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Fleming, Abraham, 1552?-1607
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Fleming, Abraham
Fleming, Abraham, 1552?-1607
Abraham Fleming
Fleming Abraham 1552?-1607
Fleming Abraham
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A bright burning beacon
A dictionarie in English and Latine
A dictionarie in English and Latine for children, and yong beginners: compiled at the first by Iohn Withals, (with the phrases, and rvthmicall, and prouerbiall verses &c. which haue bin added to the same, by Levvis Evans, and Abr Fleming, successiuely.)
A dictionarie in Latine and English, heretofore set forth by Master Iohn Veron, and now newlie corrected and enlarged, for the vtilitie and profit of all young students in the Latine toong, as by further search therin they shall find: by R.W
A dictionary in English and Latine
A fort for the afflicted
A godly and learned exposition vppon the Prouerbes of Solomon: written in French by Maister Michael Cope, minister of the woorde of God, at Geneua: and translated into English, by M.O
A memoriall of the famous monuments and charitable almesdeedes of the right worshipfull Maister William Lambe esquire
A monomachie of motiues in the mind of man: or a battell betweene vertues and vices of contrarie qualitie
A panoplie of epistles, or, a looking glasse for the vnlearned
A paradoxe, prouing by reason and example, that baldnesse is much better than bushie haire, &c. Written by that excellent philosopher Synesius, Bishop of Thebes, or (as some say) Cyren. A prettie pamphlet, to pervse, and replenished with recreation. Englished by Abraham Fleming. Herevnto is annexed the pleasant tale of Hemetes the Heremite, pronounced before the Queenes Maiestie. Newly recognised both in Latine and Englishe, by the said A.F
A pithie exposition vpon the. 51. Psalme intituled, Miserere mei deus, &c
A registre of hystories
A short dictionarie in Latine and English
A short dictionarie in Latine and English, verie profitable for yoong beginners
A shorte dictionarie in Latine and English
A straunge and terrible wunder wrought very late in the the parish church of Bongay, a tovvn of no great distance from the citie of Norwich, namely the fourth of this August, in ye yeere of our Lord 1577
A treatise of blazing starres in generall
A true report of the third and last voyage into Meta incognita
An aluearie or quadruple dictionarie
An epitaph, or funerall inscription, vpon the godlie life and death of the right worshipfull Maister William Lambe Esquire
Concerning the true beleefe of a Christian man
Eicasmi seu meditationes, in sacram Apocalypsin. Authore Io. Foxo Anglo
Eicasmi, sev, Meditationes, in sacram Apocalypsin
May sufficiently shew may sufficiently shew
Of Englishe dogges
Of all blasing starrs in generall, as well supernaturall as naturall, to what countrie or people so euer they appeare in the world vniuersall. The iudgement of the right reuerend Frederike Nause, Bishop of Vienna. Written and dedicated to the most high and puissaunt Emperour Ferdinand. Translated out of Latine into English, by Abraham Fleming
Strange and terrible news from Alton in Hamp-shire
The Bucoliks of Publius Virgilius Maro, prince of all Latine poets; otherwise called his pastoralls, or shepeherds meetings. Together with his Georgiks or ruralls, otherwise called his husbandrie, conteyning foure books. All newly translated into English verse by A.F
The bee hiue of the Romish Church
The beehive of the Romish church
The bucolikes of Publius Virgilius Maro
The conduit of comfort
The diamond of deuotion
The epistle of the blessed Apostle Saint Paule, which he, in the time of his trouble and imprisonment, sent in writing from Rome to the Ephesians
The epistle of the blessed apostle Saint Paule
The first and second volumes of Chronicles
The foot-path of faith, and high-way to heaven. with The bridge to Blessednesse. Containing many godly prayers, meditations, and graces. By Abraham Fleming
The foote-path to felicitie
The footepath of faith, leading the highwaie to heauen
The nomenclator, or Remembrancer of Adrianus Iunius physician
The sermons of M. Iohn Caluin vpon the fifth booke of Moses called Deuteronomie
Verborum Latinorum cum Graecis Anglicisque coniunctorum, locupletissimi commentarij: ad elaboratum Guilielmi Morelii Parisiensis, Regij in Græcis typographi archetypum accuratissimè excusi, nouaque vocum passim insertarum accessione adaucti, vt stellulæ, quaæ singulis lucent paginis, indicabunt. Consultis, praeter ditissima aliorum dictionaria, viuis etiam nonnullorum doctorum vocibus, quò Anglica versio perspicua magis sit, fructuosiórq ad communem studiosorum vsum emânet. Quid vtilitatis in his commentariis contineatur, quæq́ue conscribendi eos ratio à primo authore inita sit, ex ipsius Morelii præfatione studiosi facillimè percipient. 1583