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Luther, Martin <1483-1546>
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Luther, Martin <1483-1546>
Luther, Martin, 1483-1546
Luther, Martin
Lutero, Martinho, 1483-1546
لوثر، مارتن، 1483-1546
Luther, Maarten 1483-1546
Лютер, М. 1483-1546 Мартин
Lutero, Martín, 1483-1546
Martin Luther Reformator, Theologe, Bibelübersetzer
Лютер, Мартин, 1483-1546
לותר, מרטין, 1483-1546
Luther, M. 1483-1546 Martin
Lutero, M.
Lutero, Martino
Lutero, Martin
Luther Martin 1483-1546
Luther, Martin
Luther, Martin <1483?-1546>
LUTHER, Martin <1483-1546>
LUTERO, Martin
LUTHER, Martin 1483-1546
Luther, Martin 1483?-1546
Luther Martin 1483?-1546
Luther Martin
LUTHER Martin 1483-1546
Seleziona tutte
A Christmas carol
A boke made by a certayne great clerke, agaynst the newe idole, and olde deuyll
A commentarie of M. Doctor Martin Luther upon the Epistle of S. Paule to the Galathians
A commentarie of M. Doctor Martin Luther vpon the Epistle of S. Paul to the Galathians
A commentarie of M. Doctor Martin Luther vpon the Epistle of S. Paule to the Galathians
A commentarie of Master Doctor Martin Luther upon the Epistle of S. Paul to the Galathians
A commentarie or exposition vppon the twoo Epistles generall of Sainct Peter, and that of Sainct Jude. First faithfullie gathered out of the lectures and preachinges of that worthie instrumente in Goddes Churche, Doctour Martine Luther. And now out of Latine, for the singuler benefite and comfort of the godlie, familiarlie translated into Englishe by Thomas Newton
A commentarie vpon the XV. Psalmes, called Psalmi Graduum, that is, Psalmes of Degrees: faithfully copied out of the lectures of D. Martin Luther, very fruitfull and comfortable for all Christian afflicted consciences to read. Translated out of Latine into English, by Henry Bull
A commentarie vpon the fifteene Psalmes, called Psalmi Graduum, that is, Psalmes of Degrees: faithfully copied out of the lectures of D. Martin Luther, very fruitfull and comfortable for all Christian afflicted consciences to reade. Translated out of Latine into English by Henry Bull
A commentarie vpon the fiftene Psalmes, called Psalmi Graduum, that is, Psalmes of Degrees: faithfully copied out of the lectures of D. Martin Luther, very frutefull and comfortable for all Christian afflicted consciences to reade. Translated out of Latine into Englishe by Henry Bull
A commentarie vpon the fiftene Psalmes, called Psalmi graduum, that is, Psalmes of degrees
A commentarie vpon the fiftene psalmes, called psalmi graduum, that is, psalmes of degrees
A compendious introduction, prologue, or preface vnto the Epistle to the Romains
A copy of the letters, wherin the most redouted mighty prince, our souerayne lorde kyng Henry the eight, kyng of Englande and of Fraunce, defensor of the faith, and lorde of Irlande: made answere vnto a certayne letter of Martyn Luther, sent vnto hym by the same
A copy of the letters, wherin the most redouted mighty prince, our souerayne lorde kyng Henry the eight, kyng of Englande and of Fraunce, defensor of the faith, and lorde of Irlande: made answere vnto a certayne letter of Martyn Luther, sente vnto him by the same
A copy of the letters, wherin the most redouted mighty prince, our souerayne lorde kyng Henry the eight, kyng of Englande and of Fraunce, defensor of the faith, and lorde of Irlande: made answere vnto a certayne letter of Martyn Luther, sente vnto hym by the same
A faithful admonition of a certeyne true pastor and prophete
A faithfvl admonition of a certeyne true pastor and prophete
A faythful admonycion of a certen trewe pastor.
