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Henrietta Maria, Queen, consort of Charles I, King of England, 1609-1669
Altre forme del nome
Henrietta Maria, regina consorte di Charles I, re d'Inghilterra, 1609-1669
Henrietta Maria, koningin van Engeland, 1609-1669
Henriette-Marie, reine d'Angleterre, 1609-1669
Henrietta Maria королева английская 1606-1669
Henriette Marie, regina consorte di Charles I, re d'Inghilterra, 1609-1669
הנרייט מארי, מלכה, בת זוגו של המלך צ'ארלס הראשון, מלך אנגליה, 1609-1669
Henrietta Maria (królowa Anglii ; 1609-1669)
Henrietta Maria, anglická královna, choť Karla I., anglického krále, 1609-1669
Henrietta Maria 1609-1669 Queen, England
Henriette Marie de France
Henriette-Marie de France reine d'Angleterre 1609-1669
Henriette Marie gemalinne til Karl I, konge av England
Henrietta Maria, Queen, consort of Charles I, King of England, 1609-1669
Henrietta Maria, karaliene, Anglijas karaļa Čārlza I dzīvesbiedre, 1609-1669
Henrietta Maria, drottning av England och Skottland, 1609-1669
Henriette-Marie, reine d'Angleterre
Henriette Maria England, Königin 1609-1669
Henrietta Maria, Queen of England and Scotland (British queen of French birth, 1609-1669)
Henrietta Maria Queen, consort of Charles I, King of England, 1609-1669
Seleziona tutte
A copie of the Queens letter from the Hague in Holland to the Kings Maiesty residing at Yorke
A copie of the Queens letter from the Hague in Holland to the Kings Maiesty residing at Yorke
A coppy of 1. The letter sent by the Queenes Majestie concerning the collection of the recusants mony for the Scottish warre, Apr. 17. 1639
A copy of first, the letter sent by the Queenes Majestie concerning the collection of the recusants money for the Scotish war, April 17. 1639
A letter sent from the Queen of England to the Kings Majesty at Newport
Admirable and notable things of note
De boodtschap ende brief vande koninginne, gesonden aen sijne maiesteyt. Wt den Hage den 8. october, 1642
His Ma speech, & the Queenes speech, concerning the reasons of the House of Commons, to stay the Queens going into Holland
His Ma'ties speech, & brace the Queenes speech
The Best newes from York that ever came to London and VVestminster
The King of France his message to the Queene of England
The Kings Majesties speech to the sixe heads, concerning the Queens going into Holland
The Prince of Orange his royall entertainment to the Queen of England
The Prince of Orange, his royall entertainment to the Qveen of England
The Queen of England's prophecie concerning Prince Charles
The Queen's Maiesties gracious answer to the Lord Digbies letter
The Queenes letter to the Kings most excellent Majesty
The Queenes speech
The Queens Majesties letter to the Parliament of England
The Queens Majesties message and declaration to the Right Honourable the Peers of England, assembled in Parliament
The Queens Majesties message and letter from the Hague in Holland, directed to the Kings most excellent Majesty, &c
The Queens letter from Holland
The Qveen's Maiesties gracious answer to the Lord Digbies letter
The XXXth. of January. Or, An anniversary
The proceedings in the late treaty of peace
The protestation of her Royall Maiestie, given at Her departure from Scheveling, Feb. 25. 1643. Old style
The queenes letter to the Kings most excellent Majesty
Two letters of note