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Kiffin, William, 1616-1701
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Kiffin, William, 1616-1701
William Kiffin
Kiffin William 1616-1701
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A Confession of faith of the several congregations or churches of Christ in London, which are commonly (though uujustly ) called Anabaptists
A Serious answer to a late book stiled, A reply to Mr. Robert Steed's epistle concerning singing
A briefe remonstrance of the reasons and grounds of those people commonly called Anabaptists, for their seperation, &c. Or certaine queries concerning their faith and practice, propounded by Mr. Robert Poole
A discourse between Cap. Kiffin, and Dr. Chamberlain, about imposition of hands
A glimpse of Sions glory, or, The churches beautie specified
A letter sent to the Right Honourable, the Lord Mayor of the City of London, by Lieutenant Colonel Kiffin, Captain Gosfright, Captain Hewling, and Lieutenant Lomes
A letter sent to the Right Honourable, the Lord Mayor of the City of London, by Lieutenant Colonel Kiffin, Captain Gosfright, Captain Hewling, and Lieutenant Lomes, touching the seizing of their persons, and searching their houses for arms; and also shewing the forgery and falsehood of a scandalous pamphlet, intituled A manifesto and declaration of the Anabaptists, and other congregational churches, &c. published Febr. 28. 1659
A sober discourse of right to church-communion
Certaine observations vpon Hosea the second the 7. & 8. verses
Justification by Christ alone
The Christian mans triall, or, A trve relation of the first apprehension and severall examinations of Iohn Lilbvrne
The Christian mans triall: or, A true relation of the first apprehension and severall examinations of Iohn Lilburne
The Confession of faith of those churches which are commonly (though falsly) called Anabaptists
The Quakers appeal answer'd, or, A full relation of the occasion, progress, and issue of a meeting held in Barbican the 28th of August last past
The humble apology of some commonly called Anabaptists
The life and death of that old disciple of Jesus Christ and eminent minister of the Gospel Mr. Hanserd Knollys who dyed in the ninety third year of his age
The sufficiencie of the spirits teaching, without humane learning: or, A treatise tending to prove humane learning to be no help to the spiritual understanding of the Word of God written by S. How, to which is added a postscript written by William Kiffen, minister of the Gospel
The sufficiency of the spirits teaching without humane learning
To Mr. Thomas Edwards, Sir you stand as one professing your selfe to be instructed by Christ with abilities from God to throw downe errour
To Mr. Thomas Edwards. Sir you stand as one professing your selfe to be instructed by Christ with abilities from God, to throw downe errour, and therefore to that end doe preach every third day, may it therefore please you and those that imploy you in that worke, to give those leave whom you so brand, as bubliquely to object against what you say, when your sermon is ended, as you declare your selfe: and vve hope it will be an encrease of further light to all that feare God and put a large advantage into your hands if you have the trueth on your side, to cause it to shine with more clearnesse and I hope we shall doe it with moderation as becometh Christians. Yours, William Kiffin
VValwins vviles: or The manifestators manifested