A frutefull and godly exposition and declaracion of the kyngdom of Christ
A frutfull sermon of the moost euangelicall wryter M. Luther, made of the angelles vpo the. xviii. chapi. of Mathew translated out of laten in to Englyshe
A la noblesse chrètienne de la nation Allemande
A methodicall preface prefixed before the Epistle of S. Paule to the Romanes
A pistle to the Christen reader
A prophesie out of the nienth chapter of Esaie
A right comfortable treatise
A ryght notable sermon, made by Doctor Martyn Luther, vppon the twenteth chapter of Iohan, of absolution and the true vse of the keyes
A treatice coteining certain meditations of trew & perfect consolation, ... Written in the Frenche tung, and translated in to Englishe by Robert Fills
A treatise touching the libertie of a Christian. VVritten in Latine by Doctor Martin Luther. And translated into English by Iames Bell
A treatise, touching the libertie of a Christian. Written in Latin by Doctor Martine Luther, and translated into English by Iames Bell
A treatise, touching the libertie of a Christian. Written in Latin by Doctor Martine Luther. And translated into English by Iames Bell
A very comfortable and necessary sermon in these our dayes
A very comfortable, and necessary sermon in these our dayes, made by the right reuerend father, and faithful seruaunt of Iesus Christ Martin Luther, concernyng the commyng of our sauiour Christ to iudgement, and the signed that go before that last day. Which sermon is a exposition of the gospell appointed to be read in the church on the second Sonday in Aduent, and is now newly translated out of Latin into English, and somethyng augmented and enlarged by the translator, with certaine notes in the margent
A very excellent and s exposition vpon the two & twentye Psalmes of Dauid
A very excellet and swete exposition vpon the XXII. Psalme of Dauid
A very excellet and swete exposition vpon the XXII. sic Psalme of Dauid
A vvatch-vvord for vvilfull vvomen
A word in season
Alle Doctoris Martini Luthers fortale, som hand screff offuer det Gamle oc Ny Testamente, saare nyttelige for alle som ville læse den Hellige Bibel, i dem findis den rette vey oc indgang til at for staa hues i den læris oc handlis,
An abstract of a commentarie by Dr. Martyn Luther, u the Galathians. Wherein the difference betweene the law, the gospell, and the strength of faith is declared. Whereunto is added divine and morall Latine sentences, taken out of the fathers, and other authors, which are cited in the margent of the Practise of piety, but not Englished there; which for their excellency, and benefit of those who understand not Latine, are here translated
An den christlichen Adel deutscher Nation
An den christlichen Adel deutscher Nation ; Von der Freiheit eines Christenmenschen ; Sendbrief von Dolmetschen
An exposicion vpon the songe of the blessed virgine Mary, called Magnificat
An exposition of Salomons booke
An exposition vpon the Cxxx. Psalme
Annotierungen zu den Werken des Hieronymus
Appellatio. F. Martini Luther ad Conciliũ
Articuli a reverendo Doctore Martino Luthero, scripti anno 1538, ut Synodo Mantuanæ ... proponerentur, in Latinum sermonem translati sunt à Petro Generano
Aufbruch zur Reformation
Auseinandersetzung mit der Romischen Kirche
Ausgewählte Werke
Ausgewählte schriften
B. Lutheri Commentarius in Epistolam ad Romanos
B. Lutheri commentarius in ep. ad rom
Bartholomäus Willent's litauische Uebersetzung des Luther'schen Enchiridions und der Episteln und Evangelien, nebst den Varianten der von Lazarus Sengstock besorgten Ausgabe dieser Schriften
Biblia Laicorvm, þad er Leikmaña Biblia, sa gyllene Catechismus ... Martini Lutheri, samsettur ... med stuttum einfølldum Spurningum og Andsuørum Fyrer Vngmenne og weinfalte almuga Folk (Gudbrandur Thorlaks Son)
Biblia das ift die gantze heilige Schrifft Deudsch
Brani scelti
