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Ker, A.
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Ker, A.
Ker A
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A brotherly exhortation from the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland
A brotherly exhortation from the Generall Assembly of the Church of Scotland, to their brethren of England
A declaration and brotherly exhortation of the Generall Assembly of the Church of Scotland
A declaration of the commissioners of the Generall Assembly to the whole Kirk and kingdome of Scotland
A directory for the publique worship of God throughout the three kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland
A grave and serious advice of the ministers of the Kirk of Scotland
A necessary and seasonable testimony against toleration and the present proceedings of sectaries and their abettors in England in reference to religion and government
A plot discovered
A short information from the Commission of the Generall Assembly concerning the declaration of the honourable court of Parliament
A short reply unto a declaration intituled, The declaration of the Army of England upon their march into Scotland, by the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland
A solemn testimony against toleration and the present proceedings of sectaries and their abettors in England in reference to religion and government
A solemn warning to all members of this kirk from the Commission of the Generall Assemblie
A solemne and seasonable warning to all estates and degrees of persons throughout the land
A true copy of the humble desires of the commissioners of the General Assembly, March 22
Act concerning the receiving of engagers in the late unlawfull warre against England
An humble remonstrance of the commissioners of the General Assembly met at Edinburgh the 13th of October 1647 and since concluded
By the Commissioners of the General Assembly of Scotland
Causes of a publike fast, and solemne humiliation to be kept throughout the Church of Scotland upon the last Sabbath of this instant month of July, being the 25. day thereof 1647
Causes of a solemne fast and humiliation
Causes of a solemne fast, appointed by the commissioners of the Generall Assembly, to be kept in all the congregations of this kirk, upon the last Thursday of April, 1646
Directions of the Generall Assembly
Directions of the Generall Assembly concerning secret and private worship
Edinb. 28. April 1648. post meridiem
Edinburgh, 28 April, 1648 per meridiem
Good counsell come from Scotland: or, A solemn and seasonable vvarning to all estates and degrees of persons throughout the land
Observations upon the chief acts of the two late p. assemblies at St. Andrews and Dundee, the year of God 1651, and 1652
Perth Decemb. 14. 1650. The commission of the Generall Assembly considering how greivous a sin against God and scandall to religion it were for any of this Kirke and kingdome to joine or comply with any of the sectarian enemy, .
Stirling, 24 October, 1650. Ante-meridiem. A short warning, from the Commission of the Generall Assemblie; concerning the malignants now in arms
The Kings Maiesties answer to a late petition presented unto him by the hands of Mr. Alexander Henderson, from the commissioners of the Generall Assemblie of the Kirk of Scotland
The answer of the Commission of Generall Assemblie to the quæree propounded to them from the Parliament
The answer of the Commissioner of the General Assembly unto the observations of the honourable Committee of Estates upon the declaration of the late General Assembly, August 15, 1648
The causes of a publick fast, and humiliation
The causes of the fast
The confession of faith
The humble remonstrance of the Commissioners of the Generall Assembly to the Honourable and high Court of Parliament now assembled
The humble remonstrances of the Commission of the Generall Assemblie, to the Kings Majestie, and Honorable Committee of Estates, of the third, and twenty fyfth of January, 1651
The humble representation of the Commissioners of the Generall Assembly to the honorable estates of Parliament
The humble representation of the Commissioners of the generall assembly to the honorable estates of Parliament upon their declaration lately communicated to us
The proceedings of the commissioners of the Church and kingdome of Scotland with His Majestie at the Hague
The remonstrance of the Commissioners of the General Assembly to the Convention of Estates at Edinburgh, June, 1643
To the Right Honorable the Committee of Estates
To the right honourable the Committee of Estates the humble remonstrance of the commissioners of the Generall Assembly, met at Edinburgh the 13 of October, 1647
West-kirk the 13. day of August, 1650