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Lenthall, William, 1591-1662
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William Lenthall personnalité politique britannique
Lenthall, William
William Lenthall
Lenthall, William, 1591-1662
Lenthall William 1591-1662
Lenthall William
Lenthall William Mr
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A collection of such of the orders heretofore used in Chauncery
A collection of such of the orders heretofore used in Chauncery
A copie of a letter sent by Mr. Speaker to all the corporations in England
A copie of a letter sent by Mr. Speaker, to all the corporations in England
A copy of a letter from the speakers of both Houses of Parliament in England dated July 4. 1643
A copy of the speakers letter to the vice-chancellour and the heads of houses of the Vniversity of Oxford
A declaration of Master William Lenthall Esquire, Speaker of the Honorable House of Commons
A declaration of William Lenthall Esquire, Speaker of the Honorable House of Commons, shewing the grounds and reasons which moved him to absente himselfe from attending the service of the House on Friday, July 30, 1647
A declaration of William Lenthall, Esquire; Speaker of the Honorable House of Commons
A declaration of the gentry of the county of Devon, met at the generall quarter sessions at Exeter, for a free Parliament
A full narative of all the proceedings betweene His Excellency the Lord Fairfax and the mutineers, since his Excellencies advance from London, Thursday May 10. to their routing and surprizall, Munday May 14. at mid-night
A fuller relation from Bridgewater since the last fight
A fuller relation of that miraculous victory
A letter concerning the storming and delivering up of the castle of the Devises unto Lieutenant Generall Cromwell
A letter from Colonell Generall Poynts, to the Honourable William Lenthall Speaker of the House of Commons
A letter from Exeter, advertizing the state of affairs there
A letter from Sir Arthur Hesilrige to the Honorable William Lenthal Esq; Speaker of the Honorable House of Commons
A letter from the Commissioners of the Kingdom of Scotland residing here at London to William Lenthall Esq. Speaker of the House of Commons
A letter from the Right Honorable, the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, to the Honorable William Lenthall Esq; Speaker of the Parliament of England
A letter from the commissioners of the kingdome of Scotland residing here at London, to William Lenthall Esquire, speaker of the House of Commons
A letter from the speaker of the House of Commons, to the gentry, freeholders and inhabitants of the county of Yorkshire in answer to their protestation
A letter sent to the Right Honourable William Lenthal Esq., speaker of the Parliament of the commonwealth of England
A letter sent to the Right Honourable William Lenthall, Esquire, Speaker to the Honourable House of Commons
A letter to the Honorable William Lenthal Esq; Speaker to the Honorable House of Commons
A letter to the Right Honourable William Lenthall, Esq., Speaker of the Parliament of England
A message and declaration sent from Colonel Whaley, to the Right Honourable William Lenthal Esquire, Speaker of the House of Commons
A true narrative of the particular profits and gaines made by me William Lenthall
A true relation concerning the late fight at Torrington
A true relation of the rising of the Club-men in Sussex
A true relation of the taking of Sherborn-castle
His Maiesties speech
His Maiesties speech to both houses of Parliament, July the 5th 1641
Lieut: Generall Cromwells letter to the Honorable William Lenthall Esq
Master speaker his speech to His Majestie
Master speakers letter ordered by the Honorable House of Commons, to be sent to the high sheriffe and gentry of Yorkshire
Mr Speaker his speech to His Maiestie
Mr Speaker his speech to His Majestie
Mr. Lenthalls answer, to a paper, intitled, remarks on Mr. Lenthalls petition, now lying before the honourable House of Commons
Mr. Speaker his speech to His Mtie
Mr. Speakers letter to the Kings most excellent Majestie, Febr. 16, 1641
Mr. Speakers speech before His Majestie and both Houses of Parliament, after his returne from Scotland, upon passing the Bill for Tunnage and Poundage, on Thursday the 2. of December, relating the present distempers of England and Ireland
Mr. Speakers speech before the King in Parliament, July 3. 1641
Mr. Speakers speech before the King in the Lords House of Parliament July the third 1641
Mr. Speakers speech in the Lords House of Parliament, June 22, 1641
Mr. Speakers speech on Thursday, the thirteenth of May, 1641. as it was delivered to the Kings Majesty, before the Lords in Parliament
Mr. Speakers speech, with His Majesties speech to both Houses of Parliament, at the passing of the bill for tonnage and poundage
Nahash redivivus
Reasons humbly offer'd why the name of William Lenthall should be left out of the exception in the Act of oblivion
Several letters to the Honoble William Lenthal Esq; Speaker to the Honorable House of Commons
Sir Thomas Fairfax's letter to the Honorable William Lenthall Esq
Sir Thomas Fairfax's letter to the Honorable William Lenthall Esq: Speaker of the House of Commons
The Lord General's letter to to the Honorable William Lenthal Esq; Speaker of the Honorable House of Commons
The copy of a letter from Nevvcastle
The declaration of the gentry, of the county of Norfolk, and of the county and city of Norvvich
The legall fundamentall liberties of the people of England revived, asserted, and vindicated. Or, an epistle written the eighth day of June 1649
The speech of Master Speaker before His Majestie and both Houses of Parliament after his returne from Scotland
The speech of Master Speaker before His Majestie and both the Hovses of Parliament after his returne from Scotland
The speech of master speaker before His Majestie, and both the Houses of Parliament, after his returne from Scotland
The true coppy of a letter sent by Mr Speaker to the sheriffes of severall counties
The trve coppy of a letter sent by Mr Speaker to the sheriffes of several counties
The trve coppy of a letter sent by Mr Speaker to the sheriffes of severall counties
Three letters from the Lord General Monck, Commander in Chief of the forces in Scotland, and one of the commissioners by Act of Parliament for the government of the Army of this Commonwealth
To his very loving friends, the high sherife, and iustices of peace of the county of Surrey
To the Right Honorable Will: Lenthal Speaker to the Parliament
Two letters of note
Two letters sent to the Honorable William Lenthall Esq: Speaker of the honourable house of Commons, concerning the seige at Bristoll
Two speeches made by the speakers of both Houses of Parliament to His Excellency Sir Tho. Fairfax Generall