Catechismus, þad er, Christeligur Lærdomur, Fyrer einfallda Presta og Predikara og Hwsbuendur Mart. Luth
Cena di Cristo
Christsein und weltliches Regiment
Come si devono istituire i ministri della chiesa
Contro i profeti celesti
Credo di Smalcalda (1537)
D. Martin Luthers Werke
Da Der grosse Katechismus 1529 a Vorrede zu band 1. der Opera Latina der Wittenberger ausgabe 1545
Da Ein Sendbrief an den Papst Leo 10. der Freicheit einen Christenmenschen 1520 a An die Rotschern aller Stadte deutsches landes, dass die christiiche schlen aufrichten und halter sollen 1524
Da Von Kaufshandlung und Wucher 1524 a Von Abendmahl Christi, Bekenntnis 1528
Dalla Disputatio prodeclarations vertutis indulgentiarum a De captivitate bahylonica ecclesiae praesidium (1517-1520
Dauids Psalter met D. Mart. Lutheri Summarier,
Dauids Psalter met Doct: Mart: Lutheri Summarier
Dauids Psalter met Martini Lutheri Summarier,
Dauids Psaltere, Met Martini Lutheri Summarier
De Düdesche Catechismus mit einer Vorrede, unde vormaninge tho der Licht Mart. Luther
De Hellige Tolff Apostlers Fødsels stedt, Lærdom, Tro, Leffnit oc Salige affgang etc., Kortelig tilsammen dragne aff den Hellige Scrifft ... Met deylige Figurer beprydet, Mart. Luther
De cleyne catechismus ofte onderwijsinge inde christelijcke leere. (By Martin Luther)
De kleyne catechismus, ofte Onderwysinge in de christelijcke leere. By Martinus Lutherus
De kleyne catechismus, ofte Onderwijsinge in de christelijcke leere. By Martinus Lutherus
De libertate Christiana
De servo arbitrio
De servo arbitrio, in italiano
Den Christelige Trois Hoffuet Artickle, som wi skulle forsuare, oc bliffue ved, imod Paffuen oc Helffuedis porte, Oc der hos trende saare nyttelige smaa Bøger ..., Mart. Luth., Fordansket aff Hans Mogenssøn
Den XC. Psalme, I huilcken Menniskens leffnets kaarthed herlig bescriffuis, den rette Døkaanst flitelig læris, oc alle Stater merckelige vnderuisis, vdlagt oc forklaret ved Mart. Luth., Vdsæt paa Danske ved Rasmus Hanssøn R
Den lille danske Catechismus, huilken aff alle sogne Prester effter predicken ... for Almuffven fortellies scall ..., , fordanskedt wdaff Francisco Wormordi
Der CI. Psalm, Durch Mart. Luth. ausgelegt 1534
Der Psalter mit kurtzen Summarien und einem ordentlichen Register der Psalmen, D. Mart. Luth
Der XC. Psalm: das Gebet Mose durch Mart. Luther in Latinischer Sprach ausgelegt und verdeudscht durch Johann Spangenberg mit einer Vorrede Georgii Maioris
Der XXIX. Psalm ausgelegt durch Doctor Johan Bugenhagen, Pomern Darinnen auch von der Kinder Tauffe Item von den ungeborn Kindern und von den Kindern die man nicht teuffen kan Ein trost D. Martini Luthers fur die Weibern, welchen es ungerat gegangen ist mit Kinder geberen
Der grosse katechismus
Deutsche Bibel
Deutsche Literaturdenkmäler des 16. Jahrhunderts
Deutsche Messe
Deutschen geistlichen Lieder
Die Bibel
Die Heilige Schrift
Dierter band: Enthaltend
Discorsi a tavola
Disputatio pro declaratione virtutis indulgentiarum
Dr. Martin Luthers prophecies of the destruction of Rome
Dris Martini Lutheri colloquia mensalia, or, Dr. Martin Luther's divine discourses at his table, etc
Dris Martini Lutheri colloquia mensalia: or, Dr Martin Luther's divine discourses at his table, &c
Dritter band: Enthaltend die Schriften der zweiten Periode von 1525 bis 1530
Een cristelig Vnderwyszningh paa the thy Gudz Budord, then menige Cristen Kirkis Tro ock Loffue, wor Herris Bønn Pater noster, oc huore Jesu Christi Død oc Pyne schulle rettelige begaas oc tracteris, , overs. af Paulus Helie
Een ræt Bedebog aff den hellige scrifft Gamle oc ny Testamente, met den rætte Passional ..., , flytelige offuerseet oc corrigeret af Matthias Parvus Rosæfontanus
En Sermon huorledis mand skal berede sin Hw til døden, Fordansket af Christern Schrock
En liden Catechismvs: Eller christelig Lærdom, gantske nyttelig for vnge Folck oc Børm, Mart. Luth.,
