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Parsons, Robert
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Parsons, Robert
Persons, Robert, 1546-1610
Parsons, Robert, 1546-1610, S.J.
Parsons, Robert, S.I., 1546-1610
Parsons, Robert, 1546-1610
Parsons, R. 1546-1610 Robert
Robert Persons English Jesuit priest
Parsons Robert 1546-1610
Parsons Robert, 1546-1610
Parsons, Robert <1546-1610>
Parsons Robert
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A Christian directorie
A Christian directory
A book of Christian exercise
A book of Christian exercise, appertaining to resolution
A book of Christian exercise, appertaining to resolution, that is, shewing how that we should resolue our selues to become Christians indeede
A booke of Christian exercise
A booke of Christian exercise appertaining to resolution
A booke of Christian exercise appertaining to resolution, that is, shewing how that we should resolve our selves to become Christians indeede
A booke of Christian exercise apperteining to resolution, that is, shewing how that we should resolue our selues to become Christians indeed
A booke of Christian exercise, appertaining to resolution, that is, shewing how that we should resolue our selues to become Christians indeed: By R.P. Perused, and accompanied nowe with a Treatise tending to pacification, By Edm. Bunny
A booke of Christian exercise, appertaining to resolution, that is, shewing how that we should resolve our selves to become Christians in deed
A booke of Christian exercise, appertayning to resolution
A booke of Christian exercise, appertayning to resolution
A booke of Christian exercise, apperteining to resolution
A boore of Christian exercise appertaining to resolution, that is, shewing how that we should resolve our selves to become Christians in deed
A brief censure vppon two bookes written in answere to M. Edmonde Campions offer of disputation
A brief discours contayning certayne reasons why Catholiques refuse to goe to church. Written by a learned and vertuous man, to a friend of his in England. And dedicated by I.H. to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie
A briefe apologie, or defence of the Catholike ecclesiastical hierarchie, & subordination in England
A briefe confutation, of a popish discourse: lately set forth, and presumptuously dedicated to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie: by Iohn Howlet, or some other birde of the night, vnder that name
A briefe discourse containing certaine reasons, why Catholikes refuse to goe to church. Written by a learned and vertuous man, to a friend of his in England. And dedicated by I.H. to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie
A briefe discourse conteining certaine reasons, why Catholickes refuse to goe to church. Written by a learned and vertuous man, to a friend of his in England. And dedicated by I.H. to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie
A conference about the next succession to the crown of England
A defence of the censure, gyuen vpon tvvo bookes of william Charke and Meredith Hanmer mynysters, whiche they wrote against M. Edmond Campian preest, of the Societie of Iesus, and against his offer of disputation
A discouerie of I. Nicols minister, misreported a Iesuite, latelye recanted in the Tower of London
A discussion of the ansvvere of M. VVilliam Barlovv, D. of Diuinity, to the booke intituled: The iudgment of a Catholike Englishman liuing in banishment for his religion &c
A little treatise concerning trial of spirits: taken for the most part our of the works of the R.F. Robert Parsons, of the Societie of Iesus. Whereunto is added a comparison of a true Roman Catholike with a Protestant, wherby may bee discouered the difference of their spirits. With an appendix taken out of a later writer
A little treatise concerning triall of spirits
A manifestation of the great folly and bad spirit of certayne in England calling themselues secular priestes
A preamble vnto an incounter with P.R. the author of the deceitfull treatise of mitigation
A quiet and sober reckoning vvith M. Thomas Morton
A relation of the triall made before the King of France, vpon the yeare 1600 betvveene the Bishop of Eureux, and the L. Plessis Mornay
A revievv of ten publike disputations
A rich treasure at an easie rate: or, The ready way to true content
A temperate vvard-vvord, to the turbulent and seditious VVach-word of Sir Francis Hastinges knight
A treatise concerning the broken succession of the crown of England
A treatise of three conuersions of England from paganisme to Christian religion
A treatise of three conversions of England from paganism to Christian religion
A treatise tending to mitigation tovvardes Catholike-subiectes in England
An aduertisement written to a secretarie of my L. Treasurers of Ingland, by an Inglishe intelligencer as he passed throughe Germanie towardes Italie
An ansvvere to the fifth part of Reportes lately set forth by Syr Edvvard Cooke Knight, the Kinges Attorney generall
An appendix to the apologie, lately set forth, for defence of the hierarchie, and subordination of the English Catholike Church, impugned by certaine discontented priestes
An epistle of the persecution of Catholickes in Englande
Ckencles and ghama society 1918-1955
De persecutione Anglicana libellus
Elizabethæ Angliæ reginæ hæresim Caluinianam propugnantis sæuissimum in catholicos sui regni edictum, ... Promulgatum Londini 29. Nouembris 1591. Cum responsione ad singula capita, qua non tantum sæuitia & impietas tam iniqui edicti, sed mendacia ... deteguntur & confutantur. Per Andream Philopatrum presbyterum ..
Guida degli uomini alla loro eterna salute in due parti scritta dal r.p. Roberto Personio ... Tradotta dall'originale inglese nell'idioma italiano da Francesco Giuseppe Morelli
Leicester's common-wealth
Leicestor's commonvvealth fully epitomized
Leycesters common-wealth
Leycesters ghost
Llyfr y resolusion
Nevves from Spayne and Holland
Parsons his Christian directory
Religion in a African society
Some Passages in the Life and Death of John Earl of Rochester: Written by His Own Direction on ...
The Christian directory
The Jesuit's memorial for the intended reformation of England under their first popish prince
The cond part of the Booke of Christian exercise, appertayning to resolution. or, A Christian directory, guiding all men vnto theyr sic saluation
The copie of a double letter sent by an English gentilman from beyond the seas, to his frende in London
The exercise of a Christian life
The first booke of the Christian exercise
The iudgment of a Catholicke English-man, living in banishment for his religion
The plots of Jesuites
The second part of the Booke of Christian exercise appertaining to resolution, or, A Christian directorie guiding all men to their saluation
The second part of the Booke of Christian exercise, appertaining vnto resolution. Or, A Christian directory, guiding all men to their saluation
The second part of the booke of Christian exercise appertaining unto resolution, or, A Christian directory guiding all men to their salvation
The second part of the booke of Christian exercise appertaining vnto resolution. Or, A Christian directory, guiding all men to their saluation. Written by the former author, R.P
The second part of the booke of Christian exercise, appertayning to resolution
The second part of the booke of Christian exercise, appertayning to resolution. Or A Christian directorie, guiding all men vnto theyr saluation. Written by the former author R.P
The second part of the booke of Christian exercise, appertayning to resolution. Or a Christian directorie, guiding all men vnto theyr saluation
The second part of the booke of Christian exercise, appertayning to resolution. Or a Christian directorie, guiding all men vnto theyr saluation. Written by the former authour. R.P
The seconde parte of the booke of Christian exercise, appertayning to resolution. Or a Christian directorie, guiding all men to their saluation. Written by the former authour. R.P
The vvarn-vvord to Sir Francis Hastinges wast-word
Windows on Africa