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J. B
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J. B
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A Protestant letter to the lords in the Tower
A compleat and true narrative of the manner of the discovery of the Popish Plot to His Majesty, by Mr. Christopher Kirkby
A faire in Spittle Fields, where all the knick knacks of astrology are exposed to open sale, to all that will see for their love; and buy for their money
A letter from J.B. alias Oldcutt
A letter from a citizen of Glasgow to his friend at Edinburgh
A letter from a friend in Spain to a friend in London
A letter from a gentleman of worth from Dublin in Ireland, to a friend in London
A letter to a member of Parliament concerning the suppression of piracy
A more particular and exact account of the totall defeat of the Swedes army in Fuenen
A mournfull elegie, in pious and perpetuall memory of the most honourable, Robert, Earle of Essex
A proposal humbly offered to the Parliament, for suppressing of popery
A seasonable word of advice unto all the saints in England
A sermon preached at Bridgwater
A sermon, or, The survey of man
A tast of a catechetical-preaching-exercise
Academical discourses
An Account of Captain Tho. Hamiltons seizing Argiles ships
An account of the original, nature, preparation, vertues, and use of the Vatican pill
Bochim. Sighs poured out by some troubled hearts, and tendred towards continuing the precious savour of the good name of the late worthy man of God, John Vernon
Certain proposals humbly offered, for the preservation & continuance of the truly reformed Protestant religion, in these three kingdomes of England, Scotland and Ireland
Directions for the right receiving of the Lords Supper
From a-board the Van Herring. The answer to the letter from Legorn answered
From aboard the Van-herring
Glad tydings, Christ held forth in the seals
Lucerna scholastica, or, The scholar's companion
Ludus Literarum
Militarie discipline, or, The young artillery-man
Mrs. Wardens observations upon her husbands reverend speech in the presence of certaine gentlewomen of Ratcliffe and Wapping
Mrs. Wardens obsevations upon her husbands reverend speech in the presence of certaine gentlewomen of Ratcliffe and Wapping
Muggleton's last will & testament (who died Novemb. 30, 1679)
Some reflections upon the Earl of Danby, in relation to the murther of Sir Edmondbury Godfrey
Some reflections upon the Earl of Danby, in relation to the murther of Sir Edmondbury Godfrey, in a letter to friend
Speciall nevves from the army at Warwicke since the fight
Speciall newes from the army at Warwicke since the fight
Tax and axe
Thanks upon thanks, or, The suburb's joy for the city's election
Thanks upon thanks: or, The suburbs's joy for the city's election
The blazing star, or, A discourse of comets, their natures and effects
The comical romance, or, A facetious history of a company of stage-players
The filacers office, or, The measne processe filacers make out before appearance, the nature and forms of their several writs, and the manner of their proceedings thereupon
The knight errant
The loyal Briton's song
The morality of the seventh-day-Sabbath disproved
The paradoxal discourses of F.M. Van Helmont concerning the macrocosm and microcosm, or, The greater and lesser world and their union
The poets knavery discouered, in all their lying pamphlets
The poets knavery discouered, in all their lying pamphlets
The shepherds lasher lash'd, or A confutation of the fugitives vindication