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Bagshaw, Edward, 1629-1671
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Bagshaw, Edward, 1629-1671
Edward Bagshaw
Bagshaw Edward 1629-1671
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A Letter writ to Sir John Robinson, Lieutenant of the Tower
A brief enquiry into the grounds and reasons, whereupon the infallibility of the Pope and the Church of Rome is said to be founded
A brief treatise about the spiritual nature of God and of His worship
A defence of The antidote against Mr. Baxter's palliated cure of church divisions
A discourse about Christ and antichrist, or, A demonstration that Jesus is the Christ
A letter to Mr. Thomas Pierce, rector of Brington
A letter to a person of quality
A letter to the Right Honourable, Edward Earl of Clarendon
A letter unto a person of honour & quality
A letter unto a person of honour & quality
A practicall discourse concerning Gods decrees
A review and conclusion of The antidote agianst Mr. Baxter's palliated cure of church-divisions
A second letter unto a person of honour & quality containing some farther animadversions upon the Bishop of Worcester's letter
A true and perfect narrative of the differences between Mr. Busby and Mr. Bagshavve, the first and second masters of Westminster-School
A vindication of The case of indifferent things used in the worship of God
An antidote against Mr. Baxters palliated cure of church divisions, or, An account of several weighty and just exceptions against that book
Dissertationes duæ anti-Socinianæ
Exercitationes dvæ
Saintship no ground of soveraignty, or, A treatise tending to prove, that the saints, barely considered as such, ought not to govern
Signes of the times, or, Prognosticks of future judgements
The XXIV cases concerning things indifferent in religious worship considered, or, The resolver better resolved by his own principles, and non-conformists more confirmed
The case & usage of Mr. Edw. Bagshaw, drawn up by himself, the night before he was to have been sent away, being March 10. 1663/4. With an account of his examination before the King.
The case of indifferent things used in the worship of God
The doctrine of free-grace, no doctrine of licenciousnesse, or, That Gods free unconditionall pardoning of sinne is the best way to mortifie the power of sinne in believers
The doctrine of the kingdom and personal reign of Christ
The great question concerning things indifferent in religious vvorship
The great question concerning things indifferent in religious worship
The last conflicts and death of Mr. Thomas Peacock, batchelour of divinity, and fellow of Brasen-nose Colledge in Oxford
The last visitation
The last visitation: conflicts and death of Mr. Thomas Peacock
The life and death of Mr. Vavasor Powell, that faithful minister and confessor of Jesus Christ
The marks of the apocalyptical beast, plainly decyphered
The necessity & use of heresies, or, The third and last part of The great question about indifferent things in religious worship
The second part of The great question concerning things indifferent in religious vvorship