of Mexico, propounded by the Hon. Mr. Benton. January 3, 1825. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States
Document relating to blankets for the Indian trade ; being questions to, and answers by, Adam D. Steuart, collector of the port of Mackinaw. February 3, 1831. Laid on the table by Mr. Benton, and ordered to be printed
Document relating to the Bill (S. 160) "To Provide for the Armed Occupation and Settlement of That Part of Florida Which Is Now Overrun and Infested by Marauding Bands of Hostile Indians." January 17, 1839. Submitted by Mr. Benton, and ordered to be printed
Document relating to the bill "To Provide for the Armed Occupation and Settlement of That Part of Florida Which Is Now Overrun and Infested by Marauding Bands of Hostile Indians." January 3, 1839. Submitted by Mr. Benton, to accompany Senate Bill No. 160, and ordered to be printed
Documents relating to the Bill (S. 1) "Providing for the Reduction and Graduation of the Price of the Public Lands." December 26, 1838. Submitted by Mr. Benton, and ordered to be printed
Don Juan Jesus Vigil. (To accompany Joint Resolution H.R. No. 26.) June 21, 1854
In Senate of the United States, April 21, 1826. Mr. Benton laid the following document on the table. Washington City, March 25, 1826. Dear Sir: I observe in the National Journal of the 21st a resolution, offered by Mr. Johnston, of Louisiana, "instructing the Committee on Indian Affairs to inquire into the expediency of regulating and equalizing the compensation of the Superintendent and agents of Indian Affairs..."
In Senate of the United States, April 21, 1826. Mr. Benton laid the following letter on the table: Washington City, 25th March, 1826. Sir: In answer to your letter of this day's date, inquiring "if I did not, under orders of the Department of War, make a reservation of certain public grounds in the town of St. Louis ... "
In Senate of the United States, February 19, 1831. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Benton made the following report: The Committee on Military Affairs, to which was referred the bill for the relief of the officers and soldiers of Ford Delaware, report.
In Senate of the United States, February 26, 1831. Mr. Benton submitted the following resolutions, which were read, and ordered to be printed, and laid on the table: Resolved, that the powers conferred on Congress by the states to lay and collect duties, and to regulate commerce .
In Senate of the United States, June 27, 1834. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Benton made the following report: The Committee on Military Affairs, to which was referred the memorial of sundry inhabitants of Coventry, in the County of Tolland, in the State of Connecticut, praying that a monument may be erected to the memory of Capt. Nathan Hale .
In Senate of the United States, May 17, 1826. Mr. Benton, from the Committee of Conference appointed by the Senate, on the disagreeing vote between the Senate and House of Representatives on the amendment adopted by the Senate, to the bill appropriating money to carry into effect the treaty lately concluded with the Creek Indians, report .
In Senate of the United States, May 4, 1826. Mr. Benton, from the select committee, to which was referred the proposition to inquire into the expediency of reducing the patronage of the executive government of the United States, made the following report .
In Senate of the United States. December 12, 1842. Ordered to be printed. Amendments intended to be proposed by Mr. Benton, to the resolution submitted by Mr. Bayard, to rescind a resolution of the Senate.
In Senate of the United States. February 28, 1839. Submitted, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Benton made the following report: The Committee on Military Affairs, who have had under consideration a number of petitions from officers of the line of the Army of the United States, praying for equalization of pay with the officers of the staff, report .
In Senate of the United States. January 21, 1845. Submitted, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Benton made the following report: (To accompany Bill S. 92.) The Committee on Indian Affairs, to which were referred the claims of Reuben Gentry, William Monroe, and others, beg leave to report .
In Senate of the United States. September 18, 1837. The following bill, introduced by Mr. Benton, on leave, the 10th June, 1836, was ordered to be printed. A Bill To Re-establish the Currency of the Constitution for the Federal Government .
Resolution calling for information as to any communication which may have been made to the government of the Quintuple Treaty for the suppression of the slave trade. December 15, 1842. Submitted. December 20, 1842. Postponed to and made the order of the day for Thursday next, the 22d instant, and ordered to be printed
Statement showing the imports and exports of specie since the 19th of September, 1837. October 9, 1837. Submitted by Mr. Benton, and ordered to be printed
Statements relative to importation and exportation of gold and silver coins, &c., reported subsequent to 9th June, 1834, &c. June 30, 1834. Laid on the table by Mr. Benton, and ordered to be printed
Statements showing the coinage and imports and exports of specie during the year 1837. September 19, 1837. Submitted by Mr. Benton, and ordered to be printed