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Collinges, John, 1623-1690
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John Collinges
Collinges, John, 1623-1690
Collinges John 1623-1690
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A cordial for a fainting soul
A cordial for a fainting soul, or, Some essaies for the satisfaction of doubting wounded Christians, labouring under several burdens
A cordial for a fainting soule
A cordial for a fainting soule, or, Some essaies for the satisfaction of doubting wounded Christians labouring under severall burdens
A cordiall for a fainting soule, or, Some essayes for the satisfaction of wounded spirits labouring under severall burthens
A lesson of self-deniall, or, The true way to desirable beauty
A memorial for posteritie
A modest plea for the Lords Day
A nevv lesson for the Indoctus Doctor: or rather, A fescue, and a pair of spectacles to help him to read the former, better
A reasonable account why some pious, nonconforming ministers in England judge it sinful for them to perform their ministerial acts, in publick, solemn prayer by the prescribed forms of others
A sober and temperate discourse, concerning the interest of words in prayer
A supplement to a little book entituled, A reasonable account why some pious nonconforming ministers cannot judg it lawful for them to perform their ministerial acts in publick solemn prayer, ordinarily, by the prescribed forms of others
Defensative armour, against four of Sathan's most fiery darts
Elisha's lamentation for Elijah· Or, The just cause of a peoples mourning upon the losse of a faithful minister, under their greatest assurance of his translation to glory
English Presbytery, or, An account of the main opinions of those ministers and people in England, who go under the name of Presbyterians
Faith & experience: or, A short narration of the holy life and death of Mary Simpson
Faith & experience:, or, A short narration of the holy life and death of Mary Simpson, late of Gregories Parish in the city of Norvvich
Five lessons for a Christian to learne, or, The summe of severall sermons
Indoctus doctor edoctus: Or A short ansvver to a little tract of Theophilus Brabourn's, concerning the changing of church-discipline
Light in darkness, or, A twofold fountain of comfort and satisfaction, to those, who walking with God, yet live, and may die unsatisfied, as to the sensible manifestations of divine love
Par nobile
Provocator provocatus. Or, An answer made to an open challenge made by one M. Boatman in Peters Parish in Norwich, the 13th of December, 1654. in a sermon preached there at a fast, in which answer these questions are spoke to
Responsoria ad erratica pastoris, sive, Vindiciæ vindiciarum
Responsoria ad erratica piscatoris. Or, A caveat for old and new prophanenesse
Responsoria bipartita, sive vindiciæ suspensionis ecclesiasticæ ut et presbyterii evangelici
Several discourses concerning the actual Providence of God
Short animadversions upon a sermon lately preached by the Reverend Dr. Tillotson upon Joshua 24.15 and since published
Strength in weakness
The excellent woman
The happiness of brethrens dwelling together in unity
The history of conformity, or, A proof of the mischief of impositions from the experience of more than one hundred years
The improvableness of water-baptism, or, A discourse concerning the gravity and seriousness of the action and the usefulness of the sacred institution of baptism
The intercourses of divine love betwixt Christ and his Church, or, The particular believing soul
The intercourses of divine love betwixt Christ and the Church, or, The particular believing-soul
The right vvay to true peace, or, A discovery of a gospel-mystery
The second vindication of my first book of the change of discipline
The spouse raised from under the apple-tree, or, The way by which children of wrath come to be made the children of grace
The spouse under the apple-tree, or, The state of the elect by nature
The spouses carriage in the wildernesse, in her leaning upon her welbeloved, opening the temper of the beleeving-soule in her severall wildernesses .
The spouses hidden glory, and faithfull leaning upon her vvelbeloved
The spouses hidden glory, and faithfull leaning upon her wellbeloved
The vindication of liturgies, lately published by Dr. Falkner, proved no vindication of the lawfulness, usefulness, and antiquity of set-forms of publick ministerial prayer
The weavers pocket-book, or, Weaving spiritualized
The works of John Collings .
Thirteen sermons upon several useful subjects
Vindiciae ministerii evangelici
Vindiciæ ministerii evangelici
Vindiciæ ministerii evangelici revindicatæ: or The preacher (pretendedly) sent, sent back again, to bring a better account who sent him, and learn his errand
Vindiciæ ministerii evangelici; = a vindication of the great ordinance of God