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Percyvall, Richard
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Richard Percivale
Percyvall, Richard
Perceval, Richard, 1550-1620
Perceval Richard 1550-1620
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A Spanish grammar
A Spanish grammar, first collected and published by Richard Perciuale Gent. Now augmented and increased with the declining of all the irregular and hard verbes in that toong, with diuers other especiall rules and necessarie notes for all such as shall be desirous to attaine the perfection of the Spanish tongue. Done by Iohn Minsheu professor of languages in London. Hereunto for the yoong beginners learning and ease, are annexed speeches, phrases, and prouerbes, expounded out of diuers authors, setting downe the line and the leafe where in the same bookes they shall finde them, whereby they may not onely vnderstand them, but by them vnderstand others, and the rest as they shall meete with them
A dictionary in Spanish and English
Bibliotheca Hispanica
Bibliothecae Hispanicae
To each of them prefixed may appeare; together with the accenting of euery word thorowout the whole dictionarie, for the true pronunciation of the language, as also for the diuers signification of one and the selfesame word: and for the learners ease and furtherance, the declining of all hard and irregular verbs; and for the same cause the former order of the alphabet is altered, diuers hard and vncouth phrases and speeches out of sundry of the best authors explained, with diuers necessary notes and especiall directions for all such as shall be desirous to attaine the perfection of the Spanish tongue. All done by Iohn Minsheu professor of languages in London. Hereunto ... is annexed an ample English dictionarie ... by the same Iohn Minsheu .
To each of them prefixed may appeare; together with the accenting of euery word thorowout the whole dictionarie, for the true pronunciation of the language, as also for the diuers signification of one and the selfsame word: and for the learners ease and furtherance, the declining of all hard and irregular verbs; and for the same cause the former order of the alphabet is altered, diuers hard and vncouth phrases and speeches out of sundry of the best authors explained, with diuers necessary notes and especiall directions for all such as shall be desirous to attaine the perfection of the Spanish tongue. All done by Iohn Minsheu professor of languages in London. Hereunto ... is annexed an ample English dictionarie ... by the same Iohn Minsheu .
To each of them prefixed may appeere; together with the accenting of euery worde throughout the whole dictionarie, for the true pronunciation of the language, as also for the diuers signification of one and the selfsame word: and for the learners ease and furtherance, the declining of all hard and irregular verbs; and for the same cause the former order of the alphabet is altered, diuers hard and vncouth phrases and speeches out of sundry of the best authors explained, with diuers necessarie notes and especiall directions for all such as shall be desirous to attaine the perfection of the Spanish tongue. All done by Iohn Minsheu professor of languages in London. Hereunto ... is annexed an ample English dictionarie ... by the same Iohn Minsheu .