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Owen, John, 1616-1683
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Owen, John
John Owen English theologian
Owen, John, 1616-1683
Owen John 1616-1683
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A Declaration of the faith and order owned and practiced in the Congregational churches in England
A brief and impartial account of the nature of the Protestant religion
A brief declaration and vindication of the doctrine of the Trinity
A brief instruction in the worship of God, and discipline of the churches of the New-Testament, by way of question and answer
A brief instruction in the worship of God; and discipline of the churches of the New Testament
A brief vindication of the non-conformists from the charge of schisme
A continuation of the exposition of the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Hebrews
A declaration of the faith and order owned and practised in the Congregational Churches in England
A defence of Mr. John Cotton from the imputation of selfe contradiction, charged on him by Mr. Dan. Cavvdrey
A discourse concerning evangelical love, church-peace and unity
A discourse concerning evangelical love, church-peace, & unity
A discourse concerning liturgies, and their imposition
A discourse concerning the operations of the Holy Spirit
A discourse of the work of the Holy Spirit in prayer
A guide to church-fellowship and order according to the gospel-institution
A letter concerning the matter of the present excommunications
A new and useful concordance to the Holy Bible
A peace-offering
A peace-offering in an apology and humble plea for indulgence and liberty of conscience
A practical exposition of the CXXXth Psalm
A practical exposition of the Ten Commandments
A practical exposition on the 130th Psalm
A review of the annotations of Hugo Grotius
A review of the true nature of schisme
A sermon preached to the Honourable House of Commons, in Parliament assembled: on January 31. A day of solemne humiliation
A sermon preached to the Parliament, Octob. 13. 1652. A day of solemne humiliation
A short and plain answer to two questions
A treatise of the dominion of sin and grace
A true copy of the Welch sermon preached before the two princes, Prince Rupert and Prince Maurice, at Dover
A vindication of some passages in a discourse concerning communion with God
A vindication of the Animadversions on Fiat lux
A vision of vnchangeable free mercy, in sending the means of grace to undeserved sinners
An ansvver to the animadversions on the dissertations touching Ignatius's epistles, and the episcopacie in them asserted. By H. Hammond, D.D
An enquiry into the original, nature, institution, power, order and communion of evangelical churches
An enquiry into the original, nature, power, order and communion, of evangelical churches
An exercitation concerning the frequent use of our Lords Prayer in the publick worship of God
An humble testimony unto the goodness and severity of God in his dealing with sinful churches and nations, or, The only way to deliver a sinful nation from utter ruine
Animadversions on a treatise intituled Fiat lux, or, A guide in differences of religion, between papist and Protestant, Presbyterian and independent
Certaine treatises
Christologia, or, A declaration of the glorious mystery of the person of Christ, God and man
Clavis cantici, or, An exposition of the Song of Solomon
Clinicus resurgens, or, The infirm man made whole
Diatriba de justitia divina. Seu Iustitiæ vindicatricis vindiciæ
Discourses conserning evangelical love, church-peace and unity
Dr. John Owen's two short catechisms
Exercitations concerning the name, original, nature, use, and continuance of a day of sacred rest
Exercitations on the Epistle to the Hebrevvs
Exercitations on the Epistle to the Hebrews
Exercitations on the epistle to the Hebrews, concerning the priesthood of Christ
God's presence with a people, the spring of their prosperity
God's work in founding Zion, and his peoples duty thereupon
Gospel grounds and evidences of the faith of God's elect
Indulgence and toleration considered
Meditations and discourses concerning the glory of Christ
Meditations and discourses of the glory of Christ
Meditations and discourses on the glory of Christ
Meditations and discourses on the glory of Christ, in his person, office, and grace
Moderation a vertue, or, A vindication of the principles and practices of the moderate divines and laity of the Church of England
Of communion with God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, each person distinctly: in love, grace, and consolation. Or The saints fellowship with the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost unfolded. By the Reverend John Owen D.D
