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W. B
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A Collection of so much of the statutes in force, as contain and enjoyn the taking of the several oaths of supremacy and allegiance
A collection of certain statutes in force
A direction for the English traviller
A dreadful account of a most terrible earthquake which lately happened in Italy
A funeral sermon preached on the occasion of the Right Honourable the Earl of Sh--y's late interment in Dorset-shire
A letter from Utercht , to the Assembly of Divines at Westminster
A letter from W.B. in the city, to his friend at Warwick
A seasonal discourse, shewing how that the oaths of allegiance & supremacy, (as our laws interpret them) contain nothing which any good Christian ought to boggle at
A treatise of humilitie
A true account of a letter sent from Vienna, August the 23rd 1683
A word to the wiser Jacobites, worthy their persual over a sober dish of coffee
An abridgement of the life of S. Francis Xaverius of the Society of Iesus, new apostle of India and Japony
An auncient historie and exquisite chronicle of the Romanes warres, both ciuile and foren
An auncient historie and exquisite chronicle of the Romanes warres, both ciuile and foren. Written in Greeke by the noble orator and historiographer, Appian of Alexandrîa ... With a continuarion , bicause that parte of Appian is not extant, from the death of Sextus Pompeius, second sonne to Pompey the Great, till the overthrow of Antonie and Cleopatra .
An exact account of a late famous defeat of the Irish forces near Belturbet
An impartial relation of the surrender and delivery of the famous city of Dublin to the French by the late King James
Cupid's court of salutations
Cupids schoole
Exceeding good nevves from Ireland
Ingenii fructus: or, The Cambridge jests
March's actions for slander, and arbitrements
Misopormist : or some loathsome abominations of the Romish faction
Regi sacrum
Remarks, and animadversions, on Mr. Keith's two sermons, being his first after ordiantion, preached at the parish church of St. George's Butolphs-Lane, London, May the 12th. 1700. on St. Luke i. 6
Sacred to the precious memory of Mris Mary Boyleston, daughter of Mr Thomas Boyleston, of Fan-Church-street, London
Strange and wonderful news, from the Lords in the Tovver, or A dialogue between them, and my Lord Staffords ghost
The Loyal letany
The Roman martyrologe
The Trappan trapt. Or The true relation of a cunning, cogging, confident, crafty, counterfeit, cosening and cheating knight, alias knave
The famous history of Auristella
The ladies milk-house: or, the oppressed man's complaint
The maner to dye well
The names, dignities and places of all the collonells, lieutenant-collonels, serjant majors, captaines, quarter-masters, lieutenants and ensignes of the city of London
The portracture of Sir Thomas Overbury, Knight, ætat 32
The present condition of London-Derry
The safeguard of sailers, or, Great rutter
The sentinels remonstrance
The sentinels remonstrance, or, A vindication of the souldiers to the people of this Common-wealth, &c
The several statutes in force for the observation of Lent
The true and everlasting rule from God discovered
The white rose, or, A word for the House of York, vindicating the right of succession
Theatrum orbis terrarum Abrahami OrtelI Antuerp. geographi regii. = The theatre of the vvhole world: set forth by that excellent geographer Abraham Ortelius
Two letters from the Hague