En ny Psalme Bog, met en Kalendario, Christelige oc Aandelige Loffsange, Collecter oc andre skøne Bøner aff den Hellige Scrifft, som Registeret vduiser. M. D. LVI,
En ret enfoldig Bede Bog oc maade, hworledes mand skall rettelige giøre sin bøn som screff for sin gode ven, D. Mar. Luth., fordansket af Pet. Palladius
En ret enfoldig bede bog oc maade huorledis mand skall rættelige giøre sin bøn som screff for sin gode wen, Mar. Luth, fordansket aff Pet. Palladius
Enchiridion sive Manuale ut vocant, Een Haandbog for Sogneprester til Evangeliske kircke, Cum præfatione Docrozis Pomerani 1538, M. Luth.,
Enchiridion, En Liden Catechismus,eller Christelig Lærdom, gantske nyttelig for alle Sogneprester oc Predickere, Ogsaa for Børn oc vngt Folck,
Enchiridion, en liden Catechismus eller Christelige Tuct, gantske nyttelig for alle Sogneprester oc Predickere, Mart. Luth.,
Enchiridion. En liden Catechismus eller Christelig Lærdom, gantske nyttelig for alle Sogneprester oc Predickere. Ocsaa for Børn oc vngt Folck, Mart. Luth.,
Enchiridion. En liden Catechismus eller Christelige tucht gantske nyttelig for alle Sogneprester och Predickere, D. Mar t. Luth. , oversat af Peder Paladius
Erneuerung von Frommigkeit und Theologie
Erster band: Enthaltend die Schriften der ersten Periode, vom 31 October 1517 bis zum August 1520
Euangelia oc Episteler, som Læsis alle Søndage om Aarit i den Christelige forsamling, Oc paa de fornemeste Høytider
Gantze Heilige Schrifft Deudsch
Geistliche Lieder D. Martin Luthers und anderer frommer Männer
Geistliche Lieder vnd Kirchen Gesänge, wie die in evangelischen Kirchen dieser Landen gesungen werden. By Martin Luther et al
Genossenschaftliche Aktiengesellscahft
Genossenschaftliche aktiengesellschaft
Gesänge, aus gewissen Psalmen Davids. By Martinus Lutherus et al
Giudizio di Martin Lutero sulla necessità di abolire la messa privata (1521
Grande catechismo (1529
Grundzüge evangelischer Lebensformung nach ausgewählten Schriften Martin LuthersVon Arnold Berger
Haußpostilla vber die Sontags Euangelien, von Ostern biß auffs Aduent
Henrick Smiths Taffle oc Register, flittelig tilhaabe dragen aff den Hellige Scrifft, indhollendis de merckeligste hoffuit Artickle aff alle ting, Som Mennisken ere trøstelige, gaffnlige, oc bør at vide, desligeste de merckeligste, Menniskers, Stæders, oc gierningers naffn, som den Hellige Bibel inde holder oc om tal, Henrick Smith
Her haffue wi bodhæ edt ønckeligt Klawaemooll, huorledes then Herre Jesus Christus beclawer, ath wij eræ saa faldhnæ hannum fraa, och haffue kast then helig christelighe Troo ..., M. L. , Wdhsadt af Hans Tawssen
Here after ensueth a propre treatyse of good workes
Historien om Jesu Christi vor frelseris Pine oc Død aff den Hellige Scrifft, Met Herlige skøne Figurer oc merckelige Bøner,
Historien om Jesu Kristi vor Frelseris Pine oc Død, aff den Hellige Schifft, met herlige skøne Figurer oc merckelige Bøner, , ved Matz Vingaard
Historien, om Jesu Christi vor frelseris pine oc død, aff den Hellige schrifft, met Herlige skøne Figurer oc merckelige Bøner,
Huorledis huert Menniske skal betencke vor Herris død oc pine, oc vide hennis krafft oc mact, fruct oc godhed, , rettet aff Christiern Pedersen
Huorledis huert christet Menniske skal bere sit Kaarss met Jhesu Christo vaar Herre och Frelsere, , udset paa Danske aff Christiern Pedersen
Husspostille Offuer alle Søndagers oc de besynderligste Høytiders Euangelier det gantske Aar igennem, met xiij Predickener offuer Christi Pinis Historie, 1-3 Part, Morten Luther, Fordansket aff Peder Tidemand
Husspostille Offuer alle Søndagers oc de besynderligste Høytiders Euangelier det gantske Aar igennem, met xiij Predickener offuer Christi pinis Historie, Morten Luther, Fordansket aff Peder Tidemand
Hworledis Lowen och Euangelium skulle ræt grundelige ath skillies och forstaas ..., Prediket aff Morten Luther
Junge Luther
Kirche, Gottesdienst, Schule
Kleine Catechißmus D. Martini Lutheri
Kleiner Katechismus
Le magnificat
