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Cho, Sung Yoon, 1928-2017
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Cho, Sung-Yoon
Cho, Sung Yoon, 1928-2017
Cho, Sŏng-yun
Cho, Sung Yoon, 1928-
Cho Sung Yoon 1928-2017
Cho Sung Yoon
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A short history of the Japanese jury system
A summary of Japanese legislation on small and medium enterprises
A summary of the 1983 revision of the Japanese law concerning temporary measures for the stabilization of specified depressed industries
A summary of the Japanese antimonopoly law
Abortion and birth control in Japan
Abortion and birth control in South Korea
Adoption under Korean law
Agreement between Japan and the Republic of Korea Concerning Fisheries
Americans' entrance into foreign military academies
Anti-dumping law of Japan
Ban against strikes by foreign enterprises in Korea
Capital gains tax rate and adjustment of acquisition cost of property
Carrier liability under Japanese law
Certain provisions of Japanese laws regarding aliens
Child custody and adoption under the special law on adoption
Closed-shop, union-shop, and agency-shop agreements, Japan
Compulsory arbitration under Japanese law
Compulsory arbitration under Korean law
Conflict of interest in the Japanese Diet
Constitution of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Constitutional or statutory provisions concerning the loss of citizenship
Costs of anti-trust suits under the law of Japan
Divorce by mutual consent between Korean citizens abroad
Election of the members of the National Assembly in the Republic of Korea
Export tax benefits in France, West Germany, Japan and United Kingdom
Far Eastern jurisdictions
Financial assistance to meet pollution control standards in Japan
Flood insurance under Japanese law
Governmental procurement of domestic products under Japanese law
Home rule of Seoul, Korea
Immigration and refugee policy in Japan
Japan's constitution and treaty obligations with respect to her defense
Japan's international peace cooperation law and the Japanese constitution
Japanese anti-espionage laws and the export of technology
Japanese antiquity laws with reference to marine archeology
Japanese judicial system
Japanese law governing foreign fishing vessels
Japanese law regarding grain industry policy
Japanese laws applicable to international bribery cases
Japanese laws on trade secrets and conspiracy
Japanese prison education system
Japanese reaction to Public Law 89-658
Japanese reaction to Senate Bill no. 2218
Japanese tax incentives for low pollution passenger cars
Japanese tax on capital gains
Japanese writings on Communist Chinese law, 1946-1974
Korean antiquity laws with reference to marine archeology
Labor laws in selected foreign countries
Law concerning graveyards, burial and others
Law controlling firearms in Japan
Laws concerning travel by Japanese nationals abroad
Laws concerning travel by Korean nationals abroad
Laws controlling firearms in Japan
Laws governing fireworks in Japan
Laws of the Republic of Korea concerning bribery, political donations, and foreign exchange
Laws outlawing the Communist Party
Legal barriers in Japan to importation of logs and finished wood products
Legality in the People's Republic of China
Legislation for safety prerequisites for cars and automobile manufacturers: Japan, Korea, and Thailand
Legislation pertaining to political activities of government employees in Japan
Motion picture censorship in Japan
Motion picture censorship in the Republic of Korea
Outer continental shelf activities related to oil and natural gas
Political activities of army personnel: Japan
Political activities of army personnel: Korea
Possession of fire arms in North Korea
Procedure for obtaining a patent under Japanese law
Procedures for adoption under Japanese law
Punishment for drug traffickers in japan
Racial discrimination against the Korean minority in Japan
Regulation of the press in the Republic of Korea
Regulations in far eastern countries concerning military service by aliens
Religion in North Korea
Report on antitrust legislation and policy: Japan
Report on antitrust legislation and policy: the Republic of Korea
Republic of Korea (Emigration law)
Several Japanese decrees of 1868 and 1870 relative to opium
Short summaries of the Supreme Court decisions of March 30, 1978 and the laws for atomic bomb victims
Summary of Japanese views on the Bartlett law expressed in newspapers and journals
Supplementary remarks, Japanese judicial system
Tax incentive measures for energy-saving equipment and facilities in Japan
Tax incentives in Japan for the construction and operation of air and water pollution control facilities
Taxation of capital gains in Japan
The Japanese Constitution and self-defense forces
The Japanese commodity tax on microwave ovens on the basis of retail price
The Japanese sedentary fisheries with special reference to the Japanese-Australian dispute
The Republic of Korea
The abortion law of Japan
The antiquity laws of Japan
The degree of local self-government and national supervision under Japanese law with particular reference to Tokyo
The individual's right in criminal trials in Japan
The judicial system of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
The legislative intent of the Interest Restriction Law
The licensing of automobile mechanics in Japan
The licensing of automobile mechanics in the Republic of Korea
The motion picture industry in Asia
The motion picture industry in Japan
The motion picture industry in various Asian countries
The offense of possession of LSD and similar hallucinogenic drugs under Korean law
The origin of the 1947 Constitution with particular reference to equal protection clauses
The origins of the Japanese Constitution and Article 9
The parental power under the law of the Republic of Korea
The people's Republic of China
The powers of the Committee on Government Operations in the House of Councilors of the National Diet of Japan
The recording of aircraft mortgages under Korean law
The registration of firearms in North Korea
The retirement system of Japan
The right of aliens to engage in the transportation business under Japanese law
The segregation of the securities business from the banking business under Japanese law
The status of an alien woman married to a Korean national under the laws of the Republic of Korea
U.S. standing to bring suit before the Court of International Justice in the case of the Korean Airline Incident of September 1, 1983
Valid marriage under Japanese Law