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Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682
Altre forme del nome
Ruprecht von der Pfalz, Duke of Cumberland Prinz von der Pfalz, Herzog von Cumberland, britischer General
Rupert, 1619-1682, prince palatin
Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682
Rupert, Prince, 1619-1682
Ruprecht, von der Pfalz, principe, 1619-1682
Ruprecht, prince palatin, 1619-1682
Ruprecht Pfalz, Prinz 1619-1682
Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine (German prince, printmaker, 1619-1682)
Rupert Reński (1619-1682)
Ruprecht Falcký, princ, 1619-1682
Rupert, von der Pfalz, principe, 1619-1682
Rupert Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682
Seleziona tutte
A Chaleng sent from Prince Rupert and the Lord Grandison to Sir Wjlljam Belford
A Treatise of peace
A bloudy battel
A brief relation of His Majesties, and the French Kings forces under my command, with the Dutch
A briefe relation of the siege at Newark
A copy of a letter from the Earle of Essex, by order of the pretended Houses of Parliament, to Prince Rupert
A declaration by the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland
A declaration from Prince Rupert and Prince Maurice
A declaration of His Highness Prince Rupert
A letter from the Earl of Essex to His Highnesse Prince Rupert
A perfect relation of all the proceedings betwixt his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, and his Highnesse Prince Rupert
A speech spoken by His Excellence Prince Rupert to his sacred Majesty, and the Lords of his Privie Councell at his returne from Redding to Oxford
A speech, spoken by Prince Robert
A true copie of Colonel Sr. Gamaliel Dudley's letter to His Highnesse Prince Rupert from Newark 4. March. 1644
A true relation of the storming Bristoll
An extract of severall letters, vvhich came by the last post, or otherwise, from all parts of the kingdome, since the fifth of November to this present November the twelfth
Articles of agreement & subscription
Fourteen articles of peace
Further instruction for Cap: Thomas Allen
His Highness Prince Rupert's letter to the Earl of Arlington His Majesties Principal Secretary of State
His Highness Prince Rupert's letter to the Earl of Arlington his Majesties principal secretary of state
Prince Robert his speech to the Earle of Essex the morning before hee marched forth with his forces
Prince Roberts declaration to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, October 11, 1642
Prince Roberts message to my Lord of Essex
Prince Roberts message to my Lord of Essex
Prince Rupert his declaration
Prince Rupert, his reply to a pamphlet entituled The Parliaments vindication in answer to Prince Ruperts declaration
Prince Ruperts cruell vvarrant
Prince Ruperts declaration to the King of Portugall
Prince Rvpert his declaration
Sculptura, or, The history, and art of chalcography and engraving in copper
The Parliaments vindication in ansvver to Prince Ruperts declaration
The copy of a vvarrant under Prince Kuperts hand
The declaration of His Highnesse Prince Rupert, Lord High Admirall of all the navy Royall, belonging to the Kings Majesty Charles the II
The humble desires of Prince Rupert, Prince Maurice, and others their adherents, to the Kings Most Excellent Majestie, to be tryed at a counsell of war
The iudgement of the court of warre upon the charge laid against Sir Richard Cave, for the delivery up of Hereford
The last vvill and testament of P. Rupert
The proceedings in the late treaty of peace
The victory over the fleet of the States General, obtained by His Majesties Navy Royal
True but sad and dolefull nevves from Shrevvesbvry
True, but sad and dolefull newes from Shrevvesbury