Lettera ai romani
Lettera ai romani (1515-1516
Lettera del tradurre
Lezioni sulla lettera ai Romani, 1515-1516
Libero arbitrio
LibertT du chrétien
Liberta del cristiano ; con l'epistola dedicatoria a Leone 10
Libertà del cristiano
Libertà del cristiano di Martin Lutero con l'epistola dedicatoria a Leone 10
Lieder e prose
Literaru, quibus inuictissimus princeps, Henricus octauus, rex Angliæ et Franciæ, dominus Hyberniæ, ac fidei defensor respondit, ad quandam epistolam Martini Lutheri, ad se missam
Literarum, quibus inuictissimus princeps, Henricus Ocatuus, Rex Angliae et Franciae, Dnis Hyberniae, ac Fidei Defensor epistolam Martini Lutheri, ad se missam, et ipsius Lutheranae quoque epistolae exemplum
Literarum, quibus inuictissimus princeps, Henricus octauus, rex Angliae et Franciae, dnus Hyberniae, ac fidei defensor respondit, ad quandam epistolam Martini Lutheri, ad se missam, et ipsius Lutheranae quoque epistolae exemplum
Literarum, quibus inuictissimus princeps, Henricus octauus, rex Angliæ et Franciæ, dnus Hyberniae, ac fidei defensor respondit, ad quandam epistolam Martini Lutheri, ad se missam
Liturgische Texte IV
Liturgische Texte V
Livres symboliques
Loci communes D. Martini Lutheri
Luterischen Pamphlete gegen Thomas Müntzer
Lutero e l'islam
Luther, oversat af Peder Palladius
Luthers Briefe
Luthers Sprichwörter
Luthers Werke
Luthers Werke in Auswahl
Luthers Werke in Auswahl. 1.: Schriften von 1517 bis 1520
Luthers Werke in Auswahl. 2.: Schriften von 1520 bis 1524
Luthers Werke in Auswahl. 3.: Schriften von 1524 bis 1528
Luthers Werke in Auswahl. 4.: Schriften von 1529 bis 1545
Luthers Werke in Auswahl. 5.: Der junge Luther
Luthers Werke in Auswahl. 6.: Luthers Briefe
Luthers Werke in Auswahl. 7.: Predigten
Luthers Werke in Auswahl. 8.: Tischreden
Made by the right reuerend father in and faithfull seruant of Christ Iesus, Martin Luther .
Martin Luther in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten
Martin Luther on The Bondage of the will
Martin Luther's Briefwechsel
Martin Luther's Ninety-Five Theses
Martin Luther's declaration to his countrimen
Martin Luther: Deutsch-Deutsche Studienausgabe Band 3
Martin Luthers 95 Thesen
Martin Luthers 95 thesen nebst dem Sermon von Ablass und Gnade 1517
Martin Luthers geistliche Lieder
Messa privata e la consacrazione dei preti (1533
Om Ecteskaff oc børn ath opføde Gud till loff och ere, och deris siele til salighed, , rettet aff Christiern Pedersen
Om børn ath holde till Scole och Studium Och ath skicke gode Scolemestere till dem, , (Denne bogh en ... rettet aff Christiern Pedersen)
Om den grumme forferdelige Tiende Messe, som Papisterne bruge i deris latine Messe oc kallis Canon, Morthen Luther, udsat paa Danske
Om mand maa fly for Døden oc Pestilentze, en Christelig vnderwisning Martini Lutheri
Om vaar Herris Død oc Pine, och om Billede, , prentet i Andorp oc rettet aff Christiern Pedersen
Om vaar Herris død oc pine, , overs. af Christiern Pedersen
Opere scelte
Padre Nostro spiegato ai semplici laici
Passio Þad er Historian Pijnunnar og Daudans vors Frelsara Jesu Christi; sundur skipt i þrettan Predikaner utløgd a Islensku af Gudmunde Einars Syne
Passio. Vor Herres Jesu Christi Hellige døds oc pinsels Histori Effter de Fire Euangelisters bescriuelse,
Passio. Vor Herris Jesu Christi Pinis oc Døds Historie, ; Overs. af Ped. Palladius
Per la riforma della Chiesa
Piccolo catechismo
Prefazioni alla Bibbia
Propos de Table
Psalterium Davidis
Reformatorischen Grundschriften
Reformatorischen Schriften Dr. Martin Luthers
Replica ad Ambrogio Catarino sull'Anticristo
Schriften von 1517 bis 1520
Schriften von 1520 bis 1524
Schriften von 1524 bis 1528
Schriften von 1529 bis 1545
Scritti pastorali minori
Scritti politici
Scritti politici di Martin Lutero
Scritti religiosi
Scritti religiosi di Martin Lutero
Select Treatises of Martin Luther in The Original German: With Philological Notes, and an Essay ...
