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Ainsworth, Henry 1571-1622?
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Ainsworth, Henry 1571-1622?
Ainsworth Henry 1571-1622?
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A censure upon the dialogue of the Anabaptists
A censure vpon a dialogue of the Anabaptists, intituled, A description of what God hath predestinated concerning man. &c
A censvre vpon a dialogve of the Anabaptists intituled, A description of what God hath predistinated concerning man &c
A defence of the Holy Scriptures, worship, and ministerie, used in the Christian Churches separated from Antichrist
A reply to a pretended Christian plea for the anti-Chistian Church of Rome: published by Mr. Francis Iohnson a⁰. 1617
A seasonable discourse, or, A censure upon a dialogue of the Anabaptists
A seasonable discourse, or, A censure upon a dialogue of the Anabaptists intituled, A description of what God hath predestinated concerning man
A seasonable discourse, or, A censure upon a dialogue of the Anabaptists, intituled, A description of what God hath predestinated concerning man, is tryed and examined .
A seasonable treatise for this age
A true confession of the faith, and humble acknovvledgement of the alegeance, vvhich vvee hir Maiesties subjects, falsely called Brovvnists, doo hould tovvards God, and yeild to hir Majestie and all other that are ouer vs in the Lord
An animadversion to Mr Richard Clyftons advertisement
An apologie or defence of such true Christians as are commonly (but vniustly) called Brovvnists
An apologie or defence of such true Christians as are commonly (but vniustly) called Brownists
An arrouu against idolatrie
An arrouu against idolatry
An arrovv against idolatrie
An arrow against idolatrie
An arrow against idolatry
An epistle sent vnto tuuo daughters of VVarwick
Annotations upon the book of Psalmes
Annotations upon the fifth book of Moses, called Deuteronomie
Annotations upon the first book of Moses, called Genesis
Annotations upon the five bookes of Moses, the booke of the Psalmes, and the Song of Songs, or, Canticles
Annotations upon the fourth book of Moses, called Numbers
Annotations upon the second book of Moses, called Exodus
Annotations upon the third book of Moses, called Leuiticus
Annotations vpon the five bookes of Moses, and the booke of the Psalmes
Annotations vpon the five bookes of Moses, the booke of the Psalmes, and the Song of Songs, or, Canticles
Annotations vpon the second booke of Moses, called Exodus
Certain notes of M. Henry Aynsworth his last sermon. Taken by pen in the publique delivery by one of his flock, a little before his death. Anno 1622. Published now at last by the said writer, as a love token of remembrance to his brethren to inkindle their affections to prayer, that scandalls (of manie years continuance) may be removed, that are barrs to keep back manie godly wise and judicious from us, wherby we might grow to farther perfection again
Certayne letters, translated into English, being first written in Latine. Two, by the reverend and learned Mr. Francis Iunius, divinitie reader at Leyden in Holland. The other, by the exiled English Church, abiding for the present at Amsterdam in Holland. Together with the confession of faith prefixed: where vpon the said letters were first written
Solomon's Song of songs
Solomons Song of Songs in English metre
The art of logick
The art of logick; or, The entire body of logick in English
The booke of Psalmes in English metre
The booke of Psalmes, Englished both in prose and metre
The booke of Psalmes: Englished both in prose and metre with annotations, opening the words and sentences, by conference with other Scriptures by H. A
The communion of saincts
The communion of saints
The confession of faith of certaine English people, living in exile, in the Low Countries
The confession of faith of certayn English people
The old orthodox foundation of religion
The orthodox foundation of religion