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Manchester Edward Montagu Earl of, 1602-1671
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Manchester Edward Montagu Earl of, 1602-1671
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A briefe relation of the siege at Newark
A judicious speech made by the Right Honourable the Lord Kimbolton, in Parliament, Ianuary 3, 1641
A letter from Generall Leven, the Lord Fairfax, and the Earl of Manchester, to the committee of both kingdoms, and by them communicated to the Parliament
According to His Majesties especial command to me signified for avoiding the great dangers happening by fire
Englands sad posture; or, A true description of the present estate of poore distressed England
Exceeding joyfull nevves from the Earl of Stamford, and the Lord Wharton, and the Lord Kymbolton
Exceeding joyfull nevves from the Earl of Stamford, the Lord Wharton, and the Lord Kymbolton
Manchesters resolution against the Lord Strange
Nevves from the siege before Yorke
Reasons delivered by the Right Honourable the Earle of Manchester: for nulling the forc'd votes, and against the high and visible insolencies of those that forced the Houses
The E: of Manchesters narrative in ye house of Peers in Parliament
The Earl of Manchesters speech to His Maiesty, in the name of the peers, at his arrival at White-Hall, the 29th of May, 1660
The Earl of Manchesters speech to his Majesty in the name of the peers, at his arrival at White-Hall, the 29th of May, 1660
The Right Honorable the Lord Kimbolton his speech in Parliament on Tuesday the third of January 1641
The Right Honovrable the Lord Kimbolton his speech in Parliament Ian. 3, 1641
The articles of the svrrender of the citie of Yorke to the Earle of Leven, Lord Fairefax, and Earle of Manchester, on Tuesday July 16, 1644
The articles of the svrrender of the city of Yorke to the Earle of Leven, Lord Fairefax, and Earle of Manchester, on Tuesday July 16, 1644
The right honourable the Lord Kimbolton his speech in Parliament, Ian. 3. 1641
The speech of the Right Honourable Edward, Earl of Manchester, lord chamberlaine of His Majestie's houshold
The speech of the right honourable Edward, Earl of Manchester, Lord Chamberlain of His Majesties houshold
The votes agreed on by the Lords and Commons concerning a treatie
The votes agreed on by the Lords and Commons concerning a treaty
Three speeches delivered at a common-hall on Saturday the 28 of July, 1643
Tvvo speeches spoken by the Earl of Manchester, and Jo. Pym Esq
Tvvo speeches spoken by the Earle of Manchester, and Iohn Pym, Esq
Two speeches delivered by the Earl of Manchester and Mr. Io, Pym, Esquire, in Gvild-hall, on Friday the 25 of Nov. 1642
Two speeches delivered by the Earl of Manchester, and Mr. Io: Pym, Esquire, in Guild-Hall, on Friday the 25. of Nov. 1642
Two speeches delivered, the one by the Earle of Manchestr and the other by Iohn Pym Esquire, in Guild-Hall on fryday the 13. of Ianuary 1642
Two speeches made by the speakers of both Houses of Parliament to His Excellency Sir Tho. Fairfax Generall
Two speeches spoken by the Earle of Manchester, and Io. Pym Esq