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A Letter from Oxford concerning Mr. Samuel Johnson's late book
A Little true forraine newes
A brief account, and seasonable improvement of the late earthquake in Northampton-shire, Jan. 4, 1675
A letter concerning the Council of Trent
A letter to a lord concerning a bill to incorporate the old East-India Company
A letter to a member of Parliament, in favour of the bill for uniting Protestants
A narrative of all the proceedings in the drayning of the great level of the fenns
A short account of the present state of New-England, Anno Domini 1690
A threefold alphabet of rules, concerning Christian-practice
A treatise concerning estates tayle and discents of inheritance
America: or An exact description of the West-Indies
An account of the defeat of Count Teckely and of his being slain
An account of the late proposals of the Archbishop of Canterbury
An account of the late proposals of the Archbishop of Canterbury, with some other bishops, to His Majesty
An account of the proposals in the Archbishop of Canterbury
An account of the proposals of the Arch-bishop of Canterbury
An hundred and fifty-three chymical aphorisms
Most hapy and wellcome newes from His Excellencie The Earle of Essex
Mutiny maintained: or, Sedition made good from its unity, knowledge, wit, government
Old popery as good as new, or, The unreasonableness of the Church of England in some of her doctrines and practices
Old popery as good or rather than new, or, The unreasonableness of the Church of England in some of her doctrines and practices
Origo protestantium, or, An answer to a popish manuscript (of N.N.'s.) that would fain make the Protestant Catholick religion bear date at the very time when the Roman popish commenced in the world
Reflections upon the eloquence of these times, particularly of the barr and pulpit
Reflections upon the use of the eloquence of these times; particularly of the barr and pulpit
Some reasons for annual Parliaments, in a letter to a friend
The Catholick answer to the seekers request
The Catholick answer to the seekers request in a letter directed to the seeker, proving the real presence, by the Scripture only
The Catholick letter to the seeker, or, A reply to the Protestant answer
The arts and pernicious designs of Rome
The blatant beast muzzl'd, or, Reflexions on a late libel entituled, The secret history of the reigns of K. Charles II and K. James II
The daily exercises of a Christian life, or, The interiour spirit with which we ought to animate our actions throughout the whole day
The expedition of His Highness, the Prince of Orange, for England
The heu and cry, or A relation of the travels of the Devil and Towzer
The letter which was sent to the author of the doctrine of passive obedience and jure divino disproved &c. answered and refuted
The method to arrive at satisfaction in religion
The paradise of the soul: or, A little treatise of vertues. Made by Albert the Great, Bishop of Ratisbon, who died in the year 1280. Translated out of Latin into English, by N.N
The polititians catechisme
The proceedings of the General Assembly of the clergie of France
The rites of the Christian church further defended
The scarlet gown
The scarlet gown: or the history of all the present cardinals of Rome
The secretary in fashion
The secretary in fashion, or, An elegant and compendious way of writing all manner of letters
Truth is but truth, as it is timed! Or, our ministry's present measures against the Muscovite vindicated by plain and obvious reasons