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Vicars John 1579 or 80-1652
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Vicars John 1579 or 80-1652
Vicars John, 1579 or 80-1652
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A brief review of the most material parliamentary proceedings of this present Parliament, and their armies, in their civil and martial affairs
A caveat for covenant-contemners and covenant-breakers
A discovery of the rebels
A just correction and inlargement of a scandalous bill of the mortality of the malignant clergie of London, and other parts of the kingdome, which have been justly sequestred from their pastorall-charges, and since that (some of them) defunct, by reason of the contageous infection of the prelaticall pride and malignancie of their owne spirits; since the yeare 1641. to this present year 1647. Together with the severall pernicious casualties of the same. Or, A succinct traiterologie
A just defence of John Bastwick. Doctor in Phisicke, against the calumnies of John Lilburne Leiutenant Colonell and his false accusations
A letter for a Christian family
A letter for a Christian family. Directed to all true Christians to read
A looking-glasse for malignants: or, Gods hand against God-haters
A most elegant and religious rapture
A prospectiue glasse to looke into heauen, or The cœlestiall Canaan described
A sight of ye trans-actions of these latter yeares
A summarie, or short survey of the annalls and most remarkable records of King Charles his reigne, from the first yeare thereof to this present, 1646
Against VVilliam Li-Lie (alias) Lillie
Babels balm: or The honey-combe of Romes religion
Babylons beautie, or, The Romish-Catholicks svveet-heart
Behold Romes monster on his monstrous beast
Coleman-street conclave visited
Coleman-street conclave visited, and, that grand imposter, the schismaticks cheater in chief (who hath long, slily lurked therein) truly and duly discovered
Dagon demolished: or, Twenty admirable examples of Gods severe justice and displeasure against the subscribers of the late engagement, against our lawfull soveraign King Charls the second; and the whole House of Peeres, in these words
England's worthies
Englands hallelu-jah. Or, Great Brittaines gratefull retribution, for Gods gratious benediction
Englands remembrancer, or, A thankfull acknowledgement of Parliamentary mercies our English-nation
Englands remembrancer, or, A thankfull acknowledgement of Parliamentary mercies to our English-nation
Epigrams of that most wittie and worthie epigrammatist Mr. Iohn Owen, Gentleman. Translated by Iohn Vicars
Former ages never heard of, and after ages will admire, or, A brief review of the most materiall parliamentary transactions, beginning November 3, 1640
Former ages never heard of, and after ages will admire, or, A brief review of the most materiall parliamentary transactions, beginning, Nov. 3, 1640
Former ages never heard of, and after ages will admire. Or, A brief review of the most materiall parliamentary transactions
God in the mount. Or, Englands remembrancer
God on the mount, or a continuation of Englands parliamentary chronicle
Gods arke overtopping the worlds waves, or The third part of the Parliamentary chronicle
Magnalia Dei Anglicana. Or, Englands Parliamentary chronicle
Medico mastix, or, A pill for the doctor
Mischeefes mysterie: or, Treasons master-peece, the Powder-plot
November the 5. 1605. The quintessence of cruelty
Prodigies & apparitions, or, Englands warning piece
Reverend sir, having lately received from you, by the hands of my loving neighbour and friend Mris. Ducker, a booke undeserved and unexpected savour, one of your last books, intituled, Innocencie and Truth triumphing together
Speculum scripturale schismaticorum
Speculum scripturale schismaticorum: or, A scripture looking--glasse
The XII Aeneids of Virgil, the most renowned laureat-prince of Latine-poets; translated into English deca-syllables, by Iohn Vicars. 1632
The danger of treaties with popish-spirits. Or, A seasonable caveat, and premonition to our present most renowned Parliament
The great Antichrist
The last trumpet: or, a six-fold Christian dialogue
The looking-glasse for malignants, enlarged. Or, The second part of Gods hand against God-haters
The opinion of the Roman judges touching imprisonment, and the liberty of the subject, or, A sermon preached at the Abby at Westminster, at a late publique fast, Jan. 25. 1642
The opinion of the Roman jvdges touching imprisonment and the liberty of the subject, or, A sermon preached at the Abby at Westminster, at a late publique fast, Jan. 25, 1642
The picture of Independency lively (yet lovingly) delineated
The schismatick sifted. Or, The picture of Independents, freshly and fairly washt-over again
The sinfulness and unlawfulness, of having or making the picture of Christs humanity
To his reverend and much respected good friend, Mr. John Goodwin
True information of the beginning and cause of all our troubles
Unholsome henbane between two fragrant roses, or, Reasons and grounds proving the unlawfull and sinfull inserting of the corrupt and most erronious Apocrypha between the two most pure and sacred testaments