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R. F. (Richard Farnworth), -1666
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Farnworth, Richard
R. F. (Richard Farnworth), -1666
Richard Farnworth
R. F -1666
R. F (Richard Farnworth), d. 1666
R. F (Richard Farnworth), -1666
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A brief discovery of the kingdome of Antichrist
A call out of false worships. Written by one whom the people of the world call a Quaker, whose name is Richard Farnevvorth
A character whereby the false christs, or antichrists, seducers, false prophets, and house creepers may be known
A confession and profession of faith in God: by his people who are inscorn called Quakers
A discovery of faith
A discovery of truth and falshood
A loving salutation with several seasonable exhortations
A message from the Lord to all that despise the ordinance of Christ
A rod to drive out the wilde bores, and subtill foxes, from amongst the vines that the vineyard may be kept cleer. Or, a gift sent to the priests
A tender visitation of heavenly love, streaming from the fountain of endless life unto the tribulated flock of Christ (whom the world in derission calls Quakers)
A tolleration sent down from heaven to preach, or, Godly religious meetings, and true gospell preachers, praying and preaching, in other places then parish churches and chappels, justified by the highest powers, and signally owned by testimonies from heaven, ought not to be condemned or forbiden, but rather allowed and tollerated by men upon earth
A true testimony against the Popes wayes, &c
A voice of the first trumpet
A vvoman forbidden to speak in the church
A woman forbidden to speak in the church
An Easter-reckoning, or, A free-vvill offering
An Easter-reckoning, or, A free-will offering
Antichrists man of vvar, apprehended, and encountred withal, by a souldier of the armie of the Lamb
Cesars penny to be paid by Cesars friends
Christian religious meetings allowed by liturgie are no seditious conventicles, nor punishable by the late act, or, What persons and meetings are owned and allowed by the liturgie of the Church of England
Christian tolleration, or, Simply and singly to meet upon the account of religion, really to worship and serve the Lord, without any unlawful act to be done or intended, is not an offence against law
Englands vvarning-peece gone forth
Gospel liberty sent down from heaven in a suffering time, or Christian tolleration given and granted by the Lord about the worship of God, and in matters of faith and salvation .
Gospel liberty sent down from heaven in a suffering time, or, Christian toleration given and granted by the Lord, about the worship of God .
Light risen out of darkness now in these latter days
Moses message to Pharoah, or God sending to the heads of England
Several petitions answered, that were put up by the priests of Westmorland, against James Nayler and Geo. Fox
Several petitions answered, that were put up by the priests of Westmorland, against James Naylor and Geo. Fox .
The Holy Scriptures from scandals are cleared. Or An answer to a book set forth by the baptizers; to wit, Henry Hagger and Thomas Pollard, entituled, The Holy Scriptures clearing it self of scandals
The Quakers plea with the bishops at their ecclesiastical courts, or, An answer of the people of God, reproachfully called Quakers, to the bill of presentment put against them into the bishops courts, for not coming to the church as is pretended
The Quakers plea with the bishops at their ecclesiastical courts, or, An answer to the people of God, reproachfully called Quakers, to the bill of presentment put against them into the bishops courts, for not coming to the church as is pretended
The Scriptures vindication against the Scotish contradictors
The brazen serpent lifted up on high, or truth cleared and above the deceit exalted, and as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wildernesse: even so must the son of man be lifted up, that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish but have eternall life. Joh. 3. 14. 15
The brazen serpent lifted up on high, or, A discourse concerning election and predestination .
The generall-good to all people: or, The Lords free love running forth freely to his own people in these latter days, according to his promises made to his people, which he is now fulfilling
The heart opened by Christ, or, The conditions of a troubled soul that could find no true rest, peace, comfort, nor satisfaction in any thing below the divine power and glory of God
The last testimony of that faithful servant of the Lord and minister of Jesus Christ, Richard Farnworth
The liberty of the subject by Magna Charta, or, Several weighty things to be considered of by the jurors and judges, seeing the law of England is said to be a law of mercy and doth take care jurors be of the next neighbourhood .
The priests ignorance, and contray-vvalkings to the Scriptures: or the practice of the Apostles
The priests ignorance; and contrary walkings to the scriptures: or The practice of the Apostles
The publique worship, or, The worship of God
The pure language of the spirit of truth
The pure language of the spirit of truth, set forth for the confounding false languages acted out of pride, ambition & deceit, or, Thee & thou, in its place, is the proper language to any single person whatsoever
The pure language of the spirit of truth, set forth for the confounding false languages, acted out of pride, ambition and deceit, or, Thee and thou, in its place, is the proper language to any single person whatsoever
The ranters principles & deceits discovered and declared against
The saints duty, and safety, in a trying time, and when they are attended with a suffering condition: or, The saints duty in meeting together in the way of God, as worshippers of him
The spirit of God speaking in the temple of God, or, Gods spiritual teachings in his people puts flesh to silence that the spirit of Christ may speak in the church &c
The spirituall man iudgeth all things: or the spirituall mans true iudgment
To you that are called by the name of Baptists, or the baptized people that do what you do by imitation from John Baptist, Christ and the Apostles
Truth ascended, or, The annointed and sealed of God defended
Truth cleared of scandals, or truth lifting up its head above scandals, &c
Truth exalted and deceit abased, or, A discovery of the false Christs and false prophets spoken of in the 7th and 24th chapters of Matthew
Truth vindicated. Or, An answer to a letter sent from John Perrot out of Jamaica into England, &c
VVitchcraft cast out from the religious seed and Israel of God
VVritten by one, whom the world calls a Quaker, Joh.17.2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. Verses