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Churchyard, Thomas, 1520?-1604
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Churchyard, Thomas (English writer, ca. 1520-1604)
Churchyard, Thomas, 1520?-1604
Thomas Churchyard écrivain britannique
Churchyard, Thomas, ca. 1520-1604
Churchyard Thomas 1520?-1604
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A discourse of the Queenes Maiesties entertainement in Suffolk and Norffolk
A farewell cauld, Churcheyeards, rounde
A feast full of sad cheere
A generall rehearsall of warres
A generall rehearsall of warres, called Churchyardes choise
A greatter thanks, for Churchyardes welcome home
A handeful of gladsome verses, giuen to the Queenes Maiesty at Woodstocke this prograce. 1592
A handeful of gladsome verses, giuen to the Queenes Maiesty at Woodstocke this prograce. 1592. By Thomas Churchyarde
A lamentable, and pitifull description, of the wofull warres in Flaunders, since the foure last yeares of the Emperor Charles the fifth his raigne
A light bondell of liuly discourses called Churchyardes charge
A musicall consort of heauenly harmonie (compounded out of manie parts of musicke) called Churchyards charitie
A myrrour for man where in he shall see the myserable state of thys worlde
A plaine or moste true report of a daungerous seruice
A playn and fynall confutacion: Of cammells corlyke oblatracion
A pleasant conceite penned in verse
A pleasant discourse of court and wars
A pleasaunte laborinth called Churchyardes chance
A prayse, and reporte of Maister Martyne Forboishers voyage to Meta Incognita. (A name giuen by a mightie and most great personage)
A replicacion to Camels obiection
A reuyuing of the deade by verses that foloweth
A sad and solemne funerall, of the right Honorable sir Francis Knowles knight, treasorer of the Queenes Maiesties houshold, one of hir priuie councell, and knight of the most honorable order of the Garter. VVritten by Thomas Churchyard Esquier
A scourge for rebels
A sparke of frendship and warme goodwill, that shewest the effect of true affection and vnfoldes the finenesse of this world
A true discourse historicall, of the succeeding gouernours in the Netherlands, and the ciuill warres there begun in the yeere 1565
A warning for the wise, a feare to the fond, a bridle to the lewde, and a glasse to the good
An epitaph vpon the deth of kyng Edward
Churchyardes farewell
Churchyardes lamentacion of freyndshyp
Churchyards challenge
Churchyards good will
Come bring in Maye with me
Dauy Dycars dreame
Giacomo di Grassi his True arte of defence
Sorrovvfull verses made on death of our most Soueraigne Lady Queen Elizabeth, my gracious mistresse
The contention betwyxte Churchyeard and Camell, vpon Dauid Dycers dreame
The epitaph of Sir Phillip Sidney Knight, lately Lord Gouernour of Floshing
The epitaphe of the honorable Earle of Penbroke, Baron of Cardiffe, and knight of the most noble order of the garter
The firste part of Churchyardes chippes
The firste parte of Churchyardes chippes
The fortunate farevvel to the most forward and noble Earle of Essex, one of the honorable priuie counsel, Earle high Marshal of England, Master of the horse, Master of the ordinance, Knight of the garter, & Lord Lieutenant general of all the Queenes Maiesties forces in Ireland
The honor of the lawe. VVritten by Thomas Churchyard Gent
The mirror of man, and manners of men
The miserie of Flaunders, calamitie of Fraunce, misfortune of Portugall, vnquietnes of Irelande, troubles of Scotlande: and the blessed state of Englande. VVritten by Tho. Churchyarde Gent. 1579
The moste true reporte of Iames Fitz Morrice death, and others the like offeders: with a brief discourse of rebellion, dedicated to the ribht sic worshipfull my louying freende M. Drewe Drewrie, brother to the honourable sir Willyam Drewrie, lorde Iustice of Irelande. Written by Thomas Churchyard Gent
The right, pleasant, and variable trachical history of Fortunatus
The surreioindre vnto Camels reioindre
The thre first bookes of Ouids De tristibus, translated into Englishe
The three first bookes of Ouid de Tristibus translated into English
The vvonders of the ayre, the trembling of the earth
The vvorthines of VVales