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Booker, John, 1603-1667
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Booker, John, 1603-1667
John Booker
Booker John 1603-1667
BOOKER, John 1603-1667
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A bloody Irish almanack, or, Rebellious and bloody Ireland, discovered in some notes extracted out of an almanack, printed at Waterford in Ireland for this yeare 1646
A brief judgment astrologicall
A new bloody almanack, for this ensuing year 1645
A rope for a parret, or, a cure for a rebell past cure
A rope treble-twisted, for John Tayler the water-poet
A table collected of the yeares of our Lord God, and of the yeares of the kings of England
Almanack sive prognosticon astrologicum & diarium meteorologicum, vel speculum anni M. DC. XXXVIII
Almanack: sivè Prognosticon astrologicum & diarium meteorologicum vel Speculum anni M.DC.XXXVII
An old almanack after a new fashion, cællestial calculations, or, An ephemeris of the motions of the sun, moon and planets for the year of mans redemption by Jesus Christ, 1658
Bowker. 1631
Bowker. 1632
Bowker. 1634
Celestiall observations, or, An ephemeris of the planetary motions
Cœlestiall observations
Cœlestiall observations, or, An ephemeris of the motions of the sun, moon and planets (after a new and easie method) their various aspects, conjunctions and configurations
Cœlestiall observations, or, An ephemeris of the motions, eclipses, and phænomena's of the luminaries, the planetary appearances, positions, and conjunctions
Glad tydings of ioy, or, A prognostication of peace
M.D.C.XL. almanack et prognosticon, sive, Speculum anni a N.C.I. dominis & servatoris nostri, 1640
M.D.C.XLI. Almanack et prognosticon sive speculum anni à nat. I.C. 1641
MDCXLII almanack et prognosticon, sive, Speculum anni à nat. J.C., 1642
MDCXLIII almanack et prognosticon, sive, Speculum anni à nat. J.C. 1643
Mercurius Coelicus, or, A caveat to all the people of the kingdome
Mercurius anglicus: or, England's Merlin. Prophetically fore-telling, the admirable events, and wonderful effects, that shall befall the King of Scots, the states of Holland, and the Parliament of England
Mercurius caelicus sive almanack et prognosticon vel speculum anni a nativitate. J.C. 1644. et ab astrorum creatione kepleriana; 5637
Mercurius coelicus, or, A caveat to all people of the kingdome
Mercurius coelicus, sive, Almanack
Mercurius coelicus: or, A caveat to all people of the kingdome
Mercurius cœlicus, sive, Almanack et prognosticon vel speculum anni à nativitate J.C. 1645
Mercurius cœlicus, sive, Almanack et prognosticon, vel Speculum anni a nativitate. J. C. 1646 .
Mercurius cœlicus: or, a caveat to all people of the kingdome
Mercurius cœlicus; or, A caveat to all the people of the kingdome
Merlinus Anglicus: or, England's Merlin
No Mercurius aquaticus, but a cable-rope, double twisted for Iohn Tayler, the water-poet
No Mercurius aquaticus, but a cable-rope, double twisted for Iohn Tayler, the water-poet, who escaping drowning in a paper-wherry-voyage, is reserved for another day as followeth, viz
Ourano theōria
Ouranotheōria. Cœlestiall observations: or An ephemeris of the motions, eclipses and phænomena's of the luminaries the planetary appearances, positions, and conjunctions
Telescopium Uranicum
Telescopium Uranicum, or, An almanack and prognostication for the year of Christs incarnation MDCLXII being the second after bissextile or leap-year, and from the creation of the world according to the computation of the late excellent mathematician John Kepler 5655, and of the Julian period 6375, but after the most rational calculation of the more later learned physictian and astrologian Johannes Baptista Morinus 5633
Telescopium uranicum repurgatum & limatum
Telescopium uranicum repurgatum & limatum, or, Physical, astrological, and meteorological observations for the year of Christ's incarnation M.DC.LXVII
Telescopium uranicum, or in plain English, An almanack and prognostication for the year of Christs incarnation MDCLXI
Telescopium uranicum, or, An almanack and prognostication for the year of Christs incarnation M. DC. LXIII
Telescopium uranicum, or, An almanack and prognostication, physical, astrological, & meteorological, for the year of Christ's incarnation MDCLXIV
Telescopium uranicum, or, An ephemeris
Telescopium uranicum, or, An ephemeris of the motions of the two great lights and the other five planets for the year of mans redemption by Jesus Christ, 1659
The Dutch fortune-teller
The New bloody almanack for this ensuing year, beginning March the 25, 164 and ending March 25, 1645
The anatomie of the yeare 1636, sive Prognosticon astrologicum & diarium meteorologicum, vel speculum anni bissextilis MDCXXXVI
The bloody almanack
Tractatus paschalis, or, A discourse concerning the holy feast of Easter
Uranoscopia Britannica., or, An almanack and prognostication for the yeare of Christ 1650
Uranoscopia, or, An almanack and prognostication
Whereas upon Thursday last, December 16, 1647
# 1-9 @
1639, almanack et prognosticon, sive, Speculum anni M.DC.XXXIX