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Jenkins, David, 1582-1663
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David Jenkins Welsh judge and Royalist during the English Civil War
Jenkins, David Fraser
Jenkins, David, 1582-1663
Jenkins David 1582-1663
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A declaration of M. David Jenkins
A declaration of Mr. David Ienkins
A declaration of Mr. David Jenkins
A discourse touching the inconveniencies of a long continued Parliament
A looking-glasse for the Parliament
A preparative to the treaty: or, a short, sure, and conscientious expedient for agreement and peace
A proposition for the safety & happiness of the King and kingdom, both in church and state, and prevention of the common enemy
A proposition for the safety and happiness of the King and kingdom, both in church and state, and prevention of the common enemy
A recantation of Iudge Jenkins, a reverend and learned father of the lawes, delivered at Westminster, the 10. of April 1647. to Mr. Corbet the Chaire-man of the Committee of Examination, with his name subscribed thereunto
A scourge for the directorie, and the revolting synod
A short, sure, and conscientious expedient for agreement & peace
All is not gould that glisters
An apology for the army
God and the King: or, The divine constitution of the supreme magistrate; especially in the kingdome of England: against all popular pretenders whomsoever
Iudge Ienkins remonstrance to the Lords and Commons of the two Houses of Parliament, at Westminster, the 21 of February, 1647
Jenkinsius redivivus, or, The works of that grave, learned, truly-loyal, and courageous Judge Jenkins, whilst a prisoner in the Tower, and Newgate, by command of the rebellious Long-Parliament, began at Westminster, Nov. 3, 1640
Judge Jenkin's plea
Judge Jenkins remonstrance to the Lords and Commons of the two Houses of Parliament at Westminster, the 21. of February, 1647
Lex terræ, or, a briefe discourse of law, whereby it is proved that the supreme power in this kingdome is in the King only, and not in the two houses of Parliament
Pacis consultum
Rerum judicatarum centuriæ octo. By David Jenkins
Severall papers lately vvritten and published by Iudge Ienkins, prisoner in the Tower
Severall poysonous and sedicious papers of Mr. David Jenkins ansvvered
The answer of Judge Jenkins, to the imputation put upon his plea in Chancerie
The armies indempnity
The cordiall of Judge Jenkins for the good people of London; in reply to a thing, called, An answer to the poysonous seditious paper of Mr. David Jenkins by H. P. Barrester of Lincolns-Inne
The cordiall of Judge Jenkins, for the good people of London
The declaration of David Jenkins
The king's prerogative and the subject's priviledges asserted according to the laws of England
The king's prerogative, and the subjects privileges asserted according to law and reason
The triall of Judge Jengins at the House of Commons barre
The vindication of Judge Jenkins
The vvorks of that grave and learned lavvyer Iudge Ienkins
The vvorks of that grave and learned lavvyer Iudge Ienkins, prisoner in Newgate
The works of that grave and learned lawyer Iudge Ienkins
The works of that grave and learned lawyer Iudge Ienkins, prisoner in Newgate
The works of that grave and learned lawyer Judge Ienkins, prisoner in Newgate, upon divers statutes concerning the liberty and freedome of the subject
The works of the eminent and learned Judge Jenkins upon divers statutes concerning the King's prerogative and the liberty of the subject
To the honorable societies of Gray's-Inne, and of the rest of the Innes of Court