Sendbrief vom Dolmetschen
Sermone sul nuovo testamento, cioè sulla santa messa (1520
Sermons on the Passion of Christ
Servo arbitrio
Servo arbitrio (1525
Servo arbitrio contro Erasmo
Short Exposition of Dr. Martin Luther's Small Catechism: In the ..
Special and chosen sermons of D. Martin Luther
Sämmtliche Werke
The Alcoran of the Franciscans, or, A sink of lyes and blasphemies
The Annotated Luther, Volume 4
The Catholic Luther
The chiefe and pryncypall articles of the Christen faythe
The images of a verye Chrysten bysshop, and of a couterfayte bysshop
The last wil and last confession of martyn luthers faith cocerming sic the principal articles of religion which are in controuersy, which he wil defend & mainteine vntil his death, agaynst the pope and the gates of hell drawen furth by him at the request of the princes of germany which haue reformed theier sic churches after the gospel, to be offred vp at the next general councel in all their names & now published before that all the world may haue an euydent testimony of his faith if it shal fortune him to dye before there be any such councel, translated out of latyn beware of the pope & of his false prophetes and bissopes for thei wil come in shepys clothing and in angels facys but yet inwardly thei are ravening wolnys sic
The prophecyes of the incomparable Dr. Martin Luther
The signs of Christs coming, and of the last day
The vertuous scholehous of vngracious women
Thesus Syrach deudich
Thirtie fovre special and chosen sermons of Dr. Martin Luthers
Thirty four speciall and chosen sermons of Dr. Martin Luthers
Tischreden, oder, Colloquia Doct. Mart. Luthers
Tomus primus omnium operum reverendi patris d. Martini Lutheri, quae vir Dei ab anno 17. usque ad anni vicesimi aliquam partem scripsit & edidit, quorum catalogum in fine tomi invenies ..
Tomus quartus et idem ultimus omnium operum reverendi patris, viri Dei, doct. Mart. Luth. quae ab anno 38. usque ad annum 48. edita sunt. Quorum catalogum folio sequenti invenies
Tomus secundus omnium operum reuerendi patris, viri Dei, d. Mart. Luth. quae edidit ab anni vicesimi parte quadam vsque ad annum vicesimum quartum, quorum catalogum folio sequenti inuenies
Tomus tertius omnium operum reverendi patris viri Dei d. Martini Lutheri, continens quae edita sunt ab anno 24. usque ad annum 38. quorum catalogum invenies folio sequenti
Tractatus de libertate christiana
Twenne besluttinge medt nogre Christelige raade aff Gudtz oerdt, om Egteschabff, boede foreldre og børnæ szaare nyttige at rette seg effther ..., Mart: Ludther, Fordanschedt aff Georg: Jo: Viberg
Udg. af Hans Tausen
Van dat heylighe Pater noster een verclaringhe. By M.L.
Von Ordnung Gottesdiensts, Taufbuechlein, Formula Missae et Communionis
Von den Juden und ibren Lugen
Von den Juden und ihren Lugen
Von den Jüden vnd jren Lügen
Von der Freiheit eines Christenmenschen
Von weltlicher Obrigkeit
Werke Martin Luther's
Zweiter band: Enthaltend die Schriften der ersten Periode (Schluss); die Schriften der zweiten Periode, vom Reichstage zu Worms bis an's Ende des Jahres 1524
# 1-9 @
7: Un sermone sul Nuovo Testamento, cioè sulla santa messa (1520) ; Giudizio di Martin Lutero sulla necessità di abolire la messa privata (1521) ; La messa privata e la consacrazione dei preti (1533
95 tesi
ארבעה חיבורים תאולוגיים