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Goodwin, Thomas, 1600-1680
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Thomas Goodwin
Goodwin, Thomas, 1600-1679
Goodwin, Thomas, 1600-1680
Goodwin Thomas 1600-1680
GOODWIN, Thomas 1600-1680
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A Copy of a remonstrance lately delivered in to the assembly by Thomas Goodwin, Ierem. Burroughs, William Greenhill, William Bridge, Philip Nie, Sidrach Simson, and William Carter
A child of light walking in darkness, or, A treatise shewing the causes, by which, the cases, wherein, the ends, for which God leaves His children to distress of conscience
A childe of light vvalking in darknes: or A treatise shewing the causes, by which God leaves his children to distresse of conscience. The cases, wherein The ends, for which God leaves his children to distresse of conscience.
A childe of light vvalking in darkness, or, A treatise shewing the causes by which, the cases wherein, the ends for which God leaves his children to distresse of conscience
A childe of light vvalking in darknesse, or, A treatise shewing the causes by which, the cases wherein, the ends for which, God leaves His children to distresse of conscience
A childe of light vvalking in darknesse: or A treatise shewing the causes, by which God leaves his children to distresse of conscience. The cases, wherein The ends, for which God leaves his children to distresse of conscience.
A childe of light walking in darknes, or, A treatise shewing the causes by which, the cases wherein, the ends for which brace God leaves his children to distresse of conscience
A comment upon Christ's last prayer in the seventeenth of John
A copy of a remonstrance lately delivered in to the Assembly
A discourse of the punishment of sin in hell
A discourse of the true nature of the Gospel
A fountain sealed: or, The duty of the sealed to the Spirit, and the worke of the Spirit in sealing
A glimpse of Sions glory
A glimpse of Sions glory, or, The churches beautie specified
A sermon of the fifth monarchy
A sincere believer, comforted, and encouraged. Or; a practical treatise, discovering the goodness of God to a sinful soul, in the enjoyment of Christ
A state of glory for spirits of just men upon dissolution, demonstrated
Aggrauation of sinne
Aggrauation of sinne: and sinning against brace knowledge. Mercie
Aggravation of sinne
Aggravation of sinne and sinning against knowledge, mercie
Aggravation of sinne: and sinning against brace knowledge. mercie
An apologeticall narration hvmbly svbmitted to the honourable Houses of Parliament
An apologeticall narration, humbly submitted to the Honourable Houses of Parliament
An exposition with practical observations continued upon the eighth, ninth, & tenth chapters of the prophesy of Hosea
An exposition with practical observations continued upon the eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth chapters of the prophesy of Hosea
An exposition with practical observations continued upon the eleventh, twelfth, & thirteenth chapters of the prophesy of Hosea
An exposition with practical observations continued upon the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh chapters of the prophesy of Hosea·
Bovvels opened, or, A discovery of the neere and deere love, union and communion betwixt Christ and the Church, and consequently betwixt Him and every beleeving soule
Bowels opened, or, A discovery of the near and dear love, union and communion betwixt Christ and the church
Certaine select cases resolved
Christ set forth
Christ set forth in his death, resurrection, ascension, sitting at Gods right hand, intercession, as the cause of iustification, object of iustifying faith
Christ set forth in his death, resurrection, ascension, sitting at Gods right hand, intercession, as the cause of iustification, object of justifyin fatih
Christ set forth in his death, resurrection, ascension, sitting at Gods right hand, intercession, as the cause of justification. Object of justifying faith
Christ set forth in his death, resurrection, ascension, sitting at Gods right hand, intercession, brace as the brace cause of justification. Object of justifying faith
Christ the universall peace-maker: or, The reconciliation of all the people of God
Christs exaltation purchast by humiliation
Encouragements to faith
Four books on the eleventh of Matthew
Gospel-worship, or, The right manner of sanctifying the name of God in general
Gospel-worship: or, The right manner of sanctifying the name of God in generall
Life eternall or, A treatise of the knowledge of the divine essence and attributes
Life eternall or, A treatise of the knowledge of the divine essence and attributes. Delivered in XVIII. sermons by the late faithfull and worthy minister of Iesus Christ, Iohn Preston, Doctor in Divinity, chaplaine in ordinary to his Majesty, master of Emanuel College in Cambridge, and sometimes preacher of Lincolnes Inne
Most holy and profitable sayings of that reverend divine, Doctor Tho. Goodwin
Of the constitution, right, order, and government of the churches of Christ
Patience and its perfect work under sudden & sore tryals
Sermons preached before his Maiestie, and upon other speciall occasions
Sermons preached before his Maiestie; and vpon other speciall occasions
The Christians portion
The Independants declaration delivered in to the Assembly
The doctrine of the saints infirmities
The doctrine of the saints infirmities. Delivered in severall sermons by John Preston, Dr. of Divinity, Mr. of Emanuel Colledge in Cambridge. And late preacher of Lincolnes Inne
The eighth book of Mr Jeremiah Burroughs
The excellencie of the Gospell above the law
The golden scepter held forth to the humble
The great interest of states & kingdomes
The grounds and ends of the baptisme of the children of the faithfull
The happinesse of the saints in glory, or A treatise of heaven, on Rom. 8. 18
The ninth, tenth, and eleventh books of Mr Jeremiah Burroughs
The principles of faith
The rare jevvel of Christian contentment
The rare jewel of Christian contentment
The rare jewel of Christian contentment
The reasons of the Dissenting Brethren against the third proposition, concerning presbyterial government·
The return of prayers·
The returne of prayers
The retvrne of prayers
The spirituall-mans aime
The tryall of a Christians growth
The tryall of a Christians growth in mortification purging out corruption or vivification bringing forth more fruit
The vanitie of thoughts discovered, with their danger and cure
The vanity of thoughts discouered
The vanity of thoughts discovered
The vanity of thoughts discovered with their danger and cvre
The vanity of thovghts discovered
The vvorld to come. Or, The kingdome of Christ asserted
The works of Thomas Goodwin, D.D., sometime president of Magdalene Colledge in Oxford .
Transubstantiation a peculiar article of the Roman Catholick faith
Transubstantiation a peculiar article of the Roman Catholick faith, which was never own'd by the ancient church or any of the reform'd churches
Tvvo sermons vpon the first words of Christs last sermon Iohn XIIII. I. Being also the last sermons of Richard Sibbs D.D. Preached to the honourable society of Grayes Inne, Iune the 21. and 28. 1635. Who the next Lords day follwing, died, and rested from all his labours
Tvvo sermons vpon the first words of Christs last sermon, Iohn 14.1. Being also the last sermons of Richard Sibbs D.D. preached to the honourable society of Grayes Inne, Iune 21. and 28. 1635. Who the next Lords day following, dyed, and rested from all his labours
Two discourses
Two sermons vpon the first words of Christs last sermon, Iohn 14.1. Being also the last sermons of Richard Sibbs D.D. preached to the honourable society of Grayes Inne, Iune 21. and 28. 1635. Who the next Lords day following, dyed, and rested from all his labours
Two treatises of Mr. Jeremiah Burroughs
Yea and amen: or, pretious promises, and priviledges
Zerubbabels encouragement to finish the temple
Zervbbabels encovragement to finish the temple