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Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606
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Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606
Golding, Arthur 1536-1605
Golding, Arthur
Arthur Golding
Golding Arthur 1536-1606
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A Most excellent and profitable dialogue, of the powerfull iustifying faith
A Postill, or, Exposition of the Gospels that are usually red in the churches of God, vpon the Sundayes and feast dayes of Saincts
A booke of Christian questions and answers
A briefe discourse of the late murther of master George Sanders, a worshipful citizen of London
A briefe discourse of the late murther of master George Saunders, a worshipfull citizen of London
A briefe treatise concerning the burnynge of Bucer and Phagius, at Cambrydge, in the tyme of Quene Mary
A catholike exposition vpon the Reuelation of Sainct Iohn. Collected by M. Augustine Marlorate out of diuers notable writers, whose names ye shal find in the page following
A confutation of the Popes bull which was published more then two yeres agoe against Elizabeth the most gracious Queene of England, Fraunce, and Ireland, and against the noble realme of England
A discourse vpon the earthquake that hapned throughe this realme of Englande, and other places of Christendom, the first of Aprill. 1580. betwene the houres of fiue and six in the euening. Written by Arthur Golding, gentleman
A iustification or cleering of the Prince of Orendge agaynst the false sclaunders, wherewith his ilwillers goe about to charge him wrongfully. Translated out of French by Arthur Goldyng
A little booke of Iohn Caluines concernynge offences
A postill, or exposition of the Gospels that are vsually read in the churches of God, vpon the Sundayes and feast dayes of Saintes
A postill, or exposition of the Gospels that are vsually read in the churches of God, vpon the Sundayes and feast dayes of Saintes. Written by Nicholas Heminge a Dane, a preacher of the Gospel, in the Vniuersitie of Hafnie: And translated into English by Arthur Golding. Before which postil, is set a warning of the same Nicholas Heminge to the ministers of Gods word, concerning the continuall agreemente of Christes Church in the doctrine and true worshipping of God: least any beeing offended at the varietie of opinions and multitude of sects, might eyther forsake their profession, or do their duetie more slouthfully
A postill, or exposition of the Gospels that are vsually red in the churches of God, vpon the Sundayes and feast dayes of saincts, written by Nicholas Heminge a Dane, a preacher of the Gospell, in the Vniuersitie of Hafnie. And translated into English by Arthur Golding. Before which postill is sette a warning of the same Nicholas Heminge too the ministers of Gods worde, concerning the cotinuall agreement of Chrystes Church in the doctrine and true worshipping of God: least anye beeing offended at the varietie of opinions and multitude of sectes, might eyther forsake their profession, or doo their duetie more slouthfully
A postill, or exposition of the Gospels that are vsually red in the churches of God, vpon the Sundayes and feast dayes of saincts. Written by Nicholas Heminge a Dane, a preacher of the Gospell, in the Vniuersitie of Hafnie. And translated into English by Arthur Golding. Before which postill is sette a warning of the same Nicholas Heminge too the ministers of Gods woord, concerning the continuall agrement of Chrysts Church in the doctrine & true worshipping of God: least any being offended at the varietie of opinions and multitude of sectes, might eyther forsake their profession, or doo their duetie more slouthfully
A postill, or exposition of the Gospels that are vsually red in the churches of God, vpon the Sundayes and feast dayes of saincts. Written by Nicholas Heminge a Dane, a preacher of the Gospell, in the Vniuersitie of Hafnie. And translated into Englishe by Arthur Golding. Before which posti is set a warning of the same Nicholas Heminge to the ministers of Gods woord sic, concerning the continual agreement sic of Christes Church in the doctrine and true worshipping of God: least any being offended at the varietie of opinions and multitude of sectes, might eyther forsake their profession, or doo their duetie more slouthfully
A tragedie of Abrahams sacrifice, written in french by Theodore Beza, and translated into Inglish, by A.G. Finished at Povvles Belchamp in Essex, the xj. of August. 1575
A vvoorke concerning the trewnesse of the Christian religion, written in French: against atheists, Epicures, Paynims, Iewes, Mahumetists, and other infidels. By Philip of Mornay Lord of Plessie Marlie. Begunne to be translated into English by Sir Philip Sidney Knight, and at his request finished by Arthur Golding
