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Dewsbury, William, 1621-1688
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Dewsbury, William, 1621-1688
William Dewsbury
Dewsbury William 1621-1688
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A discovery of the ground from whence the persecution did arise, and the proceedings of those that were actors in it, in Northamptionshire, against the servant of the most high God William Deusbery
A general epistle
A general epistle given forth from the spirit of the Lord
A general epistle to Friends, from that ancient servant of Christ William Dewsebury
A general epistle to be read in the fear of God in and amongst the assemblies of his people
A tovtes nations, tributs langages, langues et peuples
A true prophecie of the mighty day of the Lord
A true prophecy of the mighty day of the Lord
Christ exalted, and alone worthy to open the seals of the book
Several letters written to the saints of the Most High, to build them up in the truth, as it is in Jesus
Several letters written to the saints of the Most High, to build them up in the truth, as it is in Jesus. By William Deusbury. James Nayler. George Fox. John Whitehead
The Principles of truth
The breathings of life to God's spiritual Israel
The discovery of mans return to his first estate
The discovery of mans return to his first estate by the operation of the power of God in the great work of regeneration
The discovery of mans returne to his first estate by the operation of the power of God in the great work of regeneration
The discovery of the great enmity of the serpent against the seed of the woman, which witnesseth against him where he rules, both in rulers priests and people
The faithful testimony of that antient servant of the Lord, and minister of the everlasting Gospel William Dewsbery
The mighty day of the Lord, is coming
The word of the Lord to Sion the New Jerusalem
The word of the Lord to all children born again of the immortal seed
The word of the Lord to all the inhabitants in England
The word of the Lord to his church and holy assembly
The word of the Lord, to his beloved citty New-Ierusalem
This for dear friends in London and them that are aboard the ship in order to transportation, or else where all abroad
To all nations, kindreds, languages, tongues, and people with your princes and rulers
To all the faithful and suffering members
To all the faithful brethern born of the immortal seed of the Father of Life
To all the faithfull and suffering members in all holes, prisons, and goals for the Word of God and testimony of Jesus Christ, with the rest of the faithful where-ever scatter'd upon the face of the earth
To all the faithfull in Christ who have stood in his council the light, to be led in the foot-steps of the flock of the companions, and to all that professe the light of Christ to be their guide .
To the faithfull in Christ