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Aggas, Edward
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Aggas, Edward
Aggas Edward
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A breefe description of the battailes, victories and triumphes, atchiued by the D. of Parma, and the Spanish armye
A breefe description of the battailes, victories and triumphes, atchiued by the D. of Parma, and the Spanish armye
A caueat for France, vpon the present euils that it now suffereth
A declaration set forth by the Frenche kinge, shewing his pleasure concerning the new troubles in his realme. Translated out of French into English by E.A
A discourse of life and death. VVritten in French by Ph. Mornay. Antonius, a tragœdie written also in French by Ro. Garnier. Both done in English by the Countesse of Pembroke
A discourse vpon the present estate of France
A discourse vppon a question of the estate of this time. Faithfully translated out of French by E.A
A iournall, wherein is truely sette downe from day to day, what was doone, and worthy of noting in both the armies, from the last comming of the D. of Parma into Fraunce, vntill the eighteenth of May 1592, according to the French computation
A most excellent exploit perfourmed by Monsieur de Diguieres, the French kinges lieutenant, vpon the Popes armie which was vnder the conduct of Earle Hercules the popes nephew
A necessary discourse concerning the right which the house of Guyze pretendeth to the crowne of France. Faithfully translated out of the French
A state discourse vpon the late hurt of the French king. Faithfully translated out of French, by E.A
A true discourse of the occurrences in the warres of Sauoy
A true discourse of the whole occurrences in the Queenes voyage from her departure from Florence, vntil her arriuall at the citie of Marseilles
An admonition giuen by one of the Duke of Sauoyes Councel to his hignesse,
An answeare to the supplication
An excellent discourse vpon the now present estate of France. Faithfully translated out of French, by E.A
Articles concerning the yeelding of the cittie of Grenoble into the Kings obedience
Directions from the king, to the gouernors of the prouinces, concerning the death of the Duke of Guyse
Imprint of Thomas Orwin and device of Edward Aggas
Ordinances set foorth by the King
The French kings edict vpon the reducing of the citie of Paris vnder his obedience
The contre-league
The coppy of a letter written by the Lord of Themines, Seneschall of Quercy
The defence of death
The discouerer of France to the Parisians, and all other the French nation
The discouerer of France to the Parisians, and all other the French nation. Faithfullie translated out of the French: by E.A
The order of ceremonies obserued in the annointing and coronation of the most Christian King of France & Nauarre, Henry the IIII. of that name, celebrated in our Lady Church, in the cittie of Chartres vppon Sonday the 27. of February 1594. Faithfully translated out of the French coppy printed at Roan, by commaundement of the said Lord. by E.A
The politicke and militarie discourses of the Lord de La Nouue