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England and Wales
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England and Wales
England and Wales
England and Wales Privy Council
England and Wales Parliament
England and Wales Army
England and Wales High Court of Admiralty
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A declaration of the Lords and Commons of Parliament assembled at Oxford
A memorial delivered to His Majesty (July 21
A payre of compasses for church and state
A proclamation appointing skippers to give up lists of their passengers
A project for an equitable and lasting peace
A speech, made by the right Honourable, Iohn Earle of Bristoll, in the high Court of Parliament, May 20. 1642
All the severall ordinances and orders made by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning sequestring the estates of delinquents, papists, spyes and intelligencers
An extract of the acts against importing Irish cattel, &c
An ordinance and declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament
An ordinance from His Maiesty and both Houses of Parliament for the ordering of the militia of the kingdome of England and Dominion of Wales
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the speedy raising and levying of money for the maintenance of the army raised by the Parliament
Anno Regni Jacobi II. Regis. Angliae, Scotiae, Franciae & Hiberniae, primo
Anno regni Caroli II. regis. Angliae, Scotiae, Franciae & Hiberniae, tricesimo secundo
At the court at Whitehall the 25. of June, 1667
By the King
By the King
By the Queene
By the Quene
Charles, Earle of Nottingham, Barron Howard of Effingham, knight of the most noble Order of the Garter, Lord Liefetenant of his Maiesties counties of Sussex, and Surry .
Die Jovis 22. Septem. 1642
Earle of Ranelagh's discharge
His Majesties declaration to all his loving subjects, occasioned by a false and scandalous imputation laid upon His Majesty of an intention of raising or leavying war against his Parliament, and of having raised force to that end
His Majesties gracious letter to the Lord Maior and court of aldermen of the city of London about imploying the poor and vagrants
His Majesties regulation in the business of plate-carriage, &c
King James his apology for the oath of allegiance and supremacy
Proclamation, for adjourning the Parliament to the twenty fifth day of October next, 1694
The answer of William Paston Esq, to the petition of Sir Denis Gauden, and Sir Thomas Stephens Knights, in behalf of themselves, and the tenants of Yate, Market Sodbury, Old Sodbury, and Little Sodbury, in the county of Glocester
The declaration and ordinance of the Lords and Commons touching the Great Seale of England
The declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, concerning His Majesties letter
The humble petition of the Lord Major, Alderman, and Commons of the City of London in Common-Councell assembled
The petition and articles exhibited in Parliament against Doctor Heywood, late chaplen to the Bishop of Canterburie, by the parishioners of S. Giles in the Fields
The questions propounded to Mr. Herbert the Kings attorney generall by the House of Commons in the presence of both Houses of Parliament, on Friday the fourteenth of Ianuary 1641
Treaty of peace, good correspondence & neutrality in America
Veneris 20⁰ die Novris 1702. Mr. Comptroller reported to the House, that their resolution; and address to Her Majesty for the removing William Lord Bishopp of Worcester from being Lord Almoner to her Majesty had been presented to eher Majesty, and that her Majesty was pleased to give this most gracious answer
# 1-9 @
10. Januarii. 1641