Of communion with God the Father, Sonne, and Holy Ghost, each person distinctly; in love, grace, and consolation: or, The saints fellowship with the Father, Sonne, and Holy Ghost, unfolded
Of schisme
Of temptation
Of the death of Christ, the price he paid, and the purchase he made. Or, the satisfaction, and merit of the death of Christ cleered
Of the divine originall, authority, self-evidencing light, and povver of the Scriptures
Of the mortification of sin in believers
Of the mortification of sinne in believers
Ouranōn Ourania, the shaking and translating of heaven and earth
Ouranōn ourania·
Phronēma tou pneumatou, or, The grace and duty of being spiritually-minded
Pneumatologia, or, A discourse concerning the Holy Spirit
Proposals for the furtherance and propagation of the gospel in this nation
Proposals for the furtherance and propagation of the gospell in this nation
Rusticus ad academicos in exercitationibus expostulatoriis, apologeticis quatuor
Salus electorum, sanguis Jesu, or, The death of death in the death of Christ
Some considerations about union among Protestants, and the preservation of the interest of the Protestant religion in this nation
Synesis pneumatikē, or, The causes waies & means of understanding the mind of God as revealed in his word, with assurance therein
The Christians daily walk in holy security and peace
The advantage of the kingdom of Christ, in the shaking of the kingdoms of the world: or Providential alterations in their subserviencie to Christ's exaltation
The advantage of the kingdome of Christ in the shaking of the kingdoms of the vvorld: or Providentiall alterations in their subserviency to Christ's exaltation
The advantage of the kingdome of Christ, in the shaking of the kingdoms of the world: or, Providential alterations, in their subserviencie to Christ's exaltation
The branch of the Lord, the beauty of Sion: or, The glory of the Church, in it's relation unto Christ·
The church of Rome, no safe guide, or, Reasons to prove that no rational man, who takes due care of his own eternal salvation, can give himself up unto the conduct of that church in matters of religion
The divine will considered in its eternal decrees, and holy execution of them. By Edward Polhill of Burwash in Sussex Esquire
The doctrine of justification by faith through the imputation of the righteousness of Christ, explained, confirmed, & vindicated
The doctrine of the saints perseverance, explained and confirmed, or, The certain permanency of their 1. acceptation with God & 2. sanctification from God
The duty of pastors and people distingushed . Or A briefe discourse, touching the administration of things commanded in religion
The duty of pastors and people distingushed, or, A briefe discovrse touching the administration of things commanded in religion
The glory and interest of nations professing the Gospel
The humble proposals of Mr. Owen, Mr. Tho. Goodwin, Mr. Nye, Mr. Sympson, and other ministers
The labouring saints dismission to rest
The law unsealed; or, A practical exposition of the Ten Commandments
The nature of apostasie
The nature, power, deceit, and prevalency of the remainders of indwelling-sin in believers
The primer: or, An easie way to teach children the true reading of English
The principles of the doctrine of Christ
The principles of the doctrine of Christ unfolded in two short catechisms
The reason of faith, or, An answer unto that enquiry, wherefore we believe the scripture to be the word of God
The stedfastness of promises, and the sinfulness of staggering
The true copy of a Welch sermon preached before Prince Maurice in Wales upon his departure thence by Shon up Owen, Priest
The true idea of Jansenisme
The true nature of a Gospel church and its government .
Theologoumena pantodapa, sive, De natura, ortu progressu, et studio veræ theologiæ, libri sex
Theomachia Aʼvtexousiatikē, or, A display of Arminianisme
Theomachia autexousiastikē: or, A display of Arminianisme
To His Excellencie the Lord General Monck
To His Excellencie the Lord General Monck; the humble gratulation and acknowledgement of Colonel Robert Broughton, and several others his counrrey-men
Truth and innocence vindicated
Two discourses concerning the Holy Spirit, and His work
Unto the questions sent me last night, I pray accept of the ensuing answer, under the title of two questions concerning the power of the supream magistrate about religion, and the worship of God
Vindiciæ evangelicæ or The mystery of the Gospell vindicated, and Socinianisme examined
Vindiciæ justificationis gratuitæ