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International Atomic Energy Agency
Altre forme del nome
International Atomic Energy Agency
International Energy Agency
الوكالة الدولية للطاقة الذرية
Organismo Internacional de Energía Atómica
Agência Internacional de Energia Atómica
Agence internationale de l'énergie atomique
International Atomic Energy Agency
Agència Internacional d'Energia Atòmica
Międzynarodowa Agencja Energii Atomowej
Mezinárodní agentura pro atomovou energii
AIEA <Agence internationale de l'énergie atomique>
IAEA <International Atomic Energy Agency>
Agence internationale de l'énergie atomique
Agenzia internazionale dell'energia
Agence internationale de l'énergie
AIE <Agence internationale de l'énergie>
IEA <International Energy Agency>
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. International Energy Agency
Organizzazione per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo economico. International Energy Agency
AIE Agence internationale de l'énergie
International atomic energy agency
AIE <Agence Internationale de l'Energie>
Seleziona tutte
Absorbed dose determination in photon and electron beams
Accordo di implementazione del sistema di energia fotovoltaica PVPS
Annex 11 Source Book for Energy Auditors
Application of induced sterility for control of lepidopterous populations
Assessment of radioactive contamination in man
Basic requirements for personnel monitoring
Bibliography on research on controlled thermonuclear fusion
Biological effects of low-level radiation
CO2 Emissions from fuel combustion 1971-2001
Charged-particle-induced radiative capture
Clustering phenomena in nuclei
Co-operation in the Field of Atmospheric Fluidised Bed Combustion in Industrial or District Heating Boilers. Annual Report1991
Co-operation in the Field of Atmospheric Fluidised Bed Combustion in Industrial or District Heating Boilers. Annual report1989
Collaborative projects in energy research, development and demonstration
Comparative studies of food and environmental contamination
Computer models and application of the sterile-male technique
Contributo dell'AIEA allo studio dei costi nucleari
Design of radiotracer experiment in marine biological systems
Directory of nuclear reactors
Effects of ionizing radiation on aquatic organisms and ecosystems technical report
Energy policies of IEA countries
Energy to 2050
Evacuation des dechèts radioactifs dans la mer
Evaluation of seed protein alteration by mutation breeding
Extension of the principles of radiation protection to sources of pot. exposure
Fertilizer management practices for maize
Film catalogue 1984
Handling of nuclear information . Proceedings of a Symposium . Vienna , 16 - 20 February 1970
High-dose dosimetry
Implementing agreement for a programme of a programme of research development and demonstration on coal combustion sciences.Progress report april 1, 1991
Induced mutations and plant improvement
Induced mutations in cross - breeding
Induced mutations in plant
Induced mutations in vegetatively propagated plants
Interaction of radiation with condensed matter
International Legal Conference on Maritime Carriage of Nuclear Substances
International basic safety standards for protection against ionizing radiation and for the safety of radiation sources
International conventions on civil liability for nuclear damage
Isotope studies on the nitrogen chain
Isotope techniques for hydrology
Isotopes and radiation in entomology. Proceedings of a symposium on the use of isotopes and radiation in entomology
Isotopes and radiation in parasitology II
Isotopes and radiation in plant pathology
Isotopes and radiation in soil - plant relationships including forestry
Manipulation sans danger des radioisotopes
Manual on mutation breeding
Measurement of radionuclides in food and the environment
Medical radioisotope scanning
Medical radioisotope scintigraphy
Minutes April 6-8, 1982 Meeting International Energy Agency Executive Committee on energy conservation incombustion held at IEA Headquartes, Paris, France
Minutes Executive Committee Meeting Energy Conservation in Combustion International Energy Agency. April 22-23, 1986. IEAHeadquarters, Paris, France. Astracts
Minutes Executive Committee Meeting Energy Conservation in Combustion International Energy Agency. August 1 1986. ScholossHirschhorn. West Germany. Abstracts
Minutes Executive Committee Meeting Energy Conservation in Combustion International Energy Agency. August 31, 1985. MiyakoHotel . Kyoto Japan. Abstracts
Minutes Executive Committee Meeting Energy Conservation in Combustion International Energy Agency. September 14, 1984.Combution Research Facility Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore. Livermore, California. Abstract
Minutes Executive Committee Meeting Energy Conservationin Combustion International Energy Agency. April 10-11, 1984.International Energy Agency, Paris France. Abstract
Minutes September 17-18, 1981 meeting. International energy agency executive committee on energy conservation incombustion. Held at Park Avenue Hotel, Gothenburg, Sweden
Minutes executive committee meeting energy conservation in combustion international energy agency, august 25, 1983, Norwegian Institute of technology, Trondheim, Norway Abstracts
Mutation breeding for disease resistance
Neutron capture gamma-ray spectroscopy
Neutron dosimetry
Neutron fluence measurements
Neutron irradiation of seeds
Neutron irradiation of seeds III
New approaches to breeding for improved plant protein
Non-proliferation des armes nucléaires
Nuclear electronics
Nuclear science teaching 2
Nuclear structure
Nuclear techniques for studying pesticide residue problems
Operating experience with nuclear power stations in members states in 1976
Optimization of radiation protection
Origin and fate of chemical residues in food, agriculture and fisheries
Perspectives énergétiques mondiales
Pesticides food and implications
Physics and chemistry of fission 1973
Physics problems of reactor shielding
Plasma physics and controlled nuclear fusion research 1974
Politiques et programmes energetiques des pays membres de l'Aie
Pressure vessel codes
Principles for the exemption of radiation sources and practices from regulatory control
Proceedings Eighth Task Leaders Meeting. International Energy Agency Working Party on Conservation in Combustion. Heidelberg,West Germany. july 28-31, 1986
Proceedings ninth task leaders meeting
Proceedings of seminar on vegetable oils as transport fuels
Proceedings of the scientific conference on the disposal of radidactive wastes
Proceedings sixth task leaders meeting. International Energy Agency working party on conservation in combustion
Proceedings third task leaders conference international energy agency working party on conservation in combustion held at the Park Avenue Hotel, Gothenburg, Sweden on September 15-16, 1981
Programming and utilization of research reactors
Radiation protection in occupational health
Radioactive dating
Radiosotopes in the detection of pesticide residues
Reference methods for marine radioactivity studies 2
Research activities for annex 1. for a program of applied research
Research activity for annex 1. for a program of applied research, development, and demonstration on energy conservation in combustion
Rice breeding with induced mutations III
Rice fertilization
Root activity patters of some tree crops
Soil - moisture and irrigation studies II
Sterile - male technique for control of fruit flies
Sterility principle for insect control or eradication
Summary report on the post-accident review meeting on the Chernobyl accident
Utility pricing and access : competition for monopolies
World Energy Outlook
World survey of major facilities in controlled fusion research
# 1-9 @
1980 annual report on the International energy agency
1983 Annual Report of the International Energy Agency. Program of Research in Energy Conservation in Combustion. SandiaNAtional Laboratories, Livermore, California
1984 Annual Report of the International Energy Agency. Program of research in Energy Consservation in Combustion. SandiaNational Laboratoies, Livermore, California
1985 Annual Report of the International Energy Agency. program of Research in Energy Conservation in Combustion. SandiaNational Laboratories, Livermore, California
1986 Annual Report of the International Energy Agency. Program of Research in Energy Cinservation in Combustion. SandiaNational Laboratories, Livermore California