A vvorke concerning the trevvnesse of Christian religion, written in French: against atheists, Epicures, Paynims, Iewes, Mahumetists, and other infidels. By Philip of Mornay Lord of Plessie Marlie. Begunne to be translated into English by Sir Philip Sidney Knight, and at his request finished by Arthur Golding
A vvorke concerning the trunesse of Christian religion, written in French: against atheists, Epicures, Paynims, Iewes, Mahumetists, and other infidels. By Philip of Mornay Lord of Plessie Marlie. Begunne to be translated into English by that honourable and worthy gentleman, Syr Philip Sidney Knight, and at his request finished by Arthur Golding. Since which time, it hath bene reviewed, and is now the third time published, and purged from sundrie faultes escaped heretofore, thorow ignorance, carelesnes, or other corruption
A worke concerning the trunesse of Christian religion
An epitome of Frossard: or, A summarie collection of the most memorable histories contained in his chronicle, chiefly concerning the state of England and France
Concerning the true beleefe of a Christian man
Politicke, moral, and martial discourses. Written in French by M. Iaques Hurault, lord of Vieul and of Marais, and one of the French kings priuie Councell. Dedicated by the author to the French-kings Maiestie: and translated into English by Arthur Golding
Sermons of M. Iohn Caluine vpon the Epistle of Saincte Paule to the Galathians
Sermons of Maister Iohn Caluin, vpon the booke of Iob, translated out of French by Arthur Golding
Sermons of Master Iohn Caluin, vpon the booke of Iob. Translated out of French by Arthur Golding
Thabridgemente of the histories of Trogus Pompeius, gathered and written in the Laten tung, by the famous historiographer Iustine, and translated into Englishe by Arthur Goldinge: a worke conteyning brefly great plentye of most delectable historyes, and notable examples, worthy not onely to be read but also to bee embraced and followed of al men. Newlie conferred with the Latin copye and corrected by the translator. Anno Domini. 1570
Thabridgment of the histories of Trogus Pompeius, collected and wrytten in the Laten tonge, by the famous historiographer Iustine, and translated into English by Arthur Goldyng: a worke conteynyng brieflie great plentie of moste delectable hystories, and notable examples, worthie not onelie to be read but also to be embraced and followed of all menne
The Psalmes of Dauid and others. With M. Iohn Caluins commentaries
The abridgement of the historyes of Trogus Pompeius
The benefit that Christians receiue by Iesus Christ crucified
The edict or proclamation set forthe by the Frenche Kinge vpon the pacifying of the troubles in Fraunce, with the articles of the same pacification. Read and published in the presence of the sayd King, sitting in his Parlament, the xiij. day of May, 1576. Translated out of Frenche by Arthur Golding. Cum priuilegio
The eight bookes of Caius Iulius Cæsar conteyning his martiall exployts in the realme of Gallia and the countries bordering vpon the same. Translated out of Latin into English by Arthur Golding G
The excellent and pleasant worke of Iulius Solinus Polyhistor
The eyght bookes of Caius Iulius Cæsar conteyning his martiall exploytes in the realme of Gallia and the countries bordering vppon the same translated oute of latin into English by Arthur Goldinge G
The fifteene bookes of P. Ouidius Naso; entituled, Metamorphosis. Translated out of Latine into English meeter, by Arthur Golding, Gentleman. A worke very pleasant and delectable
The fyrst fovver bookes of P. Ouidius Nasos worke, intitled Metamorphosis, translated oute of Latin into Englishe meter by Arthur Golding Gent. A woorke very pleasaunt and delectable
The historie of Leonard Aretine
The ioyful and royal entertainment of the ryght high and mightie Prince, Frauncis the Frenche Kings only brother
The lyfe of the most godly, valeant and noble capteine and maintener of the trew Christian religion in Fraunce, Iasper Colignie Shatilion, sometyme greate admirall of Fraunce. Translated out of Latin by Arthur Golding
The order of prayer vpon Wednesdayes and Frydayes, to auert and turne Gods wrath from vs, threatned by the late terrible earthquake
The rare and singuler worke of Pomponius Mela, that excellent and worthy cosmographer, of the situation of the world
The sermons of M. Iohn Caluin vpon the fifth booke of Moses called Deuteronomie
The sermons of M. Iohn Caluin, vpon the Epistle of S. Paule too the Ephesians. Translated out of French into English by Arthur Golding
The soules own evidence, for its own immortality
The testaments of the the twelue patriarches, the sonnes of Iacob:
The vvarfare of Christians
The vvoorke of the excellent philosopher Lucius Annæus Seneca concerning benefyting
The vvorke of Pomponius Mela. the cosmographer, concerninge the situation of the world
The worthie work of Iulius Solinus Polyhistor
The xv. bookes of P. Ouidius Naso, entituled, Metamorphosis
The. xv. bookes of P. Ouidius Naso, entytuled Metamorphosis