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Rider, John, 1562-1632
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Rider, John
Rider, John, 1562-1632
Rider, John, vesc. di Killaloe, 1562-1632
John Rider
Rider John 1562-1632
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A Catholike confutation of M. Iohn Riders clayme of antiquitie
A friendly caveat to Irelands Catholickes, concerning the daungerous dreame of Christs corporall (yet invisible) presence in the sacrament of the Lords Supper
Bibliotheca scholastica. A double dictionarie, penned for all those that would haue within short space the vse of the Latin tongue, either to speake, or write. Verie profitable and necessarie for scholars, courtiers, lawyers and their clarkes, apprentices of London, travellers, factors for marchants, and briefly for all discontinuers within her Majesties realmes of England and Ireland. Compiled by Iohn Rider, master of artes, and preacher of Gods word
Dictionarium etymologicum Latinum
Dictionarium etymologicum Latinum, antiquissimum & novissimum, nunc demum infinitis penè laboribus & continuis vigiliis compositum & absolutum à Francisco de Sacra Quercu, that is, A dictionarie declaring the originall and derivations, of all words used in any Latine authors, with the reason of their derivations and appellations
Dictionarium etymologicum in duas divisum partes
Riders dictionarie
Riders dictionarie
Riders dictionarie
Riders dictionarie as it was heretofore corrected, and with the addition of aboue fiue hundred words enriched
Riders dictionarie corrected and augmented
Riders dictionarie corrected, and augmented with the addition of many hundred words not extant in any former edition
Riders dictionarie corrected, and with the addition of aboue fiue hundred words enriched. Hereunto is annexed A dictionarie etymologicall, deriuing euery word from his natiue fountaine, with reasons of the deriuations, with manie Romane antiquities, neuer anie extant in that kinde before. By Francis Holyoke
Riders dictionarie corrected, and with the addition of above five hundred words enriched
Riders dictionarie corrected, and with the addition of above five hundred words enriched. Hereunto is annexed a dictionarie etymologicall deriving every word from his natiue fountaine, with reasons of the derivations, and many Romane antiquities, never any extant in that kinde before. By Francis Holyoke
Riders dictionarie rrected, and with the addition of above five hundred words enriched
Riders dictionarie, corrected and augmented with the addition of many hundred words both out of the law, and out of the Latine, French, and other languages, such as were and are with us in common use, but never printed till now, to the perfecting of the worke. Also hereunto is annexed certaine tables of weights and measures, the valuation of auncient and moderne coines; as also a table of the Hebrew, Greeke, and Latine measures, reduced to our English standard and assise: and the weights used in physicke, none of which were ever in Riders worke. Whereunto is joyned a dictionarie etymologicall, deriving each word from his proper fountaine ... Now newly corrected and much augmented, by Francis Holy-Oke
Riders dictionarie, corrected and augmented with the addition of many hundred words both out of the law, and out of the Latine, French, and other languages, such as were and are with us in common use, but never printed till now, to the perfecting of the worke. The barbarous words which were many hundreds are expunged, to the helpe of young scholars, which before they used in stead of good words. ... Also hereunto is annexed certaine tables of weights and measures, the valuation of auncient and moderne coines; as also a table of the Hebrew, Greeke, and Latine measures, reduced to our English standard and assise: and the weights used in physicke, none of which were ever in Riders worke. Whereunto is joyned a dictionarie etymologicall, deriving each word from his proper fountaine, the first that ever was extant in this kind, with many worthy castigations and additions, in this last edition, as will appeare in the title and epistle before it. Now newly corrected and greatly augmented by Fr
Riders dictionarie, corrected and augmented with the addition of many hundred words both out of the law, and out of the Latine, French, and other languages, such as were and are with us in common use, but never printed till now, to the perfecting of the worke. The barbarous words which were many hundreds are expunged, to the helpe of young scholars, which before they used in stead of good words. Also hereunto is annexed certaine tables of weights and measures, the valuation of auncient and moderne coines; as also a table of the Hebrew, Greeke, and Latine measures, reduced to our English standard and assise: and the weights used in physicke, none of which were ever in Riders worke. Whereunto is joyned a dictionarie etymologicall, deriving each word from his proper fountaine, the first that ever was extant in this kind, with many worthy castigations and additions, in this last edition, as will appeare in the title and epistle before it
Riders dictionarie. As it was heretofore corrected, and with the addition of aboue fiue hundred words enriched. Hereunto is annexed a dictionary etymologicall, deriuing euery word from his natiue fountaine, with reasons of the deriuations; and many Roman antiquities, neuer any extant in that kinde before. By Francis Holyoke. To which are ioyned (as may appeare more largely in the title and epistle before the Latine dictionary) many vsefull alterations, emendations, and additions of etymologies, differences, antiquities, histories, and their morals By Nicholas Gray
Riders dictionary
The coppie of a letter sent from M. Rider, deane of Saint Patricks, concerning the Newes out of Ireland, and of the Spaniards landing and present estate there