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Beverley, Thomas
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Beverley, Thomas
Beverley Thomas
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A Catholick catechism
A Scripture-line of time
A brief view of the state of mankind in the first Adam and the second Adam
A chain of principles concerning the thousand years kingdom of Christ against the Seni-Sadducism of the apostasie that denyes that kingdom
A compendious assertion and vindication of the eternal Godhead of our Lord Jesus Christ, and of the Blssed Spirit
A conciliatory discourse upon Dr. Crisp's sermons
A conciliatoy judgment concerning Dr. Crisp's sermons and Mr. Baxter's dissatisfactions in them
A demonstrative Scripture-proof from Mahometan times
A discourse being the substance of several sermons on the sacrament of the Lords Supper
A discourse of the judgments of God
A discourse upon the powers of the world to come, or, The miraculous powers of the Gospel, and kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ
A disquisition upon our Saviour's sanction of tithes, Matth. 23, 23 and Luke 11, 42
A fresh memorial of the kingdom of Christ
A memorial of the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ near approaching
A model of the Gospel-santification in these following generals
A most humble representation in a further review, erecting a pillar of praise in acknowledgement of what God hath been pleased to do in this last remarkable year
A review of what God hath been pleased to do this year, according to prophecy
A scheme of prophecy now to be fulfilled
A sermon of Mr. Benjamin Perkins, at the funeral of Mrs. Martha Robient, who deceased September the 15th, at Colchester, 1700
A sermon of the true, spiritual transubstantiation, oppos'd to the gross, carnal, imaginary transubstantiation
A sermon upon Revel. II, 11, &c
A solemn perswasion to most earnest prayer for the revival of God
A solemn perswasion to most earnest prayer for the revival of the work of God
A summary of the arguments for the 1000 y. kingdom
An apology for the hope of the Kingdom of Christ appearing within this approaching year, 1697
An appeal most humble yet most earnestly by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and our gathering together unto him, even adjuring the consideration of the most contrary minded who love his appearing
An appendix to a discourse of indictions
An exposition of the divine standard of prayer, styl'd the Lord's Prayer
An exposition of the divinely prophetick Song of Songs which is Solomons
An humble remonstrance concerning some additional confirmations of the Kingdom of Christ to be in its succession 1697
Christianity, the great mystery
Evangelical repentance unto salvation not to be repented of
God all in all, or, The kingdom of the Son deliver'd up to God, even the Father, by the Son himself
Indiction, or, Accounting by fifteens, the great style of prophetic time shewn by an hundred eighty two indictions, or fifteens of years given in Scripture : according to which a line of 2730 years is drawn ... : and the principal indications of time ..
Jehovah-jireh, or, In the mount will the Lord be seen
The Scripture-line of time
The blessing of Moses on the tribe of Asher
The catechism of the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ in the thousand years
The command of God to his people to come out of Babylon, Revel. 18. 4, demonstrated to mean the coming out of the present papal Rome
The first part of the Scripture line of time
The general inefficacy and insincerity of a late or death-bed repentance
The good hope through grace
The grand apocalyptical vision of the witnesses slain, dated to its periods of prophesie and history .
The great Gospel-grace of faith
The great charter for the interpretation of all prophecy of Scripture, and of the times defined by it
The great soul of man, or, The soul in its likeness to God
The kingdom of Jesus Christ entering its succession at 1697, according to a calendar of time
The late great revolution in this nation
The loss of the soul
The parable of the ten virgins in its peculiar relation to the coming and glorious kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ
The patriarchall line of time
The pattern of the divine temple, sanstuary , and city of the New Jerusalem
The principles of Protestant truth and peace
The prophetical history of the reformation, or, The reformation to be reform'd in that great re-reformation that is to be 1697 according to the divine table or vision of it, Revel. 10
The testimony of T. Beverley according to Scripture prophecy
The thousand years kingdom of Christ, in its full Scripture-state
The true state of Gospel truth, established upon the free election of God in Christ
The universal Christian doctrine of the Day of Judgment applied to the doctrine of the thousand years kingdom of Christ
The voice from heaven, come out of Babylon, my people; demonstrated to mean the coming out of the present papal Rome, and it's communion
The whole duty of nations, or, National true religion argued and perswaded upon greatest motives of Scripture and reason
The woe of scandal, or, Scandal in its general nature and effects
The wonderful confirmation of the succession of the kingdom of Christ at 1697
Tidings of peace, or, Acure for the many evills that happen in the world about religion
To the high court of Parliament. Assembled M. 4. D. 30. 1691