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Hester, John -1593
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Hester, John -1593
Hester John d. 1593
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A breefe aunswere of Iosephus Quercetanus Armeniacus, Doctor of Phisick, to the exposition of Iacobus Aubertus Vindonis, concerning the original, and causes of mettalles
A compendium of the rationall secretes, of the worthie knight and moste excellent doctour of phisicke and chirurgerie, Leonardo Phiorauante Bolognese
A discourse vpon chyrurgery: written by that famous doctour and knight, Signior Leonardo Phiorauanti, Bolognese. VVith a declaration of many wonderfull matters necessary to be knowne; with most notable secret found out by the said authour. Translated out of Italian by Iohn Hester, and now newly published and augmented, for the benefite of this country: by Richard Booth, Gent
A hundred and fouretene experiments and cures of the famous physitian Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Paracelsus; translated out of the Germane tongue into the Latin. Whereunto is added certaine excellent and profitable workes by B.G. a Portu Aquitano. Also certaine secrets of Isacke Hollandus concerning the vegetall and animall worke. Also the spagericke antidotarie for gunne-shot of Iosephus Quirsitanus. Collected by Iohn Hester
A hundred and fourtene experiments and cures of the famous phisition Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Paracelsus, translated out of the Germane tongue into the Latine. Whereunto is added certaine excellent and profitable workes by B.G., a Portu Aquitano. Also certaine secretes of Isack Hollandus concerning the vegetall and animall worke. Also the spagerick antidotarie for gunshot of Iosephus Quirsitanus. Collected by I.H
A ioyfull iewell
A short discours of the excellent doctour and knight, maister Leonardo Phiorauanti Bolognese vppon chirurgerie
An excellent treatise teaching howe to cure the French-pockes
The English-mans treasure
The Sclopotarie of Iosephus Quercetanus, phisition. Or His booke containing the cure of wounds receiued by shot of gunne or such like engines of warre. Whereunto is added his spagericke antidotary of medicines against the aforesayd woundes. Published into English by Iohn Hester, practitioner in the said spagiricall arte
The first part of the key of philosophie
The first part of the key of philosophie
The pearle of practise, or Practisers pearle, for phisicke and chirurgerie. Found out by I. H. (a spagericke or distiller) amongst the learned obseruations and prooued practises of many expert men in both faculties. Since his death it is garnished and brought into some methode by a welwiller of his
The secrets of physick and philosophy
The true and perfect order to distill oyles out of al maner of spices seedes, rootes, and gummes with their perfect taste, smel, and sauour
These oiles, vvaters, extractions, or essence saltes, and other compositions; are at Paules wharfe ready made to be solde, by Iohn Hester, practisioner in the arte of distillation; who will also be ready for a reasonable stipend, to instruct any that are desirous to learne the secrets of the same in few dayes, &c