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Rainolds, John, 1549-1607
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John Rainolds
Rainolds, John
Rainolds, John, 1549-1607
Rainolds, John, 1549-
Rainolds John 1549-1607
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A defence of the iudgment of the Reformed churches
A defence of the iudgment of the Reformed churches. That a man may lawfullie not onelie put awaie his wife for her adulterie, but also marrie another. Wherein both Robert Bellarmin the Iesuits Latin treatise, and an English pamphlet of a namelesse author mainteyning the contrarie are confuted by Ionn Raynolds. A taste of Bellarmins dealing in controversies of religion: how he depraveth scripturs, misalleageth fathers, and abuseth reasos to the perverting of the truth of God, and poysoning of his churche with errour. The faultes escaped in the first impression, are here in this carefully corrected by the printer. Fare-well
A letter of Dr. Reinolds to his friend, concerning his aduice for the studie of diuinitie
A replye answering a defence of the sermon, preached at the consecration of the bishop of Bathe and Welles, by George Downame, Doctor of Divinitye
A sermon vpon part of the eighteenth Psalm
A sermon vpon part of the prophesie of Obadiah
An excellent oration of that late famously learned Iohn Rainolds, D.D. and lecturer of the Greek tongue in Oxford
D. Ioannis Rainoldi, olim Græcæ linguæ prælectoris in Collegio Corporis Christi apud Oxonienses, orationes duodecim
Dr. Reignolds his letter to that worthy councellor, Sir Francis Knolles
Informations, or a protestation, and a treatise from Scotland
Iohannis Rainoldi Angli Sex theses de sacra Scriptura & Ecclesia
Iohannis Rainoldi orationes duæ
Johannis Rainoldi, De Romanæ Ecclesiæ idololatria , in cultu sanctorum, reliquiarum, imaginum, aquæ, salis, olei, aliarumque rerum consecratarum, & sacramenti Eucharistiæ, operis inchoati libri duo
Sex theses de Sacra Scriptura, et Ecclesia
Sex theses de Sacra Scriptura, et Ecclesia. Publicis in Academia Oxoniensi disputationibus, propositae, explicatae, defensae, a Iohanne Rainoldo. 1 Sacra Scriptura docet ecclesiam, quicquid ad salutem est necessarium. 2 Ecclesia militans errare potest, & moribus, & doctrina. 3 Maior est authoritas sacræ Scripturæ, quâm ecclesiæ. 4 Sancta catholica ecclesia, quam credimus, est cœtus vniuersus electorum Dei. 5 Romana ecclesia, nec est ecclesia catholica, nec sanum membrum catholicæ. 6 Ecclesiæ reformatæ in Anglia, Scoia, Gallia, Germania, cæterísque regnis & rebuspub. seipsas a Romanâ, iure segregarunt
Summa colloquii Iohannis Rainoldi cum Iohanne Harto de capite & fide ecclesiæ. A Iohanne Rainoldo conscripta, convenienter compendiis illis quæ vterque scripto mandarat: examinata demum, à Iohanne Harto, atq; (post addita quædam, quædam mutata vt ipsi commodum videbatur) pro fideli narratione eorum, quæ inter ipsos in colloquio differebantur, habita & comprobata. Henrico Parræo, Gloucestrensi Episcopo, interprete
Summa colloquii Johannis Rainoldi cum Johanne Harto de capite & fide Ecclesiæ
Th'overthrow of stage-playes, by the way of controversie betwixt D. Gager and D. Rainoldes
The discovery of the man of sinne
The iudgement of Doctor Reignolds concerning episcopacy, whether it be Gods ordinance
The ivdgement of Doctor Reignolds concerning episcopacy whether it be Gods ordinance
The overthrow of stage-playes, by the way of controversie betwixt D. Gager and D. Rainoldes
The period of the Persian monarchie
The prophecie of Obadiah opened and applyed in sundry learned and gracious sermons preached at All-Hallowes and St Maries in Oxford by that famous and iudicious divine Iohn Rainolds D. of Divinity and late president of Corp. Chr. Coll. Published for the honour and vse of that famous Vniversity, and for the benefit of the churches of Christ abroad in the country, by W.H
The prophesie of Haggai
The summe of the conference betvveene Iohn Rainoldes and Iohn Hart
The summe of the conference betweene Iohn Rainoldes and Iohn Hart
The summe of the conference betwene Iohn Rainoldes and Iohn Hart
V. CI. D. Ioannis Rainoldi, olim Græcæ linguæ prælectoris in collegio Corporis Christi apud Oxonienses
V. Cl. D. Ioannis Rainoldi, olim Graecae linguae praelectoris in Collegio Corporis Christi apud Oxonienses. Orationes duodecim
V. Cl. D. Ioannis Rainoldi, olim Græcæ linguæ prælectoris in Collegio Corporis Christi apud Oxonienses
V. Cl. D. Ioannis Rainoldi, olim Græcæ, linguæ prælectoris in Collegio Corporis Christi apud Oxonienses, Orationes duodecim
V. Cl. D. Ioannis Rainoldj, olim Græcæ linguæ prælectoris in Collegio Corporis Christi apud Oxonienses, orationes duodecim
Vxore dimissa propter fornicationem aliam non licet superinducere