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Horneck, Anthony, 1641-1697
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Anthony Horneck
Horneck, Anthony, 1641-1697
Horneck Anthony 1641-1697
HORNECK, Anthony 1641-1697
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A letter from a Protestant gentleman to a lady revolted to the Church of Rome
A new family-book, or, The true interest of families
A phisico-theological discourse upon the Divine Being, or first cause of all things, providence of God, general and particular, separate existence of the human soul, certainty of reveal'd religion, fallacy of modern inspiration, and danger of enthusiasm
A sermon preached at Fulham in the Chappel of the Palace, upon Easter-day, MDCLXXXIX, at the consecration of the Right Reverend Father in God Gilbert, Lord Bishop of Sarum
A sermon preached at the solemnity of the funeral of Mrs. Dorothy St. John, fourth daughter of the late Sir Oliver St. John, Knight and Baronet, of Woodford in Northamptonshire, in the parish church of St. Martins in the Fields, on the 24th of June, 1677
An account of Mr. Edward Sclater's return to the communion of the Church of England
An account of Mr. Edward Sclater's return to the communion of the Church of England, and of the publick recantation he made at the Church of St. Mary Savoy, the 5th of May, 1689
An account of what happen'd in the kingdom of Sweden in the years 1669, and 1670 and upwards
An antidote against a careless indifferency in matters of religion
Delight and judgment: or, a prospect of the great Day of Judgment
Four tracts
Four tracts
Gods providence in the midst of confusion
Honesty of the Protestant and dishonesty of the popish divinity
Questions and answers concerning the two religions, viz. that of the Church of England, and the other of the Church of Rome .
Saducismus triumphatus, or, Full and plaine evidence concerning witches and apparitions
Saducismus triumphatus: or, a full and plain evidence concerning witches and apparitions
Saducismus triumphatus: or, full and plain evidence concerning witches and apparitions
Several sermons upon the fifth of St. Matthew .
Some discourses, sermons, and remains of the Reverend Mr. Jos. Glanvil .
The blessed advantages of peace and peace-makers
The crucified Jesus, or, A full account of the nature, end, design & benefits of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
The crucified Jesus, or, A full account of the nature, end, design and benefits of the sacrament of the Lords Supper
The exercise of prayer: or, A help to devotion
The fire of the altar, or, Certain directions how to raise the soul into holy flames
The fire of the altar, or, Certain directions how to raise the soul into holy flames before, at, and after the receiving the blessed sacrament of the Lords Supper
The fire of the altar: or, Certain directions how to raise the soul into holy flames, before, at, and after the receiving the blessed sacrament of the Lords Supper. With suitable prayers & devotions. To which is prefix'd a dialogue betwixt a Christian and his own conscience, concerning the true nature of the Christian religion. Intended chiefly for the inhabitants of St. Mary le Strand, and the precinct of the Savoy. The fourth edition. By Anthony Horneck, D.D
The first fruits of reason, or, A discourse shewing the necessity of applying our selves betimes to the serious practice of religion
The great law of consideration, or, A discourse
The great law of consideration, or, A discourse wherein the nature, usefulness & absolute necessity of consideration in order to a truly serious and religious life is laid open
The great law of consideration, or, A discourse, wherein the nature, usefulness, and absolute necessity of considertion, in order to a truly serious and religious life, is laid open
The great law of consideration: or a discourse, wherein the nature, usefulness, and absolute necessity of consideration, in order to a truly serious and religious life, is laid open: By Anthony Horneck, preacher at the Savoy
The happiness of being saved from the second death
The happy ascetick, or, The best exercise
The happy ascetick, or, The best exercise, together with prayers suitable to each exercise
The history of the Old Testament
The history of the Old and New Testament
The history of the Old and New Testament
The history of the Old and New Testament extracted out of sacred scripture and writings of the fathers
The nature of true Christian righteousness
The passion of our blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: or, Cries of the Son of God
The sirenes, or, Delight and judgment